


a user view only the project that he is related

Added by Marcelo Santos about 9 years ago

When you register a user in my redmine it can display all created projects. I wish he podesse view, open and change tasks for a specific project only because I want to open the redmine to external customers open tasks.

Replies (3)

RE: a user view only the project that he is related - Added by Martin Denizet ( team member) about 9 years ago


That should be because your projects are public. When projects are not public, only members can browse them.


RE: a user view only the project that he is related - Added by Marcelo Santos about 9 years ago


The project is not marked by public, but still appears for this particular User.
What I intend to do is to provide customers can open their own tickets, but each will see only his and not from other clients.
You get it?

RE: a user view only the project that he is related - Added by Toshi MARUYAMA about 9 years ago

Marcelo Santos wrote:

What I intend to do is to provide customers can open their own tickets, but each will see only his and not from other clients.

Administration -> Roles and permissions -> Issues visibility.
