


Server Report 500 error with CheckLists plugin

Added by 泽文 韩 over 6 years ago

environment: install apache2 in win 7 system with Chinese Version. This is a test PC with mysql ,apache2 and redmine. I want to install the Checklists.
  • copy the CheckLists into the redmine/apps/redmine/htdocs/plugins.
  • restart the server

But it report an error if I creat a new issue, the log show:
"GET /redmine/projects/test_plugin/issue/new HTTP/1.1" 500 648

Could you help me to solve this problem,thank you!

Replies (6)

RE: Server Report 500 error with CheckLists plugin - Added by Pavel Potcheptsov over 6 years ago

You need to execute plugin migration job, see documentation.
You'll also get error with Checklist plugin in case of outdated ruby version.

RE: Server Report 500 error with CheckLists plugin - Added by 泽文 韩 over 6 years ago

you mean I should run the command: bundle exec rake redmine:plugins NAME=redmine_checklists RAILS_ENV=production after I unzip the checklist plugin zip ?

RE: Server Report 500 error with CheckLists plugin - Added by 泽文 韩 over 6 years ago

I have try it but the command run failed and My test server is windows 7, 64 bit.

RE: Server Report 500 error with CheckLists plugin - Added by Pavel Potcheptsov over 6 years ago

Provide log of your actions and error output.

RE: Server Report 500 error with CheckLists plugin - Added by 泽文 韩 over 6 years ago

I run the command in the redmine-3.3.1-0/ruby/bin path and it
report the log :could not locate gemfile or .bundle/ directory

RE: Server Report 500 error with CheckLists plugin - Added by 泽文 韩 about 6 years ago

how about this issue ,could you help me solve it, thank you
