


Is there a plugin that allows you to create types of projects?

Added by Mario Viña almost 7 years ago

What I want is to be able to create different customized fields for each project

Replies (7)

RE: Is there a plugin that allows you to create types of projects? - Added by Mario Viña almost 7 years ago

Thank you!, but is it possible to add fields to projects in addition to issues? Text fields, for example?

RE: Is there a plugin that allows you to create types of projects? - Added by Kirill Bezrukov (RedmineUP) almost 7 years ago

What do you mean? Projects can have custom fields and Issues can have separate custom fields.

RE: Is there a plugin that allows you to create types of projects? - Added by Mario Viña almost 7 years ago

Yes, I explainned wrong
I want to have custom fields for some projects or a type of projects. Now If I put a custom field for a project, that field appears in all the projects. I can do this in issues, but not in projects

RE: Is there a plugin that allows you to create types of projects? - Added by Dominik Ras almost 7 years ago

I believe the closed to what you want to achieve is to use the 'visible' flag while configuring you Project-level custom fields.

If you have sufficient permissions to edit projects, you will see that in-visible field while in Settings tab of your project. So you can still give it a value if need be for searching pusposes.

It is a global setting though. Without any custom plugins, in default Redmine you might need to create 2 different sets of fields: those that you want to show, and those that you prefer hidde and utilize the visible flag to show/hide it from dispalying to non-admin users. Projects (unlike issues) don't have system defined equivalent of types aka Trackers.

RE: Is there a plugin that allows you to create types of projects? - Added by Mario Viña over 6 years ago

I am sorry. I do not understand. If I create a custom field for projects, it always appears in all projects

RE: Is there a plugin that allows you to create types of projects? - Added by Andriy Lesyuk over 6 years ago

Check Project Sections plugin:

It allows to have custom fields, which are available only for projects in selected sections.
