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Jean-Philippe Lang, 2010-01-17 20:53

Using the REST API with PHP

Here is an example that uses phpactiveresource, a lightweight PHP library that can be used to access Rails' REST APIs:

require_once ('ActiveResource.php');

class Issue extends ActiveResource {
    var $site = 'http://username:password@';
    var $request_format = 'xml'; // REQUIRED!

// create a new issue
$issue = new Issue (array ('subject' => 'XML REST API', 'project_id' => '1'));
$issue->save ();

// find issues
$issues = $issue->find ('all');
for ($i=0; $i < count($issues); $i++) {
    echo $issues[$i]->subject;

// find and update an issue
$issue->find (1);
echo $issue->subject;
$issue->set ('subject', 'This is the new subject')->save ();

// delete an issue
$issue->find (1);
$issue->destroy ();

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang almost 15 years ago · 1 revisions