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# Project Tracker Status Subject Updated Category
40744 Redmine Feature New Refresh history tabs look and feel 2024-12-28 08:42 UI Actions
41906 Redmine Feature New Enhance font consistency by inheriting font-family in input and select elements 2024-12-27 05:41 UI Actions
42023 Redmine Defect Resolved Search results page uses legacy icons 2024-12-22 06:30 UI Actions
40588 Redmine Feature Resolved Ability to disable table sort 2024-12-11 20:11 UI Actions
41967 Redmine Defect New Replace old icon in the tree view of the repository browser 2024-12-11 01:07 UI Actions
41833 Redmine Defect New Previous and Forward icons in administration - setting, still shows the old icon. 2024-12-09 02:29 UI Actions
41952 Redmine Defect New Flash notice icons uses the legacy icons 2024-12-09 02:28 UI Actions
41828 Redmine Defect New In mobile view, delete relation svg icon in 'Related Issues' on an issue page, overflow text 2024-12-09 01:23 UI Actions
41950 Redmine Feature New [UX] Teawk default theme: better distinction for h2 section 2024-12-08 14:36 UI Actions
41949 Redmine Feature New [UX] Teawk default theme: Better distinction for the tracker per UI clarity 2024-12-08 14:28 UI Actions
5130 Redmine Feature New Configurable columns in related tasks section 2024-12-05 10:55 UI Actions
41824 Redmine Feature New [UX] Ability to group subtasks and related issues thar are closed in a collapsed treelist for better user experience 2024-11-22 09:02 UI Actions
40310 Redmine Feature New Open Wiki Syntax quick reference in a modal 2024-11-17 09:50 UI Actions
32899 Redmine Defect Confirmed Javascript error caused by tooltip 2024-11-01 02:13 UI Actions
33153 Redmine Feature New UI feature to quickly change issue status 2024-09-22 09:39 UI Actions
6984 Redmine Feature New Configure order/position and visbility of tabs in menu 2024-09-13 11:14 UI Actions
29034 Redmine Feature New Option to collapse/expand issue sections 2024-07-02 20:27 UI Actions
40442 Redmine Feature New reply hyperlink requires class name 2024-03-22 05:06 UI Actions
1151 Redmine Feature New Open Links in New-Window 2024-03-15 08:30 UI Actions
37381 Redmine Patch New Fix autoscrollable areas not covering whole page 2024-01-12 09:24 UI Actions
29214 Redmine Feature New Button to copy PRE block content to clipboard 2024-01-03 16:01 UI Actions
39881 Redmine Feature New Improve progress bars 2023-12-22 03:44 UI Actions
39880 Redmine Feature New Add a small border-radius to selected (author) headings 2023-12-20 02:44 UI Actions
39876 Redmine Defect New H4 author headings aren't bold any more 2023-12-20 01:07 UI Actions
39515 Redmine Feature New dir="auto" on all text fields 2023-11-13 05:44 UI Actions
(226-250/4756) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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