Defect #2638
openLDAP authentication should allow username to contain space(s)
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It is not uncommon for Windows AD servers to allow spaces in the user name (sAMAccountName) but currently redmine does not allow the user name to contain 1 or more spaces which means that when using LDAP to authenticate, it is not possible to use sAMAccountName to lookup users.
If there is not a technical reason for this limitation, would suggest the the regex scan for the user name allow spaces in the middle of user names, but not at the start or end.
See patch #811 supporting this change.
Related issues
Updated by Etienne Massip almost 13 years ago
- Category changed from Accounts / authentication to LDAP
Updated by Etienne Massip almost 13 years ago
- Target version set to Candidate for next minor release
Updated by Antoine Rodriguez about 12 years ago
It's more an Issue. AD usernames with space cannot authenticate with Active Directory.
Confirmed on Redmine 2.0.1
Best regards,