



List of vendored third-party core components

This page is a WIP.
Please be aware that the information provided on this page may be out of date, or otherwise inaccurate.

This page aims at documenting the vendored third-party core components depended upon by and distributed along with Redmine.

Redmine trunk at r21879 (source:/trunk@21879)

Name Version Location1 Patched Minified Original source maintained Upstream site(s)
Ruby libraries
acts_as_tree 2007-09-11 source:/trunk/lib/plugins/acts_as_tree@21879 Yes n/a No3 URL(s)...
gravatar 2009-09-17 source:/trunk/lib/plugins/gravatar@21879 Yes n/a No3 URL(s)...
Diff [string_array_diff] 0.3 source:/trunk/lib/redmine/string_array_diff@21879 Yes n/a No3 URL(s)...
redcloth3 3.0.4 source:/trunk/lib/redmine/wiki_formatting/textile/redcloth3.rb@21879 Yes n/a No4 URL(s)...
JavaScript libraries
jstoolbar <= 2006-11-05 source:/trunk/public/javascripts/jstoolbar@21879 Yes No No URL(s)...
Chart.js 3.9.1 source:/trunk/public/javascripts/chart.min.js@21879 No Yes Yes URL(s)...
jQuery / jQuery-UI / jQuery-UJS 3.6.1 / 1.13.2 / 6.1.7 source:/trunk/public/javascripts/jquery-3.6.1-ui-1.13.2-ujs-6.1.7.js@21879 No2 Yes / Yes / No Yes URL(s)...
raphael.js 2.3.0 source:/trunk/public/javascripts/raphael.js@21879 No Yes Yes URL(s)...
tablesort / tablesort-number 5.2.1 source:/trunk/public/javascripts/tablesort-5.2.1.min.js@21879
No Yes Yes URL(s)...
Tribute 5.1.3 source:/trunk/public/javascripts/tribute-5.1.3.min.js@21879
No Yes Yes URL(s)...

Redmine 5.0-stable at r21879 (source:/branches/5.0-stable@21879)

Name Version Location1 Patched Minified Original source maintained Upstream site(s)
Ruby libraries
acts_as_tree 2007-09-11 source:/branches/5.0-stable/lib/plugins/acts_as_tree@21879 Yes n/a No3 URL(s)...
gravatar 2009-09-17 source:/branches/5.0-stable/lib/plugins/gravatar@21879 Yes n/a No3 URL(s)...
Diff [string_array_diff] 0.3 source:/branches/5.0-stable/lib/redmine/string_array_diff@21879 Yes n/a No3 URL(s)...
redcloth3 3.0.4 source:/branches/5.0-stable/lib/redmine/wiki_formatting/textile/redcloth3.rb@21879 Yes n/a No4 URL(s)...
JavaScript libraries
jstoolbar <= 2006-11-05 source:/branches/5.0-stable/public/javascripts/jstoolbar@21879 Yes No No URL(s)...
Chart.js 3.9.1 source:/branches/5.0-stable/public/javascripts/chart.min.js@21879 No Yes Yes URL(s)...
jQuery / jQuery-UI / jQuery-UJS 3.6.1 / 1.13.2 / 6.1.7 source:/branches/5.0-stable/public/javascripts/jquery-3.6.1-ui-1.13.2-ujs-6.1.7.js@21879 No2 Yes / Yes / No Yes URL(s)...
raphael.js 2.3.0 source:/branches/5.0-stable/public/javascripts/raphael.js@21879 No Yes Yes URL(s)...
tablesort / tablesort-number 5.2.1 source:/branches/5.0-stable/public/javascripts/tablesort-5.2.1.min.js@21879
No Yes Yes URL(s)...
Tribute 5.1.3 source:/branches/5.0-stable/public/javascripts/tribute-5.1.3.min.js@21879
No Yes Yes URL(s)...

Redmine 4.2-stable at r21879 (source:/branches/4.2-stable@21879)

Name Version Location1 Patched Minified Original source maintained Upstream site(s)
Ruby libraries
acts_as_tree 2007-09-11 source:/branches/4.2-stable/lib/plugins/acts_as_tree@21879 Yes n/a No3 URL(s)...
gravatar 2009-09-17 source:/branches/4.2-stable/lib/plugins/gravatar@21879 Yes n/a No3 URL(s)...
open_id_authentication 2010-01-21 source:/branches/4.2-stable/lib/plugins/open_id_authentication@21879 Yes n/a No3 URL(s)...
Diff 0.3 source:/branches/4.2-stable/lib/diff.rb@21879 Yes n/a No3 URL(s)...
redcloth3 3.0.4 source:/branches/4.2-stable/lib/redmine/wiki_formatting/textile/redcloth3.rb@21879 Yes n/a No4 URL(s)...
JavaScript libraries
jstoolbar <= 2006-11-05 source:/branches/4.2-stable/public/javascripts/jstoolbar@21879 Yes No No URL(s)...
Chart.js 2.8.0 source:/branches/4.2-stable/public/javascripts/chart.min.js@21879 No Yes Yes URL(s)...
jQuery / jQuery-UI / jQuery-UJS 3.6.1 / 1.13.2 / source:/branches/4.2-stable/public/javascripts/jquery-3.6.1-ui-1.13.2-ujs- No2 Yes / Yes / No Yes URL(s)...
raphael.js 2.3.0 source:/branches/4.2-stable/public/javascripts/raphael.js@21879 No Yes Yes URL(s)...
tablesort / tablesort-number 5.2.1 source:/branches/4.2-stable/public/javascripts/tablesort-5.2.1.min.js@21879
No Yes Yes URL(s)...
Tribute 5.1.3 source:/branches/4.2-stable/public/javascripts/tribute-5.1.3.min.js@21879
No Yes Yes URL(s)...

1 excluding additional CSS, image and i18n assets

2 the combined file is produced manually though

3 upstream is not maintained, but upstream forks/continuations exists

4 upstream is not maintained, but upstream rewrites exists

Updated by Mischa The Evil over 2 years ago · 8 revisions