Looking for a plugin for questioning similar to StackExchange/Stackoverflow
Added by Lorenzo Mele over 10 years ago
I'm looking for a plugin that lets users asks question, that the answers are managed in the same way StackExchange does:
- raise or lower importance of the answer
- choose the right answer
- discussion under the answer
Is there already this plugin?
Replies (7)
RE: Looking for a plugin for questioning similar to StackExchange/Stackoverflow - Added by Patrick Strasser over 10 years ago
This would be very helpfull.
Of course one could use a off-site public available solution, this would scatter things and leave important project information under extrinsic control.
RE: Looking for a plugin for questioning similar to StackExchange/Stackoverflow - Added by Kirill Bezrukov (RedmineUP) over 10 years ago
We have very simple Q&A plugin - http://redminecrm.com/projects/questions/pages/1
RE: Looking for a plugin for questioning similar to StackExchange/Stackoverflow - Added by Semyon Belozorov over 10 years ago
But Q&A plugin is not compatible with Redmine 2.4.
RE: Looking for a plugin for questioning similar to StackExchange/Stackoverflow - Added by Kirill Bezrukov (RedmineUP) over 10 years ago
Why not? Here is current version on our demo server with redmine 2.5 http://demo.redminecrm.com/questions
RE: Looking for a plugin for questioning similar to StackExchange/Stackoverflow - Added by Semyon Belozorov over 10 years ago
Oh, I'm sorry.
The plugin page contains outdated information - http://www.redminecrm.com/projects/questions/pages/1
RE: Looking for a plugin for questioning similar to StackExchange/Stackoverflow - Added by Greg Lewsza about 6 years ago
Dear Lorenzo,
Dear Redminers,
we have just released a new plugin – Redmine Questions – with such features. It lets to add 3 types of forum sections:
➡ FAQ: as in StackExchange/StackOverflow - users can post questions, comment answers, use voting ⬆⬇, select the right answer/solution ☑
➡ Ideas: Add and discuss ideas, use votings, set statuses
➡ Solutions: add a knowledge base or self-support section with voting on how useful each post was.
It’s a commercial plugin. Compatible with Redmine 2.6-4.0. Ruby 1.9.3, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4.
You can learn more at Redmine Questions Plugin page
Under this link, you can see live Questions plugin demo
RE: Looking for a plugin for questioning similar to StackExchange/Stackoverflow - Added by Greg Lewsza over 5 years ago
A Redmine Questions Plugin (https://www.redmineup.com/pages/plugins/questions) is now fully compatible with Redmine 4