


Code highlighting doesn't work; Coderay or UltraViolet

Added by Bud Bundy over 12 years ago


Ive installed redmine on fresh Ubuntu 11.10. Code highlighting doesn't work. Neither in the repositories, or in the wikis with pre/code tags. I then installed ultravilet plugin - plugin shows up in plugin list as version 0.0.3. Still nothing.

I've read this related thread: and tried:
  • Installed rmagick.
  • Admin/Information page shows all green ticks.
  • There are no warnings/errors in /var/log/redmine/default/*
  • /usr/share/redmine/vendor/plugins/ is owned and writable by www-data (that's the ubuntu's apache user I believe).
  • made whole /usr/share/redmine owned/writable by www-data
  • restarted apache2 service several times
  • /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/passenger.conf does have PassengerDefaultUser www-data configuration
Some versions info:
  • Redmine version: 1.3.2+dfsg1-1~oneiric+1
  • ruby: 4.8~oneiric+1
  • apache2: 2.2.20-1ubuntu1.2

Thanks for any help.

Replies (9)

RE: Code highlighting doesn't work; Coderay or UltraViolet - Added by Bud Bundy over 12 years ago

Nobody runs redmine on Ubuntu?
Everyone has their code highlighting working without problems?
Because I tried again, on another fresh system following this official guide with passenger plugin. Same thing.

RE: Code highlighting doesn't work; Coderay or UltraViolet - Added by Bud Bundy over 12 years ago

Installed 1.4.1 from source (vs Ubuntu apt repository) and code highlighting works.

RE: Code highlighting doesn't work; Coderay or UltraViolet - Added by rm user about 12 years ago

it works but when you copy code it gets copied with line numbers :(

there are at least 4 issues on this topic and nothing is fixed for 4 years.. :(

ultraviolet is not working for me, requires 'uv' file which is not supplied with redmine-1.4

RE: Code highlighting doesn't work; Coderay or UltraViolet - Added by Bud Bundy about 12 years ago

Yep, confirm. UV plugin doesn't work. Code copy could be better.

It's a shame really. I switched from trac to redmine. The user management is great, no htaccess files etc. But issues like this are really annoying.

RE: Code highlighting doesn't work; Coderay or UltraViolet - Added by William Roush about 12 years ago

Bud Bundy wrote:

Yep, confirm. UV plugin doesn't work. Code copy could be better.

It's a shame really. I switched from trac to redmine. The user management is great, no htaccess files etc. But issues like this are really annoying.

I haven't had this issue, running 1.4.x at work, and 1.1-2.0.3 in various development environments at home, all on Debian, no issues...

What syntax are you using to put code into tickets?


Sorry, the original topic of syntax highlighting, or the sub-topic of copy/pasting code?

If it's copy/pasting, see issue #3382, it seems a patch is near-ready as long as someone codes something up that meets the word wrap requirements but doesn't break line number matching or something, and works cross-browser...

RE: Code highlighting doesn't work; Coderay or UltraViolet - Added by rm user about 12 years ago

I can confirm UltraViolet is not working on 1.4.4 stable redmine (I was wrong before).

/var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/unicorn_rails must be run inside RAILS_ROOT: #<MissingSourceFile: no such file to load -- uv>

RE: Code highlighting doesn't work; Coderay or UltraViolet - Added by William Roush about 12 years ago

rm user wrote:

I can confirm UltraViolet is not working on 1.4.4 stable redmine (I was wrong before).


Oh I see, the UV plugin.

Looks like someone will need to get it 1.4.x compatible.

RE: Code highlighting doesn't work; Coderay or UltraViolet - Added by Nick Caballero about 12 years ago

rm user wrote:

I can confirm UltraViolet is not working on 1.4.4 stable redmine (I was wrong before).


I got rid of that error, on 1.4.4, by installing the ultraviolet gem and adding it to my Gemfile. Then bundle install --local. However, the highlight still does not work - although CodeRay does.

RE: Code highlighting doesn't work; Coderay or UltraViolet - Added by Nick Caballero about 12 years ago

Never mind, Ultraviolet works great but only for repository code view - code tags are not highlighted :(
