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Plugins Directory » All plugins (1162)

Add date formats with day names

Redmine Add Date Formats with Day Names

Redmine plugin. Adds date formats with day names to "Redmine": settings

By ablida dev


Add default members to created project

When creating poject assign to it default members, from a default group with default roles(specified in plugin settings).

By Sajin Andrei


Add Subversion Links

Redmine Add Subversion Links plugin



This plugin adds links to the original Subversion repository in the following pages....

By Masamitsu Murase


Add Watchers Textinput

This is a plugin that replaces the checkboxes for adding watchers with a nice, tokenized text input with autocomplete. The pages that are modified are the "Add new issue" page and "Edit watchers" (on existing issue) popup.

I installed Redmine at my ...

By Alvin Chow


Additional Tags

Multilingual Redmine Plugin for adding custom tags to issues and wiki pages.

General features

  • Easy tagging while typing
  • Permissions for adding, editing, viewing issue tags
  • Permission for adding wiki page tags
  • Centralized tag manag...

By Alexander Meindl



Additionals plugin description

Additionals is a multilingual Redmine plugin for customizing Redmine, providing wiki macros and act as a library / function provider for other Redmine plugins like:

  • Redmine Automation Plugin:
    A plugin to ...

By Alexander Meindl


Admine Monitor

Few things are worse than seeing a "Something went wrong" 500 error on your production application.
This plugin will monitor and persist all Redmine's internal errors (underhanded exceptions) and display it for your review.
it will also do:
1) capt...

By yossi edri



Ads plugin

This plugin allows to include advertisement blocks in your Redmine site.

Main features

Google AdSense

  • You can insert AdSense advertisement blocks in your Redmine sidebars automatically.
  • Mobile browsin...

By Emilio González Montaña


Advanced checklists

Advanced Checklists


  • Assign every checklist item to different user
  • Unlimited checklist items
  • Changing the order of items
  • Deadline for every item
  • Changes history
  • Checklist templates
  • Commenting on checklist item...

By Roman Petrenko


Advanced Membership Management

This plugin makes 3 times mainly:

  1. Auto assign members/groups to subprojects when they are assigned to the parent project.
  2. Auto assign members/groups assigned to a parent project when subprojects are created.
  3. Administrators can define members...

By Bishma Stornelli Ortega

