


Schedules Plugin

Added by Brad Beattie over 15 years ago

Attached is a plugin that I've developed here. We found that managing some 20 projects in Redmine, we needed a way to coordinate between project managers as to who's on what project, when, and for how long. Attached you'll find the 0.1.0 release and a couple screenshots.

The reason why this was important to us is that we needed a way to plan schedules out in advance ("User X will work on Project B for 4 hours on Tuesday" kind of thing). Future releases to come within the next few weeks addressing bugs and adding additional functionality.

Replies (22)

RE: Schedules Plugin - Added by N G about 14 years ago

Hello - we're trying to get this plugin to work with Redmine 1.0.1.devel.4084 but getting an Internal Error when clicking on Fill Schedule. Below is the output in the log file:

Processing SchedulesController#fill (for at 2010-09-16 10:15:13) [GET]
Parameters: {"project_id"=>"lightningbolt", "date"=>"2010-09-16", "action"=>"fill", "controller"=>"schedules"}
Rendering template within layouts/base
Rendering schedules/fill
Completed in 63ms (View: 47, DB: 16) | 200 OK [http://source/schedules/fill?date=2010-09-16&project_id=lightningbolt]

Processing SchedulesController#fill (for at 2010-09-16 10:15:17) [POST]
Parameters: {"month"=>"9", "project_id"=>"1", "commit"=>"Fill schedule", "action"=>"fill", "authenticity_token"=>"pssPCSvKtNRMkpyRt3f32j8Nxn2BmTCQRYFAEiKn++k=", "controller"=>"schedules", "day"=>"16", "year"=>"2010"}

NoMethodError (undefined method `delete_if' for nil:NilClass):
vendor/plugins/redmine_schedules/app/controllers/schedules_controller.rb:436:in `fill_entries'

Rendering C:/Ruby/redmine-test/redmine/public/500.html (500 Internal Server Error)

RE: Schedules Plugin - Added by Danny Baker almost 14 years ago

Is any of the 1.x versions supported with the current Schedules Plugin?

RE: Schedules Plugin - Added by Eric Davis almost 14 years ago

Danny Baker wrote:

Is any of the 1.x versions supported with the current Schedules Plugin?

I have three Redmine installs running schedules. One on 1.0.2 and two on a recent trunk. No problems that I've seen.

Eric Davis

RE: Schedules Plugin - Added by N G almost 14 years ago

That's very interesting. We too haven't been able to get it to work correctly. For example, when we hit Fill Schedule, it doesn't show a list of resources/people on the left though I believe it's supposed to. Would you mind posting screenshots of how it looks on your end?

RE: Schedules Plugin - Added by Danny Baker almost 14 years ago

Thanks for the feedback and my issue during a load of the Schedules Plugin is that I receive "no such file to load -- holidays"

I presume I am missing a file from the package and note that I am uising github clone to create the directory under the plugins. Thanks for any help.



RE: Schedules Plugin - Added by Eric Davis almost 14 years ago

N G wrote:

That's very interesting. We too haven't been able to get it to work correctly. For example, when we hit Fill Schedule, it doesn't show a list of resources/people on the left though I believe it's supposed to. Would you mind posting screenshots of how it looks on your end?

I don't use Fill Schedule so I don't know.

Danny Baker wrote:

Thanks for the feedback and my issue during a load of the Schedules Plugin is that I receive "no such file to load -- holidays"

It's an external library that has a list of public holidays. Run gem install holidays and restart your Redmine.

Eric Davis

RE: Schedules Plugin - Added by N G almost 14 years ago

Eric - do you use "Edit Schedule" ? See attached screenshot of what it looks like when I hit Edit Schedule.. I see a bunch of boxes but no resources or projects show up...

RE: Schedules Plugin - Added by Vimal Joseph almost 14 years ago


Thanks for this great plugin. We found it very useful for scheduling our work. It would be great if the plugin supports a monthly calender view of the schedule. Also is there a way to set a status/flag to the project, eg. Development, Testing, Alpha Release path etc.


RE: Schedules Plugin - Added by Eric Davis almost 14 years ago

N G wrote:

Eric - do you use "Edit Schedule" ? See attached screenshot of what it looks like when I hit Edit Schedule.. I see a bunch of boxes but no resources or projects show up...

Yes, I edit "My Schedule" every week. Mine looks and works fine. Might be a bug.

Eric Davis

RE: Schedules Plugin - Added by Mischa The Evil almost 14 years ago

Just my 2 cents on this issue:

Be sure to use a correct version of this plugin. The packaged plugin posted in this thread is really outdated and over a year old.
The latest released version is 0.4.2 which probably isn't compatible with Redmine 1.0.x. The code in the master-branch at GitHub is (more) compatible with Redmine 1.0.x but still might have some bugs due to the fact that the plugin author isn't very actively working on the plugin.

RE: Schedules Plugin - Added by Mischa The Evil almost 14 years ago

Mischa The Evil wrote:

[...] The code in the master-branch at GitHub is [...]

Forgot to mention: the current code in the master-branch incorrectly reports the plugins version as 0.4.2. Instead it should be called dev or even better 0.5-dev following the original roadmap of the plugin.

RE: Schedules Plugin - Added by Danny Baker almost 14 years ago

I believe my issue may be more Ruby the the Schedules Plugin but below is my issue:

1. Install the Holiday Plugin 0.9.3 (Installs Successfully)
2. Use git clone for the Schedules Plugin
3. Run Rake and the first issue is it provides a rake aborted Child already installed (May be something in the DB that is a problem)
4. On restart of Ruby (Apache) I receive the Ruby error screen that the library is missing 'Holidays"

Thanks for the help in advance and my current configuration has Holidays loaded and the way I back out of the installation is by deleting the redmine_schedules plugin and re-rake the plugins (this actually functions correctly)


RE: Schedules Plugin - Added by Anoop John almost 14 years ago

Vimal Joseph wrote:


Thanks for this great plugin. We found it very useful for scheduling our work. It would be great if the plugin supports a monthly calender view of the schedule. Also is there a way to set a status/flag to the project, eg. Development, Testing, Alpha Release path etc.


You can please checkout - - for an implementation of this requirement.


RE: Schedules Plugin - Added by Lars Bankert almost 14 years ago


I'd like to know if there is any fix for the 500 - Internal Error problem above?
I installed the current plugin version from git in my Redmine 1.0.3 - looks great, but when trying to fill (save) an projects schedule, there is an 500 Internal Error after using the "Fill schedule" button.

Any ideas how to fix this?


RE: Schedules Plugin - Added by Alexandre KOCH about 13 years ago

Is it possible to install a plugin to version 1.2.1 Redmine? This plugin should be very usefull for me.

RE: Schedules Plugin - Added by Benjamin Reichstein over 12 years ago

Hey guys,

We found a quick and dirty workaround to get this plugin to work. We are using 1.4.3.stable.9830.
At first, we installed the plugin from this brunch:
git clone redmine_schedules_plugin

You'll have to change all occurences of "redmine_schedules" to "redmine_schedules_plugin".
For example under \app\views\schedules\index.html.erb:
#53 <%= stylesheet_link_tag 'schedules', :plugin => 'redmine_schedules' >
#53 <
= stylesheet_link_tag 'schedules', :plugin => 'redmine_schedules_plugin' %>

The only thing that won't work now are the two links in the sidebar to report and all projects.
Somehow these links are messing everything up, so if you comment these two lines under \app\views\schedules\_sidebar.html.erb :
<%= link_to l(:label_report), :controller => 'schedules', :action => 'report' ><br/>
= link_to l(:label_global_schedule), :controller => '/schedules', :action => 'index', :project_id => nil, :user_id => nil %><br/>

(to uncomment, just change <%= to <%#)

As soon as I figured out a solution to this, I'll let you know!

Greetings from Germany,
Benjamin Reichstein

RE: Schedules Plugin - Added by Jonathan Himbing about 12 years ago

Attached (tar file) for a fixed redmine_schedules that will work for 1.4.x.
Tested in 1.4.2 and 1.4.4.

RE: Schedules Plugin - Added by Benjamin Reichstein about 12 years ago

Thanks a lot Jonathan!
Seems to be almost working. The only things that won't work are:

- Setting the report to days or years
- clicking on "Details" in the report

They both throw a 500 Error. Log says: "ActionView::TemplateError (divided by 0) on line #28 of vendor/plugins/redmine_schedules/app/views/schedules/_report_criteria.html.erb:"
Could be that there's not enough data in out project yet.


RE: Schedules Plugin - Added by Renaud Bressand about 12 years ago

Hi Jonathan,
i tried your plugin but when i want do:

rake db:migrate_plugins RAILS_ENV=production

I have an error:

rake aborted!
no such file to load -- holidays

I don't understand because i installed the holidays gem.

Do you an idea where the problem is coming from?

RE: Schedules Plugin - Added by Karuna Batra over 11 years ago

In context, I was trying the plugin on redmine version 1.2 and had a few queries
(a) Is it possible to use the plugin to specify holidays for a person in his schedule proactively?
(b) I tried entering 0 in the cells for Saturdays and Sundays in default availability. Did not save
Appreciate guidance here
