


Serveral Problems with redmine

Added by Renan VASSEUR over 12 years ago

Hello everybody,

I'm a newbie but using redmine for the management of my team.

I would like to install the redmine_issue_reminder plugin but it's not working, i think i followed the rule, but as soon it was installed, i can't go to any project page : it's says redMine 500 Error.

So i uninstall it but now on my Windows Server 2003 i got 2 process named Ruby that use 100% of ressources.

Another problem is that on my windows server, the Ram get full after one week, Redmine is slow or doesn't work, so i have to rebbot the computer.

Can you Help me, if you have some questions i'll try to answer them.

I'm using Redmine 0.8.6.stable (MySQL)

I'm french i'm sorry if my english is bad, so i'll write it in french in the second part :

Bonjour tout le monde,

Je débute sur redmine et aimerait apporter des améliorations pour mieux manager mes projets

Je voulais installer ll plug-in redmine_issue_reminder mais je n'ai pas réussi, j'ai bien copier les fichiers dans le repertorie plug-in et creer le bat avec les taches planifiées mais sans succès : en effet je le vois bien dans les roles et permissions utilisateurs, mais depuis je ne peux plus accéder à aucun de mes projets.
Alors j'ai supprimer le repertoire du plugin, la tache planifier et le bat, mais je me retrouve maintenant avec 2 processus appelé Ruby qui occupent 100% des ressources du server.

Un second Probleme est qu'apres une semaine de fonctionnement, le server voit sa RAM pleine à 100% ce qui ralentit ou fait planter redmine.

Restant à votre disposition pour plus d'infos.

Replies (3)

RE: Serveral Problems with redmine - Added by Ivan Cenov over 12 years ago


Your Redmine is too old.
Newest Redmine is version 1.3.0; why not to upgrade first and then see if the problems persist?

May this video help you:

RE: Serveral Problems with redmine - Added by Renan VASSEUR over 12 years ago


Thank you for answer, is this hard ? what are the risks of such an upgrade ?

I already try with the command line but it's not working . . .

RE: Serveral Problems with redmine - Added by Ivan Cenov over 12 years ago


I began with Redmine 0.9.3 in September 2010 and have upgraded always day or two after the release of the new version. I did not encountered problems. However, I did not do such big leap (0.8.6 -> 1.3.0) and I don't know what would happen in your case. You may have to upgrade Rails to 2.3.14. There is a difference in configuration files too. Par example in 0.8.6 there is email.yml but it is dropped in 1.3.0 and email configuration is in configuration.yml.

If you decide to upgrade make full SQL dump and ZIP of all the redmine folder, not only files subfolder, so as to be able go revert if something goes wrong.

Anyway, you may try with what is in the video.
