



Feature #4636


System-wide Object Label Settings and the general Open Pario Malaise

Added by Richard Schulte over 14 years ago. Updated about 11 years ago.

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I think it would be useful for expanding extensibility to various project team applications to allow projects (or sitewide administrating settings) to manipulate the labels for built-in features such as:

  • Issues - e.g. Action Items, Tasks, etc.
  • Roadmap - e.g. Project Timeline, etc.
  • Versions - e.g. Milestones, Benchmarks, etc.
  • News - e.g. Blog, Announcements, etc.
  • Activity - e.g.

And any other feature labels that folks would like to be able to manipulate.

I know this might seem to be just a nitpicky/cosmetic issue, however simple things such as this can often deter or confuse non-programmer users (i.e. when I introduced redmine at my nonprofit workplace as a potential project management tool, 'issues' seemed to float a negative connotation with most folks, and 'versions' became very hard to explain). Doing this manually is time consuming, difficult, and can lead to inconsistencies which are even more confusing.

One thing that worries me about such a feature is that it could detract from the 'brand' of Redmine. One can always identify a redmine site by the standard features tabs, and 'issues' is what sets redmine apart from other project management systems. Certainly sufficient attribution would be necessary to keep from obscuring the grand efforts of the redmine community.

What I'm really trying to say is...

I wouldn't make this very high priority at all for the Redmine Community, and in fact, Open Pario might leverage our soon-to-grow funding base to develop an entire set of such features in the near future that could lead to a kind of highly customizeable, shared hosting-type environment for redmine projects.

However, I would like to start putting some of these ideas out into the development community and get feedback to ensure that Open Pario's general efforts are sufficiently analagous to the vision of the Redmine community and other Redmine-based enterprises, and that our contributions are sufficient, as well as our attribution.

BTW, thanks so much for the RESTful functionality. Samuel Rose may be joining you in these efforts soon pending our roadmap implementation.

What is a good way to get a conversation going? Sorry if I bothered you with this, Eric, but I felt this might be a good way to grab your attention.

FYI our project team includes Michael Koch, Myself, Samuel Rose, Yousef Alhashemi, and possibly a few others from the Forward Foundation shortly. As you can probably tell, Mike and I have yet to make any significant code contributions, but we are looking into contributing via documentation, co-marketing via OP, and securing funding for plugin development via our social venture (and, possibly, donations?). Vince Foley has worked on 'OP' in the past as well. Yousef will be making some more contributions as he has returned to the student-based OSU team which is working on an NSF grant via the VOICED project.

Again, thanks for everything. Hopefully we can all discuss this soon?

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