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Creating issues does not work after upgrading Redmine to version 5.0.5
Added by Lewap WitzLabO over 1 year ago
After upgrading Redmine to 5.0.5 my previously working code stopped working:
I used this code before and it worked:
string projectName = "My project name";
string issueType = "MyIssueType";
string priorityName = "NamePrior";
var parameters = new NameValueCollection { { "status_id", "*" } };
var prijectList = manager.GetObjects<Project>(parameters);
var trackersList = manager.GetObjects<Tracker>(parameters);
var priorityList = manager.GetObjects<IssuePriority>(parameters);
Issue issue = new Issue();
issue.Project = prijectList.Where(o => o.Name == projectName).SingleOrDefault();
issue.Subject = "example title";
issue.Description = "example description";
issue.Tracker = trackersList.Where(o => o.Name == issueType).SingleOrDefault();
issue.Priority = priorityList.Where(o => o.Name == priorityName).SingleOrDefault();
//string documentPath = @"C:\document.txt";
//byte[] documentData = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(documentPath);
//Upload attachment = manager.UploadFile(documentData);
//attachment.FileName = "document.txt";
//attachment.Description = "przykładowy plik";
//attachment.ContentType = "text/plain";
//IList<Upload> attachments = new List<Upload>();
//issue.Uploads = attachments;
manager.CreateObject(issue, "7");
1.) first problem.
when trying to create a task without attachments, in the line:
manager.CreateObject(issue, "7");
exception is thrown:
Redmine.Net.Api.Exceptions.RedmineException: 'The XML document contains an error (1, 40).'
InnerException 1 of 2: InvalidOperationException: The XML document contains an error (1, 40).
InnerException 2 of 2: InvalidOperationException: <issues xmlns=''> was not expected.
2.) second problem
if I try to create and add an attachment first (which is what the commented out code does) then in the line:
Upload attachment = manager.UploadFile(documentData);
exception is thrown:
System.Net.WebException: 'An exception occurred during the WebClient request.'
InnerException 1 of 2:
NotFoundException: Not Found
InnerException 2 of 2:
WebException: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
What does it mean?
Previously it worked now it doesn't work, how should the correct creation of tasks/issues look like on Redmine 5.0.5?
in the case of the second problem description - I am sure that the file exists and has the correct path
Replies (3)
RE: Creating issues does not work after upgrading Redmine to version 5.0.5
Added by Gevorg Hoghmrtsyan about 1 year ago
Did you find the solution?
RE: Creating issues does not work after upgrading Redmine to version 5.0.5
Added by Lewap WitzLabO about 1 year ago
not yet, but I haven't even tried it for a few months - I'm still waiting, maybe someone will write something ;)
RE: Creating issues does not work after upgrading Redmine to version 5.0.5
Added by James H 10 months ago
check plugins