



Feature #374


Support for milestones/iterations as part of projects

Added by Niko Schmuck over 17 years ago. Updated over 11 years ago.

Target version:
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A version could consist of one to many iterations/sprints. This could also enhance the overview of the Roadmap (which
is a great help, btw), so that there are two level of "indentations" first version, second iterations.

Anyway this is a nice-to-have, since the existing version concept allows quite nicely to cluster the features/issues.

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Feature #724: change "versions" to "milestones"New2008-02-22

Related to Redmine - Feature #8991: Nested versions for projects with sub-projectsNew2011-08-05

Related to Redmine - Defect #12265: Issue editing shows diff on non changed ticket descriptionNew

Related to Redmine - Feature #13387: Improving Redmine's version model (not just milestones)New

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #9416: Support for a milestoneClosed2011-10-13

Actions #1

Updated by Niko Schmuck over 17 years ago

Sorry for typo in summary: should be:
"Support for milestones/iterations as part of projects"

Actions #2

Updated by iGor kMeta almost 17 years ago


Actions #3

Updated by Rocco Stanzione almost 17 years ago

A good, complete implementation of the milestones idea would
really be valuable. That was one set of features I really liked
about Mingle, which we ultimately rejected in favor of Redmine.
There, you can set up and schedule milestones, and even drag
and drop issues among milestones as priorities or schedules change.
There was a very nice "card" view, showing milestones
in chronological order with a flashcard-like appearance. This
would be fantastic for Agile shops like ours, and like the submitter
said, could enhance the Roadmap view as well as overviews, Gantt
charts, etc.

Actions #4

Updated by Daniel Felix almost 12 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)

Well, some other suggestion could be, to implement a checkbox to define a milestone or a version in the roadmap tab.

versions could be subitems of milestones and vice versa.
Another addition could be to add versions as subversions and milestones as submilestones.

All could be handled with a simple parent to child relation of those items, and a type flag on the version item which decides if this is a version or a milestone.

Actions #5

Updated by Harald Glock almost 12 years ago

Thanks Daniel for popping up this old request.

I absolutely agree that it would make sense to have a kind of subversions, submilestones...

For software development I would normally use a "version" for a release of the software, but for development this version could be subdivided into milestones.
For every version, support for sub-versions (they may be called milestone, iteration, etc...) would help a lot.

To make this more generic, the "version" (or whatever a good generic name would be then) should have a choosable name attribute like: Version, milestone, iteration... This could even be free text.

But I think the most important part for the beginning would be to have parent child relations of versions. I think this would e.g. also help for the redmine backlogs plugin (agile) which is currently using "versions" for sprints which makes the "versions" themselves unusable for real software version handling.

Actions #6

Updated by Anonymous over 11 years ago

Have a look at my proposal over at issue #13387, where I describe adding issues' relationship model to versions to accomplish this and more.


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