


TortoiseSVN plugin to visualise the issue list in Commit windows

Added by Bertrand Larat over 15 years ago

This is a short sample of an Issue tracker plugin for TortoiseSvn (1.5.3 and up) to Redmine. (

Plugin language is C#
Source project is for VS2005)

The config is useful :
Tortoise Settings -> Issue tracker integration -> Add
"Working copy path" is the SVN referential in relation with Redmine issue list
"Provider" is the my TortoisePlugin
"Parameters" is the adress of the Atom Feed of the issue list

When you commit, a new button allow you to open a window with the list of issue (see images).

I made this plugin a long time ago, i hope it can help some people as he help me.
Excuse me if you find some bugs.


Config.png (178 KB) Config.png Sample of config
Exemple.png (171 KB) Exemple.png Exemple of use
SetupPlugInTortoiseRedmine.msi (377 KB) SetupPlugInTortoiseRedmine.msi Install (MSI file) (122 KB) Sources

Replies (68)

RE: TortoiseSVN plugin to visualise the issue list in Commit windows - Added by philippe OLLIVIER over 15 years ago

je n'arrive pas à faire fonctionner le plugin autrement qu'avec l'URL donnée en exemple.....
Est ce un bug ?

RE: TortoiseSVN plugin to visualise the issue list in Commit windows - Added by Bertrand Larat over 15 years ago

pourriez vous m'indiquer quel est votre problème ?

Vous devez remplacer l'adresse présentée dans l'exemple, par celle du flux RSS/Atom fournit dans la partie "Demandes" (Issues) de Redmine.
Cette partie est décrite dans l'exemple de config.


RE: TortoiseSVN plugin to visualise the issue list in Commit windows - Added by philippe OLLIVIER over 15 years ago

Mon souci est résolu, c'était effectivement un problème dans l'adresse URL et avec IE (version 6.0).

En passant par Firefox et en récupérant l'url du flux ça fonctionne très bien.

RE: TortoiseSVN plugin to visualise the issue list in Commit windows - Added by Barbara Post over 15 years ago

Hello Bertrand,

Nice plugin ! I just have a suggestion/question :

- in Tortoise commit window, the added button label is "Demandes Redmine" (I'm French too). Where do you get this from ?
- when selecting an issue, the SVN commit comments gets "IssueId #13". Where do you get "IssueID" from ?

I'm thinking about these strings to be read from Redmine or configurable.

Another unimportant note : my Redmine RSS looks like this (not really the same as on your screenshots) :


Can you open-source your plugin please ? Someone would then host it on GIT (I don't know about GIT sorry so cannot help).

I added a reference to this thread on Plugins page.


RE: TortoiseSVN plugin to visualise the issue list in Commit windows - Added by Bertrand Larat over 15 years ago

Hi Barbara,

The source of plugin are in the zip file "".

The name of button and the syntax of the svn comment can be modified directly in the source code.
The Tortoise interface for Issue Traker Plugin is poor (you cannot specify a lot of stuff).

You can use every RSS Connection String who display a list of issue. Using "Query_id" option allow you to make specific filter.

I don't have much time to create a GIT repository.
No problem for me if someone want to improve my work.

Thanks for the reference. I hope this little things can help somepeople.

Have a good day

RE: TortoiseSVN plugin to visualise the issue list in Commit windows - Added by Jan Linnenkohl over 15 years ago

I just started a discussion on the Gurtle mailing list ( about "
Combining multiple BugTraqProvider into a single project". May be would like to join the discussion.


RE: TortoiseSVN plugin to visualise the issue list in Commit windows - Added by Vincent Mailliez about 15 years ago

Bonjour, j'ai installé et configurer tortoiseSVN comme décrit dans les différentes captures d'écran, mais lorsque je commit, je n'ai pas le fameux bouton donnant accès à la liste des issues.
Que faire?
Y a t'il des propriétés subversion à la copie locale du projet à ajouter?


RE: TortoiseSVN plugin to visualise the issue list in Commit windows - Added by Vincent Mailliez about 15 years ago

installé et configurer le plugin je voulais dire...

RE: TortoiseSVN plugin to visualise the issue list in Commit windows - Added by Vincent Mailliez about 15 years ago

ok, j'ai trouvé, en fait dans la configuration du plugin, le working copy path ne doit pas être le repertoire 'versionné' (donc pas la copie locale du repertoire checkout )mais le répertoire parent!

RE: TortoiseSVN plugin to visualise the issue list in Commit windows - Added by Yousuke Shioya about 15 years ago


Merci pour un outil très splendide!

Je Japanize cet outil avec un japonais et veut l'utiliser.
De plus, je montre l'outil qui je Japanized, et est-ce qu'il y a le problème de la licence?

I'm Japanese, to make this tool Japanese, and to use it.
Moreover, is the tool made Japanese opened to the public and is there a problem of the license?

RE: TortoiseSVN plugin to visualise the issue list in Commit windows - Added by Chris McKee about 15 years ago

I've modified all of this program into English if anyone's interested, But I won't stick anything online until the author can assign a licence of some sort.


RE: TortoiseSVN plugin to visualise the issue list in Commit windows - Added by Bertrand Larat about 15 years ago

Pas de problème, je suis ravi de savoir que l'outil vie par ailleurs.
N'en faites pas quelque chose de propriétaire, c'est ma seule condition à sa ré-utilisation/modification.

no matters about the modification of the tools. i just want that tool still free.
Have a good day.


RE: TortoiseSVN plugin to visualise the issue list in Commit windows - Added by Chris McKee about 15 years ago

Cool; I have taken the about window out of the build I've created and moved your name to the bottom of the issues window instead. Seemed a tad pointless having an entire window for a single line of text.

I'd still prefer a licence of some sorts attributed to the project :op

RE: TortoiseSVN plugin to visualise the issue list in Commit windows - Added by Sébastien Kirche about 15 years ago

For English speaking people in short : I uploaded the source code provided by Bertrand Larat on a Google Code project (see url below)

Super idée de faire ce plugin. Ici nous utilisons intensivement Redmine et TortoiseSVN, donc ça tombe à point !

Comme ça serait bien de pouvoir partager le code et de l'améliorer, j'ai pris sur moi de créer un dépôt Google Code. La licence retenue est LGPL car elle permet de conserver la liberté du code tout en autorisant la coopération avec des projets fermés. Si vous préférez autre chose il faut voir quelle autre licence on peut utiliser.

On a aussi constaté un bug (la liste des demandes contient des doublons si on consulte plusieurs de fois de suite les demandes dans la même opération de commit) qui est corrigé dans la version présente sur Google Code.

Le projet est ici :
Le source control est évidemment Subversion :o)

Je serais content de vous ajouter aux membres si vous souhaitez continuer à faire évoluer ce plugin. Pour notre part, nous avons des idées d'améliorations. Je développerais cela sur le site de tortoise-redmine.

RE: TortoiseSVN plugin to visualise the issue list in Commit windows - Added by Chris McKee about 15 years ago

Loose translation (google) for the other 90% of us...

Super idea of this plugin. Here we use extensively Redmine and TortoiseSVN, so it is timely!

As it would be nice to share code and improve it, I took upon myself to create a Google Code repository. The LGPL license is used because it preserves the freedom of the code while allowing cooperation with projects open. If you prefer something else we have to see what other license can be used.

We also found a bug (the request list contains duplicates if we consult several consecutive requests in the same transaction commit) which is corrected in the version on Google Code.

The project is here:
The source control is Subversion course: o)

I'd be happy to add you to the members if you want to continue to develop this plugin. For our part, we have ideas for improvements. I develop this site on the tortoise-redmine.

Sounds good but Licensing is very much up to Bertrand

RE: TortoiseSVN plugin to visualise the issue list in Commit windows - Added by Sébastien Kirche about 15 years ago

Chris McKee wrote:

Loose translation (google) for the other 90% of us...

Sorry for the lack of translation, I was posting that announce in the hurry before going to lunch...

Sounds good but Licensing is very much up to Bertrand

I know, but I needed to choose for a license type during the project registration. To quote Bertrand :

N'en faites pas quelque chose de propriétaire, c'est ma seule condition à sa ré-utilisation/modification. / No matters about the modification of the tools. i just want that tool still free.

LGPL Sounds compatible with his expectations : keeping the project free / open and not making it a proprietary thing. I am not a lawyer, but here are my though anyway : there are many licences available for an open source project but some are a lot permissive like the BSD or the MIT and tell in a short "do whatever you want with that code, there is no guaranty". Bertrand Larat explicitely told that he want to keep it free so a too much permissive licence cannot suit. In the opposite I find the GNU/GPL licence too restrictive : it guarantees that the project will remain free, but you cannot make it cooperate (or with difficulties - correct me if I am wrong) with some proprietary thing. The LGPL sound to me like a mid-line solution : it is free, and you can interact with closed / proprietary projects.

Surely that Bertrand is not a lawyer, so if you can give some hints about the choice of a licence for his work, I would be grateful too. The choices of licences in Google Code are :
  • Apache License 2.0
  • Artistic License/GPL
  • Eclipse Public License 1.0
  • GNU General Public License 2.0
  • GNU General Public License 3.0
  • MIT License
  • Mozilla Public License 1.1
  • New BSD License

Google links to for the descriptions of the licenses.

RE: TortoiseSVN plugin to visualise the issue list in Commit windows - Added by Chris McKee about 15 years ago

Good stuff either that or MIT licence would probably be quite fitting..


Copyright (c) 2009 Bertrand Larat,

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


Covers most stuff while retaining original copyright. Overall I'm happy regardless of the licence so long as he agrees to stamp it with one, even if its PUBLIC DOMAIN licence ;o)

RE: TortoiseSVN plugin to visualise the issue list in Commit windows - Added by Sébastien Kirche about 15 years ago

I hope that we could have an answer shortly.

In the mean time I am considering about adding a localization feature to the existing code, but I am only a casual C# coder.
How did you translate your copy of the plugin : by replacing hard coded french strings by english strings ?

Would you have a localization component that I could easily integrate ? It seems that we have at least 3 languages to support : French, English and Japanese :o)

I would have mailed these questions, but I did not found your email on your profile details.

RE: TortoiseSVN plugin to visualise the issue list in Commit windows - Added by Maxim Krušina about 15 years ago

I cannot find compiled ilstraller in EN language, only FR... any help?

RE: TortoiseSVN plugin to visualise the issue list in Commit windows - Added by Sébastien Kirche about 15 years ago

I am very sorry but I just noticed that my bogofilter spam filter failed due to a ran out of log space (I know it sounds like a BOFH excuse) and your message was directly eliminated (as the 3 last days of messages) :o(

Could you re-emit it ?
Again, sorry for the inconvenience.

RE: TortoiseSVN plugin to visualise the issue list in Commit windows - Added by Sébastien Kirche about 15 years ago

Maxim Krušina wrote:

I cannot find compiled ilstraller in EN language, only FR... any help?

Sorry, but the plugin had been developed in French and there is no public translation for an english version yet.
I am looking how to add the support for localization in the plugin.

I suppose that Chris McKee would be agree to contribute with his english translation once Bertrand have told his opinion about the choice of a software licence for his work.

RE: TortoiseSVN plugin to visualise the issue list in Commit windows - Added by Yousuke Shioya about 15 years ago

Bertrand Larat wrote:

no matters about the modification of the tools. i just want that tool still free.
Have a good day.


Thank you. The file made Japanese for the time being is up-loaded to Japanese Google Group of Redmine.

Let me register in GoogleCode including the license description when an English version is completed.
Merci. Le dossier fait japonais pour le moment est en haut-chargé à Groupe Google japonais de Redmine.
m'a Laissé enregistrer dans GoogleCode y compris la description de la licence lorsqu'une version anglaise est complétée.

When the meaning doesn't run because it is not good at both English and French, I'm sorry.
