


Can't install redmine 4.2.0 on a local server (Apache or Nginx)

Added by Camille Marro over 3 years ago

Hi, I'm a newbie in dev and even with the wiki pages I wasn't able to install Redmine 4.2.0 on an Apache local server. I wanted to try the mail part like sending notification mail and reminder mail and I understood that Webrick can't do it (?).

I tried to install Nginx and Phusion Passenger too but I can't suceed. I've tried a lot a things but anything works. I've installed fcgi gem too

Can someone pls help me out with this you will find all my installations files.
For now Redmine is successfully working with Webrick and my Apache server work but when I want to access to my domain I see an 403 Forbidden error.

I think my problem come from the dispatch file because in the wiki it said that it's supposed to return HTML but when I execute it nothing come out, I've changed the require to require_relative bc without that it appears that the it can't load boot and environement files :

And the output it seems to wait for something but I don't know what:

Here is my Redmine installation :

Here is my Redmine installation directory : /home/toto/redmine-4.2.0

And my Redmine files :

There is my gem env :

Thank you for the reading and if you have any ideas that I could test or informations about your working installation I will take it gladly ty.

Replies (5)

RE: Can't install redmine 4.2.0 on a local server (Apache or Nginx) - Added by Bernhard Rohloff over 3 years ago

Hi Camille,
welcome to the Redmine community!

I think just for testing and development purposes, Webrick does the job. If your notifications are sent via SMTP the correct settings in your configuration.yml is all you need.
So you don't have to jump through all the hoops to get Redmine running.

Can you access your Redmine installation via Webrick and without the Apache?


RE: Can't install redmine 4.2.0 on a local server (Apache or Nginx) - Added by Camille Marro over 3 years ago

Hi thanks for you answer,

If the mail services are working without Apache then I will search for the good SMTP configuration. And yes I can run Redmine via Webrick but when I try to install it on Apache I have an 503 Forbidden Access error.

Thank you again,
MARRO Camille

RE: Can't install redmine 4.2.0 on a local server (Apache or Nginx) - Added by Camille Marro over 3 years ago

Sorry but one more question, using Webrick where can I found the mail that I send and the one that I receive ?

MARRO Camille

RE: Can't install redmine 4.2.0 on a local server (Apache or Nginx) - Added by Bernhard Rohloff over 3 years ago

Camille Marro wrote:

Sorry but one more question, using Webrick where can I found the mail that I send and the one that I receive ?

MARRO Camille

No problem.

Webrick has also nothing to do with your mail functionality. It's just the web server which you use to access your website. Your mail is sent via the SMTP server you have set up in your configuration. It's somehow done in the background. If you send an email in Redmine it should pop up in your mailbox like every other newsletter does. Have you tested your sending functionality under the administration > settings > email notification tab?

The other way around there are scripts to fetch emails from an POP3 or IMAP server and after processing them create issues with the processed data. The email itself is discarded at the end, or in case of IMAP marked as read.

Regarding your Apache problem, I think you've missconfigured something. Here's a stackoverflow thread about Apache throwing 503s:

RE: Can't install redmine 4.2.0 on a local server (Apache or Nginx) - Added by Camille Marro over 3 years ago

Hi thanks again for your answers and your explanations, I'll try to make it work now that I understand a bit better how Redmine is working.

MARRO Camille
