


redmine_charts patch for Redmine0.9.0

Added by Dai Fujihara over 14 years ago


Thank you for a wonderful plugin.
It is very useful and I think that a lot of Redmine users are pleased with Japan.

I tried installation to Redmine 0.9.0.
I will share because there were some a corrected heavens. It would be greatly appreciated if it could help you.

diff -u -r C:\fujihara\before\lib/redmine_charts/conditions_utils.rb C:\fujihara\after\lib/redmine_charts/conditions_utils.rb
--- C:\fujihara\before\lib/redmine_charts/conditions_utils.rb    Thu Sep  3 03:59:44 2009
+++ C:\fujihara\after\lib/redmine_charts/conditions_utils.rb    Sat Jan 30 00:33:06 2010
@@ -35,11 +35,11 @@

           ["time_entries.user_id".to_sym, users.to_a.unshift([l(:charts_condition_all), 0])]
         when "time_entries.issue_id".to_sym then ["time_entries.issue_id".to_sym, nil]
-        when "time_entries.activity_id".to_sym then ["time_entries.activity_id".to_sym, Enumeration.find_all_by_opt("ACTI").collect { |a| [,] }.unshift([l(:charts_condition_all), 0])]
+        when "time_entries.activity_id".to_sym then ["time_entries.activity_id".to_sym, Enumeration.find_all_by_type("TimeEntryActivity").collect { |a| [,] }.unshift([l(:charts_condition_all), 0])]
         when "issues.category_id".to_sym then ["issues.category_id".to_sym, IssueCategory.find_all_by_project_id(project_and_its_children_ids(project_id)).collect { |c| [,] }.unshift([l(:charts_condition_all), 0])]
         when "issues.fixed_version_id".to_sym then ["issues.fixed_version_id".to_sym, Version.find_all_by_project_id(project_and_its_children_ids(project_id)).collect { |c| [,] }.unshift([l(:charts_condition_all), 0])]
         when "issues.tracker_id".to_sym then ["issues.tracker_id".to_sym, Tracker.all.collect { |c| [,] }.unshift([l(:charts_condition_all), 0])]
-        when "issues.priority_id".to_sym then ["issues.priority_id".to_sym, Enumeration.find_all_by_opt("IPRI").collect { |a| [,] }.unshift([l(:charts_condition_all), 0])]
+        when "issues.priority_id".to_sym then ["issues.priority_id".to_sym, Enumeration.find_all_by_type("IssuePriority").collect { |a| [,] }.unshift([l(:charts_condition_all), 0])]

Thanks. Best Regards.

Dai Fujihara

Replies (14)

RE: redmine_charts patch for Redmine0.9.0 - Added by Vitaly Klimov over 14 years ago

Also it seems that plugin has error in strings concatenation so instead of creating new string, plugin modifies string from language resource thus creating recursion. (It was also mentioned here: )

To fix this and similar problems, please modify charts_helper.rb file in the following places:

   def show_date_condition(range_steps, range_in, range_offset)
+    res = "" 
     res << l(:charts_show_last) << " " 

also here

  def show_pages(page, pages)
    if pages > 1
+     res = "" 
      if page == 1
        res << l(:charts_previous)

also please modify file charts_deviation_controller.rb

  def get_remaining_hint(logged_ratio, remaining_ratio, done_ratio, logged_hours, remaining_hours, estimated_hours, row = nil)
+   hint ="" 
    if logged_ratio + remaining_ratio > 100 # Issue is delayed.

and here

  def get_logged_hint(logged_ratio, remaining_ratio, done_ratio, logged_hours, estimated_hours, row = nil)
+   hint = "" 
    if logged_ratio > 100 and remaining_ratio == 0 # Issue is finished.

Hope this helps

RE: redmine_charts patch for Redmine0.9.0 - Added by Vitaly Klimov over 14 years ago

Sorry for the repost, but i realized that you have to change lines with assignment as well, so final patch would look like this

File charts_helper.rb

   def show_date_condition(range_steps, range_in, range_offset)
+    res = "" 
+    res << l(:charts_show_last) << " " 
-    res = l(:charts_show_last) << " " 
     res << text_field_tag(:range_steps, range_steps, :size => 4)

also here

  def show_pages(page, pages)
+   res = "" 
    if pages > 1
      if page == 1
+       res << l(:charts_previous)
-       res = l(:charts_previous)
+       res = link_to_function(l(:charts_previous), :onclick => 'charts_previous();')
-       res = link_to_function(l(:charts_previous), :onclick => 'charts_previous();')

      res << ' - '

file charts_deviation_controller.rb

  def get_remaining_hint(logged_ratio, remaining_ratio, done_ratio, logged_hours, remaining_hours, estimated_hours, row = nil)
+   hint= "" 
    if logged_ratio + remaining_ratio > 100 # Issue is delayed.
+     hint << l(:charts_deviation_hint_remaining_over_estimation, { :remaining_hours => RedmineCharts::Utils.round(remaining_hours), :hours_over_estimation => RedmineCharts::Utils.round(logged_hours.to_f + remaining_hours.to_f - estimated_hours.to_f), :over_estimation => (logged_ratio.to_f + remaining_ratio.to_f - 100).round })
-     hint = l(:charts_deviation_hint_remaining_over_estimation, { :remaining_hours => RedmineCharts::Utils.round(remaining_hours), :hours_over_estimation => RedmineCharts::Utils.round(logged_hours.to_f + remaining_hours.to_f - estimated_hours.to_f), :over_estimation => (logged_ratio.to_f + remaining_ratio.to_f - 100).round })
+     hint << l(:charts_deviation_hint_remaining, { :remaining_hours => RedmineCharts::Utils.round(remaining_hours) })
-     hint = l(:charts_deviation_hint_remaining, { :remaining_hours => RedmineCharts::Utils.round(remaining_hours) })

and here:

  def get_logged_hint(logged_ratio, remaining_ratio, done_ratio, logged_hours, estimated_hours, row = nil)
+   hint ="" 
    if logged_ratio > 100 and remaining_ratio == 0 # Issue is finished.
+      hint << l(:charts_deviation_hint_logged_over_estimation, { :logged_hours => RedmineCharts::Utils.round(logged_hours), :hours_over_estimation => RedmineCharts::Utils.round(logged_hours.to_f - estimated_hours.to_f), :over_estimation => (logged_ratio.to_f - 100).round })
-      hint = l(:charts_deviation_hint_logged_over_estimation, { :logged_hours => RedmineCharts::Utils.round(logged_hours), :hours_over_estimation => RedmineCharts::Utils.round(logged_hours.to_f - estimated_hours.to_f), :over_estimation => (logged_ratio.to_f - 100).round })
+      hint << l(:charts_deviation_hint_logged, { :logged_hours => RedmineCharts::Utils.round(logged_hours) })
-      hint = l(:charts_deviation_hint_logged, { :logged_hours => RedmineCharts::Utils.round(logged_hours) })

Hope this helps

RE: redmine_charts patch for Redmine0.9.0 - Added by Fabio Leitao over 14 years ago

Thanks a lot, so far those patches have solved the Error 500 and Error 404 issues in my 0.9.2 build I had since I have tried this plugin, therefore the charts_ratio and charts_deviation seem to work perfectly now.

But the charts_burnout and charts_timeline do not plot a thing yet; I have read about in some other topic about the "dotted line" no longer being compatible and that it should be replaced by "line" (or vice versa), but I am not sure where I have read, or where to change it to give it a try. I am not a rails programmer.

Other peculiar behavior for my setup has been that both at the chart_burnout and chart_timeline pages keep multiplying amount of days/weeks/months options, repeating the code in the screen somehow (screen captured), and in a somewhat similar miss-hap, so does the "next page >>" in the bottom of the chart_deviation (also captured)

I am using the redmine site in pt-Br,but this alone should not have such impact in the plugin up to my knowledge.

I can help you test new patches or get log files back if you need.

RE: redmine_charts patch for Redmine0.9.0 - Added by Fabio Leitao over 14 years ago

By the way, I have looked for Dot in the code with fgrep and found it at 14th line of the file lib/redmine_charts/line_data_converter.rb: line =

I have replaced this with

Now it plots as solid lines, which is cute

I had no influence over the other issue, obviously, but getting closer ;D

RE: redmine_charts patch for Redmine0.9.0 - Added by Vitaly Klimov over 14 years ago

Other peculiar behavior for my setup has been that both at the chart_burnout and chart_timeline pages keep multiplying amount of days/weeks/months options, repeating the code in the screen somehow (screen captured), and in a somewhat similar miss-hap, so does the "next page >>" in the bottom of the chart_deviation (also captured)

Regarding multiplying pages - my fault - i have mistyped - in file charts_helper.rb please use << operator instead of = in function show_pages, so the line would look like this:

+    res << link_to_function(l(:charts_previous), :onclick => 'charts_previous();')
-    res = link_to_function(l(:charts_previous), :onclick => 'charts_previous();')

I have attached whole redmine_chars folder from my redmine setup - you may want to replace yours and see if it helps

RE: redmine_charts patch for Redmine0.9.0 - Added by Fabio Leitao over 14 years ago

I have opened from your pack, and reproduced the change exactly as is on my file

Indeed it has solved the multiple "next page >>" issue, thanks

Is there a similar fix the the multiple "date range" in the timeline and burnout?

The graph is plot perfectly, it works, but it is rather odd, and I cannot change the amount of days/weeks/months due to that... (captured screen, upon each refresh, a new "before after 10 weeks" line gets on the right side of the page)

timeline2.png (66.5 KB) timeline2.png miss-hap of time range selector
burnout2.png (69.7 KB) burnout2.png miss-hap of time range selector

RE: redmine_charts patch for Redmine0.9.0 - Added by Vitaly Klimov over 14 years ago

You have to change one line with = sign to the two following lines in the start of the function show_date_condition in the same file and everything will work as a charm:

def show_date_condition(range_steps, range_in, range_offset)
+    res = "" 
+    res << l(:charts_show_last) << " " 
-    res = l(:charts_show_last) << " " 
     res << text_field_tag(:range_steps, range_steps, :size => 4)

or just copy these lines from my file

RE: redmine_charts patch for Redmine0.9.0 - Added by Fabio Leitao over 14 years ago

Hey, after this rails crash test, I think I have found it

My copy of the app/helpers/charts_helper.rb had an extra line in the def show_date_condition


def show_date_condition(range_steps, range_in, range_offset)
res = ""
res << l(:charts_show_last) << " "
- res = l(:charts_show_last) << " "
res << text_field_tag(:range_steps, range_steps, :size => 4)
res << hidden_field_tag(:range_offset, range_offset) << " "

Removing the res = l line solved it, now I am not sure if it came from the git repository like that or if I have caused the problem my self when trying to fix something else... if you could please check on your source code, just in case, it would be perfect

Now it looks like this

def show_date_condition(range_steps, range_in, range_offset)
res = ""
res << l(:charts_show_last) << " "
res << text_field_tag(:range_steps, range_steps, :size => 4)
res << hidden_field_tag(:range_offset, range_offset) << " "

Thanks a lot

RE: redmine_charts patch for Redmine0.9.0 - Added by Vitaly Klimov over 14 years ago

Actually, lines with '-' before them in my snippets are parts of the original code which meant to be removed and replaced with lines with '+' signs before them. '+' sign itself should be removed as well.

RE: redmine_charts patch for Redmine0.9.0 - Added by Fabio Leitao over 14 years ago

Hey, now that all the graphs were working fine, and we set on logging recent issues, the deviation graph (the first to work) seems to be malfunctioning.

It started to get this error messages:

Open Flash Chart
Loading test data
Error #2032

This is the URL that I tried to open:/charts_deviation/data?commit=Exibir&include_subprojects=1&page=1&project_id=geral&range_in=weeks&range_offset=1&ran

In the production.log I have found this:

Processing ChartsDeviationController#index (for at 2010-02-13 01:03:24) [GET]
  Parameters: {"commit"=>"Exibir", "project_id"=>"geral", "action"=>"index", "include_subprojects"=>"1", "page"=>"1", "controller"=>"charts_deviation"}
Rendering template within layouts/base
Rendering charts/index
Completed in 154ms (View: 90, DB: 19) | 200 OK []

Processing ChartsDeviationController#data (for at 2010-02-13 01:03:25) [GET]
  Parameters: {"commit"=>"Exibir", "project_id"=>"geral", "action"=>"data", "include_subprojects"=>"1", "page"=>"1", "range_in"=>"weeks", "range_steps"=>"10", "controller"=>"charts_deviation", "range_offset"=>"1"}

NoMethodError (undefined method `-' for nil:NilClass):
  vendor/plugins/redmine_charts/app/controllers/charts_deviation_controller.rb:39:in `get_data'
  vendor/plugins/redmine_charts/app/controllers/charts_deviation_controller.rb:33:in `each'
  vendor/plugins/redmine_charts/app/controllers/charts_deviation_controller.rb:33:in `each_with_index'
  vendor/plugins/redmine_charts/app/controllers/charts_deviation_controller.rb:33:in `get_data'
  vendor/plugins/redmine_charts/app/controllers/charts_controller.rb:85:in `data'
  /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/mongrel.rb:159:in `process_client'
  /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/mongrel.rb:158:in `each'
  /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/mongrel.rb:158:in `process_client'
  /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/mongrel.rb:285:in `run'
  /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/mongrel.rb:285:in `initialize'
  /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/mongrel.rb:285:in `new'
  /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/mongrel.rb:285:in `run'
  /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/mongrel.rb:268:in `initialize'
  /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/mongrel.rb:268:in `new'
  /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/mongrel.rb:268:in `run'

Rendering /home/corp/www/rails/redmine/public/500.html (500 Internal Server Error)

And literally, the only thing which has changed since yesterday were the time allocations themselves, some integer numbers and some real number, as I did in the past.

Any idea?

deviation3.png (20 KB) deviation3.png screen capture of deviation error message

RE: redmine_charts patch for Redmine0.9.0 - Added by Enterux Solutions over 14 years ago

I get the following error in this plugin:
I'm using Redmine 0.9.2 On CentOS 5 with Rails 2.3.5

Processing ChartsRatioController#index (for at 2010-03-05 20:02:01) [GET]
  Parameters: {"action"=>"index", "controller"=>"charts_ratio"}
Rendering template within layouts/base
Rendering common/404 (404)
Filter chain halted as [:find_project] rendered_or_redirected.
Completed in 15ms (View: 12, DB: 0) | 404 Not Found []

I tried doing the changes in this post but still getting the 404 error. Could you please guide me here.

Thanks a lot in advance!

RE: redmine_charts patch for Redmine0.9.0 - Added by Vitaly Klimov over 14 years ago

It seems that you have not modified routes.rb as required in Rails 2.3.4+

Please read details here:

RE: redmine_charts patch for Redmine0.9.0 - Added by dj jones about 10 years ago

This seems like more recent fork - last updated in 2013 and supporting at minimum: Redmine 2.1.x
