Extended Schedules plugin with scheduling issues option
Added by GOYELLO IT Services over 15 years ago
We have created new modiffication for Redmine Schedules plugin. Here are new features:- Scheduling issues to member
- Interface for assigning hours to issues in a schedule window
- Interface for quick creation of issues in a schedule window
- Possibility to use a quick issue interface to create issues for multiple projects from one site view
- GOYELLO Stuff to do additional "What’s available" list view
You can download the plugin from GITHUB.
And here is very nice inroduction of what have been changed and what you can gain from new features.
Replies (51)
RE: Extended Schedules plugin with scheduling issues option
Added by Hans Kazan over 15 years ago
I gave this plugin a quick spin (because this is one of the reasons we keep interfacing with MS Project):
Some remarks on this remarkable effort:- The plugin should be named: redmine_goyello_schedules
- When using the Quick Issue button: there is an error on the method:
NoMethodError in SchedulesController#render_quick_issue - the following translations aer missing in the English en.yml:
button_exit: Exit
label_used_today: Used Today
label_used_total: Used Total
label_scheduled_issues: Scheduled issues
label_not_scheduled_issues: Not scheduled issues
label_no_scheduled_issues: No scheduled issues
label_no_other_issues: No other issues
label_member_issues: Member issues
label_empty_hours_left: Member issues
label_checkbox_all: All issues
label_checkbox_unassigned: Unassigned
Keep you informed on any other issues I encounter (if thats what you prefer? or on Github?)
RE: Extended Schedules plugin with scheduling issues option
Added by GOYELLO IT Services over 15 years ago
Please keep bug reports here.
- "When using the Quick Issue button: there is an error on the method:
NoMethodError in SchedulesController#render_quick_issue"
There is high possibility that error occured because you don't have default status set. It can be configured by administrator in statuses view. If that's not the case can you give some additional info? The method is in controller, so it must be something else.
Full translations are in redmine_goyello_schedules\config\locales if you have the same catalog names it might be needed to copy this file to redmine_goyello_schedules\lang.
Give us a notice did it helped. I will update github version if it did.
RE: Extended Schedules plugin with scheduling issues option
Added by Hans Kazan over 15 years ago
GOYELLO IT Services wrote:
There is high possibility that error occured because you don't have default status set. It can be configured by administrator in statuses view. If that's not the case can you give some additional info? The method is in controller, so it must be something else.
I did set the Default state via the administration menu.
This is a more extensive error log:
NoMethodError in SchedulesController#render_quick_issue
undefined method `roles_for_project' for #<User:0xb505c9f8>
Full translations are in redmine_goyello_schedulesconfiglocales
Thanks, hope these differences are gone when we all can transfer to 0.9 or newer.
RE: Extended Schedules plugin with scheduling issues option
Added by Hans Kazan over 15 years ago
GOYELLO IT Services wrote:
Please keep bug reports here.
This error was raised when I used the Fill Schedule, with a certain amount of hours.
I had to start/stop the Redmine instance otherwise the error re-occurred:
SystemStackError in Schedules#index
Showing vendor/plugins/redmine_goyello_schedules/app/views/schedules/_schedule_entry.html.erb where line #3 raised:
stack level too deep
Extracted source (around line #3):
1: <%
2: avaHours = SchedulesController.left_hours(entry.user.id, entry.date.to_s);
3: schedHours = ScheduledIssue.hours(entry.user.id, entry.project.id, entry.date);
4: >
5: <li class="schedule_entry" style="min-height: <= 2.7*entry.hours >em">
6: <div title="<= ScheduleCompatibility::I18n.lwr(:label_f_hour, :value => entry.hours) %>"
RE: Extended Schedules plugin with scheduling issues option
Added by GOYELLO IT Services over 15 years ago
Showing vendor/plugins/redmine_goyello_schedules/app/views/schedules/_schedule_entry.html.erb where line #3 raised:
stack level too deep
This problem often shows up when Redmine is started in development environment. We do not have solution for it, as for now (if that was the case).
RE: Extended Schedules plugin with scheduling issues option
Added by GOYELLO IT Services over 15 years ago
Hans Kazan wrote:
This is a more extensive error log:
NoMethodError in SchedulesController#render_quick_issue
undefined method `roles_for_project' for #<User:0xb505c9f8>
What is the version of your Redmine?
RE: Extended Schedules plugin with scheduling issues option
Added by Hans Kazan over 15 years ago
I tested this plugin on a fresh 0.8.5 install of Redmine
RE: Extended Schedules plugin with scheduling issues option
Added by Eric Davis over 15 years ago
GOYELLO IT Services wrote:
You can download the plugin from GITHUB.
And here is very nice inroduction of what have been changed and what you can gain from new features.
A question: why did you fork Brad Beattie's repository and then proceed to remove his and all of the contributors work by committing it as your own? This is the second plugin you've rewritten and removed the history, creating a split in the project.
Eric Davis
RE: Extended Schedules plugin with scheduling issues option
Added by GOYELLO IT Services over 15 years ago
Hi Eric,
you are making really incorrect statements here.
committing it as your own?
We didn't want to override all files but it was needed because in our plugin changes, we do not include holidays gem and estimator features that were committed to the master branch. As far as we know there is not possibility to make commit on Github to previous revision. If you know the way, please sent us in email how we can achieve that goal.
I think that this is not a crime to commit our own version of the open source plugin to allow community to choose what suites them best.
I see that you are clearly unhappy by the way we have contributing to Redmine.This way of communication is pointless. Therefore, please contact with us (we have sent to you emails so you already know our contact data).
With kind regards,
Maciej Gren
Operational Manager at GOYELLO
RE: Extended Schedules plugin with scheduling issues option
Added by Eric Davis over 15 years ago
GOYELLO IT Services wrote:
Hi Eric,
you are making really incorrect statements here.
committing it as your own?
I disagree. Looking at the commit history you are listed as the author for all of the code. Compare that to the commit history of my budget plugin, where the code's author is acknowledged with their contribution: http://github.com/edavis10/redmine-budget-plugin/commits/master
We didn't want to override all files but it was needed because in our plugin changes, we do not include holidays gem and estimator features that were committed to the master branch. As far as we know there is not possibility to make commit on Github to previous revision. If you know the way, please sent us in email how we can achieve that goal.
It is possible, you just need to checkout the older version and branch from there. At the very least, you should have keep the history prior to your changes (e.g. before the holidays).
git checkout -b goyello_custom_branch <sha-revision-you-want-to-start-on>
I think that this is not a crime to commit our own version of the open source plugin to allow community to choose what suites them best.
It's not a crime but it is confusing and is considered very bad for a community. Like I said when this happened to with my plugin, you effectively created a non-compatible fork of the project and which forces users to pick which version to run and takes away their ability to switch between the two.
I see that you are clearly unhappy by the way we have contributing to Redmine.This way of communication is pointless. Therefore, please contact with us (we have sent to you emails so you already know our contact data).
I would prefer to keep this communication in public, it would be beneficial for others to see this and also let them have the opportunity to voice their opinion.
Eric Davis
RE: Extended Schedules plugin with scheduling issues option
Added by GOYELLO IT Services over 15 years ago
Thank you Eric for your remarks. I will request developer responsible for publishing the plugin to check way you proposed. If this can be done, than we will remove our fork and do it as you proposed.
With regards,
Maciej Gren
RE: Extended Schedules plugin with scheduling issues option
Added by Hans Kazan over 15 years ago
Maybe is it is a good idea to describe the way of working for forking and adapting existing work on the Plugin pages.
Of course an author's work should be honored by keeping the history and mentioning the credits.
But if you're new to the community and do not know these principles then it easy to create this confusion.
By the way: it is a shame when plugin or core development get's "invisible" as a result of these discussions.
RE: Extended Schedules plugin with scheduling issues option
Added by Cin TAKE over 15 years ago
Hi, I installed this plugin and used . I also used Brad Beattie's .
I wrote the installation problems on my blog (sorry, Japanese only)
I have another problem when using the 'report' link.
Appears like this:
Internal error
An error occurred on the page you were trying to access.
If you continue to experience problems please contact your redMine administrator for assistance.
So, I checked the log file in redmine/logs/production.log, then found this:
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (SQLite3::SQLException: no such function: YEAR: SELECT project, tyear, tmonth, tweek, date, SUM(hours) AS hours, SUM(logged_hours) AS logged_hours FROM (SELECT project_id AS project, YEAR(date) AS tyear, MONTH(date) AS tmonth, WEEK(date, 1) AS tweek, date, schedule_entries.hours AS hours, null AS logged_hours FROM schedule_entries LEFT JOIN projects ON schedule_entries.project_id = projects.id WHERE (projects.status=1 AND EXISTS (SELECT em.id FROM enabled_modules em WHERE em.name='schedule_module' AND em.project_id=projects.id)) AND (date BETWEEN '2009-10-11 00:00:00' AND '2009-10-21 00:00:00') UNION SELECT project_id AS project, tyear, tmonth, tweek, spent_on AS date, null AS hours, sum(time_entries.hours) AS logged_hours FROM time_entries LEFT JOIN projects ON time_entries.project_id = projects.id WHERE (projects.status=1 AND EXISTS (SELECT em.id FROM enabled_modules em WHERE em.name='schedule_module' AND em.project_id=projects.id)) AND (spent_on BETWEEN '2009-10-11 00:00:00' AND '2009-10-21 00:00:00') GROUP BY project, date) AS tbl GROUP BY project, tyear, tmonth, tweek, date):
I think the sqlite3 has not some functions or so.
Please let me know the reason and/or solution/work-around for this.
Thank you.
RE: Extended Schedules plugin with scheduling issues option
Added by Eric Davis over 15 years ago
Maciej Gren:
I wanted to apologize how I spoke (wrote) earlier, I was out of line. You have every right to release code however you want. I'm seeing the Redmine community growing quickly so I'm actively trying to keep it from fragmenting by having incompatible competing plugins. I love having choices of alternative implementations, as long as it easy to switch between them.
GOYELLO IT Services wrote:
Thank you Eric for your remarks. I will request developer responsible for publishing the plugin to check way you proposed. If this can be done, than we will remove our fork and do it as you proposed.
That would be great since I use Brad's plugin every day and I'd like to see if your changes can help me.
Eric Davis
RE: Extended Schedules plugin with scheduling issues option
Added by Giuseppe Mazzotta over 15 years ago
What is the status of this plugin? Is it supported somehow? Is it working or it has major bugs?
Any plan to merge it to the official plugin?
Thank you
RE: Extended Schedules plugin with scheduling issues option
Added by Giuseppe Mazzotta over 15 years ago
Giuseppe Mazzotta wrote:
What is the status of this plugin? Is it supported somehow? Is it working or it has major bugs?
Any plan to merge it to the official plugin?
Thank you
And...where is the plugin gone???!! it is no more available online :(
RE: Extended Schedules plugin with scheduling issues option
Added by GOYELLO IT Services over 15 years ago
Giuseppe Mazzotta wrote:
Giuseppe Mazzotta wrote:
What is the status of this plugin? Is it supported somehow? Is it working or it has major bugs?
Any plan to merge it to the official plugin?
Thank you
And...where is the plugin gone???!! it is no more available online :(
First of all: Sorry for not responding for some time.
Giuseppe I would like to inform you that we are comming back on to Redmine plugins and YES we will try to support the plugin by providing help for the community and by further development.
The plugin is back online. Under the same link as before. It had to be "reforked" for better Github assimilation.
I cannot confirm any major bugs. We are using it on our production server and its not any different than the one on Git.
Merging to the official plugin depends on the owner of the main repo. We are not supporting holliday gem in our version though and we don't have it in your plans.
For the time being we are focusing on developing the next plugin for Redmine, which will be more Scrum like. After releasing this new feature we plan to turn the focus on developing publicated extensions.
RE: Extended Schedules plugin with scheduling issues option
Added by GOYELLO IT Services over 15 years ago
Hans Kazan wrote:¶
This is a more extensive error log:
NoMethodError in SchedulesController#render_quick_issue
undefined method `roles_for_project' for #<User:0xb505c9f8>
Hans Kazan wrote:
I tested this plugin on a fresh 0.8.5 install of Redmine
Hello Hans!
OK. So the method is in the controller. Can you give full error message? I would like to see the whole browser report. It would make the task much easier.
* *
Cin TAKE wrote:¶
Hi, I installed this plugin and used . I also used Brad Beattie's .
I wrote the installation problems on my blog (sorry, Japanese only)I have another problem when using the 'report' link.
Appears like this:
Internal errorAn error occurred on the page you were trying to access.
If you continue to experience problems please contact your redMine administrator for assistance.
From your blog I see that the migration was not completed. It is not the cause of error but I would say it will cause problems in future. I advise you to remove migrations that where done by old plugin (files beginning at 001, 002, 003) and make sure the migration will be comleted this time.
Looking back on the error I have to ask did you try this functionality before installing redmine_goyello_schedules? I don't see any thing wrong in the query from the log file.
Again it would be much more helpfull if you would post full broser error report which is generated on localhost.
Marek Kreft
RE: Extended Schedules plugin with scheduling issues option
Added by Cin TAKE over 15 years ago
My Installation Problem is about langage file (pl.yml)¶
Thank you, Marek. Please see my commnet to you blog
RE: Extended Schedules plugin with scheduling issues option
Added by Guillaume Pellegrin about 15 years ago
Thanks for your plugin, what a great job you did here!
I tested it on the Redmine trunk (r3076) and would like to report 2 bugs and one feature request:
- Bug 1: When clicking on a user name, I can edit his/her default schedule (http://.../schedules/default?user_id=18). But when submitting the form it seems I’m redirected and the posted form updates my own schedule. As an administrator and project manager, I believe I should be able to edits my team members’ default schedule, right? Apparently no error in the logs:
Processing SchedulesController#default Parameters: {"action"=>"default", "user_id"=>"18", "controller"=>"schedules"} Processing SchedulesController#default [POST] Parameters: {"commit"=>"Sauvegarder", "schedule_default"=>{"6"=>"", "0"=>"", "1"=>"5.0", "2"=>"5.0", "3"=>"", "4"=>"", "5"=>"5.0"}, "action"=>"default", "authenticity_token"=>"…", controller"=>"schedules"} Redirected to http://.../schedules?user_id=3 << that’s me ! Filter chain halted as [:save_default] rendered_or_redirected. Completed in 9ms (DB: 1) | 302 Found [http://…/schedules/default]
- Bug 2: Error 500 when trying to create a Quick issue
Processing SchedulesController#save_quick_issue (…) [GET] Parameters: {"project_id"=>"35", "action"=>"save_quick_issue", "date"=>"2009-11-17", "user_id"=>"3", "scheduled_hours"=>"2", "controller"=>"schedules", "quick_issue"=>{"assigned_to"=>"3", "subject"=>"Quick issue test", "tracker"=>"2", "description"=>"Quick issue test description", "estimated"=>"4", "status"=>"7"}} ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (Mysql::Error: Column 'issue_id' cannot be null: INSERT INTO `scheduled_issues` (`created_at`, `issue_id`, `project_id`, `updated_at`, `date`, `user_id`, `scheduled_hours`) VALUES('2009-11-20 16:18:48', NULL, 35, '2009-11-20 16:18:48', '2009-11-17', 3, 2.0)): vendor/plugins/redmine_goyello_schedules/app/controllers/schedules_controller.rb:156:in `save_quick_issue' /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/httpserver.rb:104:in `service' ... Rendering /home/redmine/current-test/public/500.html (500 Internal Server Error)
- Feature request: when scheduling an issue, it would be very useful to have its start and due dates updated along with the assigned_to field, so the gantt chart would be kept up-to-date. Start date could be set to min(date where issue is scheduled). Due date could be set to max(date where issue is scheduled).
Thanks for your feedback,
RE: Extended Schedules plugin with scheduling issues option
Added by GOYELLO IT Services about 15 years ago
Hi Guillaume,
we are currently finishing our new plugin and then we will come back to these one (with new sprint of fixes). I belive that we will fix all major issues before Christmas.
With kind regards,
Maciej Gren
RE: Extended Schedules plugin with scheduling issues option
Added by Guillaume Pellegrin about 15 years ago
Great, thanks.
I'm looking forward to deploy the new release and see if it can become a vital tool for my team!
RE: Extended Schedules plugin with scheduling issues option
Added by Nicolas Zinopoulos about 15 years ago
Being very interested in the extra functionality provided by your Extended Schedules plugin, I installed it on my Redmine (trunk). I have been able to try it immediately after, but curiously the next day I was getting Proxy exceptions (I run a Mongrel cluster behind an Apache server) whenever I tried to access my Redmine site. Investigating this issue, I tested my Redmine installation through the Webrick server. To my surprise the Webrick server failed to boot mentionning the Extended Schedules plugin in the error message (see attached screen capture).
Could you please help me solve this problem?
Many thanks in advance,
Redmine v0.8.7.devel3095(MySQL)List of plugins installed:
- Bulk Time Entry (0.3.0)
- Projects Tree View (0.0.2)
- Question (0.3.0)
- Graphs (0.1.0)
- Issues Group (0.1.4)
- My Widgets (0.1.0)
- Schedules (GOYELLO
- Tab (0.3.1)
- Wiki Extensions (0.1.5)
- Stuff-To-Do (0.3.0)
- System Notification (0.2.0)
- Timesheet (0.5.0)
Pb_GOYELLO_Schedules_plugin.png (13.7 KB) Pb_GOYELLO_Schedules_plugin.png | Screen capture of Webrick fail message. |
RE: Extended Schedules plugin with scheduling issues option
Added by robin van emden about 15 years ago
I just installed Redmine 0.9 RC, Extended Schedules plugin does not seem to be compatible with this release yet. Would love to use it though... Any indication when a compatble version might be available? Thanks for your work on this great plugin!
robin van emden
RE: Extended Schedules plugin with scheduling issues option
Added by Kevin Bosman about 15 years ago
Robin -:
We're successfully using a modified redmine_goyello_schedules with current redmine trunk.
Try applying this commit from Brad Beattie's original redmine_schedules on GitHub - I think that should be all you need to get it working on 0.9