


Prefill issue via URL and validate

Added by Tomasz Mirecki almost 6 years ago

Hello, I was managed to prefill issue via URL, but I am wondering if it is possible to automaticly hit create (or send) button , so I wouldnt need to do it every time. It will be a huge time saver for me. Thanks.

Replies (4)

RE: Prefill issue via URL and validate - Added by Go MAEDA almost 6 years ago

Tomasz Mirecki wrote:

Hello, I was managed to prefill issue via URL, but I am wondering if it is possible to automaticly hit create (or send) button , so I wouldnt need to do it every time. It will be a huge time saver for me. Thanks.

Is REST API suitable for you? You can create an issue with a single HTTP request.

RE: Prefill issue via URL and validate - Added by Tomasz Mirecki almost 6 years ago

I just dont understand it :( sorry and thank You for the replay. What I have is xls with data that I would like to update issues with. What I do is make formula that creates url and hit SEND in redmine. I am sure it is a better way, but I guess I need to go to some kind of training. Thanks anyway.

RE: Prefill issue via URL and validate - Added by Bernhard Rohloff almost 6 years ago

Tomasz Mirecki wrote:

... I am sure it is a better way, but I guess I need to go to some kind of training. Thanks anyway.

If you are a bit familiar with the python programming language you could use the awesome python library for Redmine.
It makes it really easy to work with the REST API and there is great CSV support for python, too.

Perhaps, if you have some more specific information about your update process we could create something together. ;-)

RE: Prefill issue via URL and validate - Added by Tomasz Mirecki almost 6 years ago

Wow, this is a great oppartunity for me to create something together. If Your offer still stands, I will be most happy to do something new. can You please contact me directly?
