


CLOSED - Need a developer to a plugin

Added by imanol alvarez over 8 years ago

I need a developer to built a plugin of deparments relations with users, issues and attachements

Replies (6)

RE: Need a developer to a plugin - Added by John Paul Dominikkam over 8 years ago

can you elaborate more on that

RE: Need a developer to a plugin - Added by imanol alvarez over 8 years ago

Yes, i am modify this plugin and i need:

1) In the user view appear the field "department"
2) In the user list can filter by department
3) In the Department view we need add atachments.

If you want, send me email to speak about this.

RE: Need a developer to a plugin - Added by John Paul Dominikkam over 8 years ago

Yes sure can you provide your email id we will discuss on this

RE: Need a developer to a plugin - Added by imanol alvarez over 8 years ago

Yes in my user you can view. ;)

In addition, i have could do add attachments module to this plugin.

I need help to:

1) In the user view appear the field deparment and filter by department.

RE: Need a developer to a plugin - Added by Luis Blasco over 8 years ago

Did you try RedmineCRM's people plugin ? There's a free version that could be useful for your needs.

RE: Need a developer to a plugin - Added by imanol alvarez over 8 years ago

Yes! but not is useful for us ;) Thanks!
