



Defect #5619


"Edit Own Bug" does not allow someone with that permission to "Change Properties" on the original bug

Added by Michael Sanders about 14 years ago. Updated about 14 years ago.

Permissions and roles
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In Redmine, the user is able to give permissions to a Role for "Edit Own Bug."
One may think that this means that they can update the bug, or do things with it, but there are some different permissions for Moving the bug and such. "Edit Own Bug" denotes that the original bug can be edited.

However, when you give someone the permission to "Edit Own Bug" by assigning them to a role with that permission set, they are unable to see the "Change Properties" link, which opens up the dialog that allows them to edit the original bug.


redmine.png (28.1 KB) redmine.png Michael Sanders, 2010-05-29 20:37
Actions #1

Updated by Mischa The Evil about 14 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Resolution set to Invalid

Michael Sanders wrote:

In Redmine, the user is able to give permissions to a Role for "Edit Own Bug."

False. According to the permissions listing in the Redmine Guide there only exists a permission named "Edit own notes" which serves another function; it controls the permissions for "editing users own comments only". The comments in that context are the updates (with or without issue property changes) in the journal below the issue.

Michael Sanders wrote:

One may think that this means that they can update the bug, or do things with it, but there are some different permissions for Moving the bug and such. "Edit Own Bug" denotes that the original bug can be edited.

However, when you give someone the permission to "Edit Own Bug" by assigning them to a role with that permission set, they are unable to see the "Change Properties" link, which opens up the dialog that allows them to edit the original bug.

To allow a user to fully edit existing issues his role needs to have the "Edit issues" permission. Currently this is mandatory though a feature-request for a "Edit own issues" permission exists already. See issue #1248.

Obviously this is not a defect so I'll close it with resolution "Invalid".


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