


Redmine 2.0: 404 errors after creating plugin to add top menu links

Added by marco deluca almost 12 years ago

This was working for me with redmine 1.3. After upgrade to 2.0.3, I get 404 errors when trying to add custom links to the top menu. This was what worked previously, after creating a plugin called add_link, editing the init.rb file to the following:

require 'redmine'

Redmine::Plugin.register :redmine_rt_link do
  name 'Redmine Add Link'
  author 'Holger Just'
  url ''
  author_url ''
  version '0.1.0'
  requires_redmine :version_or_higher => '0.8.0'

  # caption can also be a i18n symbol or a proc
  menu :top_menu, :my_link, {:controller => 'my_controller', :action => 'my_action'},
       :caption => "My title" 

I was able to create links like this:
menu :top_menu, :activity, ""
menu :top_menu, :issues, ""

I dont know if I was making a mistake with the syntax above, I had it working fine with 1.3.x but anyway, in case anyone else is having problems with this, that simple string of text above works fine.

This is my environment:
Redmine version 2.0.3.stable
Ruby version 1.9.3 (x86_64-linux)
Rails version 3.2.6
Environment production
Database adapter Mysql2

Replies (4)

RE: Redmine 2.0: 404 errors after creating plugin to add top menu links - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) almost 12 years ago

What's the error message you're seeing? Is there something in the logfile?

Add "View all issues" to the top menu:

Edit: HTTP error 404 is, of course, page not found. Are your routes OK?

RE: Redmine 2.0: 404 errors after creating plugin to add top menu links - Added by marco deluca almost 12 years ago

I followed the syntax of the 'view all issues' example you provided and that worked. I was able to duplicate that for activities as well. To be honest, I can't see what the difference is between that example and the one above. The error I was getting was a 404 page for every single page EXCEPT the custom link I was trying to create. Since its working fine now, all's good.

Thanks for that example too, that was great.

RE: Redmine 2.0: 404 errors after creating plugin to add top menu links - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) almost 12 years ago

The only difference I spot is that you don't refer to a project (:project_id => Herve Harster)...

RE: Redmine 2.0: 404 errors after creating plugin to add top menu links - Added by Derric Atzrott about 11 years ago

I also ran into this issue and for me it turned out to be a routes issue.

Redmine 2.X no longer has default routes for plugins, so you have to make sure that you add your routes to config/routes.rb else every page is going to be a 404 as soon as you try to add a link to one of your plugin's pages.

In my case my menu line was as such:

menu :top_menu, :pm_alert, { :controller => 'report', :action => 'index', :project_id => @project}, :caption => 'PM Alerts'

I needed to make sure that the following line was in my config/routes.rb file:

get 'report', :to => 'report#index'

Hopefully this helps someone else out. I can't imagine that this is an uncommon problem for people porting plugins who are not great at ruby (or reading the minds of a computer, because you have to admit, throwing a 404 for this is a terrible error message).

EDIT: Originally I didn't have project_id => Herve Harster in my menu line. I added it after seeing this thread. I'm not sure if it is needed, but I suspect it is not.
