


Plugins Directory » Resource Management Plugin By Redmine X

Author: Ondrej Svejkovsky
Code repository: -
Registered on: 2024-01-10 (7 months ago)
Current version: 2.1.12
Compatible with: Redmine 5.1.x, 5.0.x, 4.2.x, 4.1.x
User ratings:   (0)

Redmine Resource Management Made For Work Utilization

A FREE version is in an online demo at & the downloadable version is at If you need to test the plugin in your Redmine environment, just contact Redmine X for the evaluation version.

This Redmine plugin is all about the utilization of work & employees. It shows the time allocation of particular employees on various tasks and thanks to its drag & drop feature, you can easily change either the start & due dates of tasks or their durations. Time allocation spreads proportionally across the whole task and a manager is then able to override it. See for all features.

Key Features Of The Redmine X Resource Management Plugin

  • create & update task allocations within the plugin view
  • drag & drop will help you plan your resources quickly
  • inline editing enables you to quickly change task subjects
  • filter users & zoom the canvas to see what you need in an instant
  • easily see which user is overloaded and which is underutilized
  • plan resources effectively, cut project costs

--> see all features at

RedmineX Resource Management Plugin

This state-of-the-art Redmine plugin will make your project much more profitable thanks to precise workload utilization and time allocation.

Users Appreciate

  • inline editing of the task name
  • quick access to tasks using a modal or a direct link
  • mouse-enabled canvas moving
  • automatic & proportional spread of estimated time
  • visual identification of an overloaded or underutilized employee

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Installation notes

Follow standard Redmine installation:

  • unzip the archive and copy it to redmine_root/plugins or copy the archive in the same location and perform the unzip command in the console
  • from redmine_root run bundle install
  • from redmine_root run bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
  • restart Redmine


2.1.12 (2024-01-05)

Compatible with Redmine 5.1.x, 5.0.x, 4.2.x, 4.1.x.

  • Users and groups in users filter (in the settings of the plugin and in Users & Projects section in the plugins toolbar) are now sorted according to the last name (users) or name (group or device).
  • Copyright headers in all files were updated for year 2024.
  • Users page user/device filter fixed. Redmine 5.0.X and earlier contained only simple filters on the users page, which we patched to include user/device filter. However Redmine 5.1.X contains classic query filters similar to issue query filters on the issues page. This fix patches users query for Redmine 5.1.X rather than the users page itself, while keeping backward compatibility with Redmine 5.0.X and earlier.

1.0.0 (2021-05-12)

Compatible with Redmine 4.2.x, 4.1.x.