Feature #4372
Wiki include macro: Include specific revision
Added by Oskar Nordquist about 15 years ago.
Updated about 9 years ago.
Wiki include macro should be able to include a specific Wiki page revision. For example:
Includes WikiPage at revision 312 in project "myproject".
I forgot the pre-tags. Please modify the description, thank you!
This is actually an important feature. Let me explain.
We use Wiki for writing documentation and the way we do it is to write small modular Wiki pages suitable for inclusion. This means for example that for a given customer we can mix and match relevant documentation using the include-macro.
However, the way the include macro works is to include the latest version of the Wiki page. This is an inconvenience because then there is never a way to generate the exact version of the Manual that includes other pages, since the include macro always includes the latest version of the underlying pages. By explictly setting a version number for the include macro, this means we can retrieve version of the collected Manual.
This has also the major benefit that the version number of the Manual that includes other pages have meaning, i.e. updating the modular pages forces updating the Manual to link to the explicit version of underlying Wiki page.
I would like to see this feature also supported. I have same kind of problem with the version.
Tried to implement it myself, and it seems to work.
- Has duplicate Patch #11332: wiki include macro: ability to define wiki page version added
Are there any plans to implement this in the standard installation ?
- Related to Feature #3547: Wiki include macro: add ability to include single section added
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