


Time-keeping plugin or anything like that?

Added by p b almost 15 years ago


I really like Redmine but there's only one thing that keeps me from using it for real and it'd be great if such thing is out there already. Is there any plugin or whatever that adds time keeping function to Redmine?
I'm looking for something like this:
When you start working on an issue you click "Start working" when you finished working you simply click "Stop working" and it adds the time spent on that issue automatically. Maybe you can change the progress % and add a comment as well.

Anything like that out there already?

Replies (9)

RE: Time-keeping plugin or anything like that? - Added by Jan from Planio almost 15 years ago

We have start/stop time tracking in Planio which is a turnkey Redmine hosting service that comes with ready-to-commit SVN & Git repositories and a number of extras. It's been developed as a plugin and we'll eventually release it to the broader community.

For now, you can check it out when you sign up for one of our plans. Here's the feature description:

RE: Time-keeping plugin or anything like that? - Added by p b almost 15 years ago

Thanks, that's exactly what I need but since I'm just a student I cannot afford to pay 29€/Month for my 8 projects.

RE: Time-keeping plugin or anything like that? - Added by Jan from Planio almost 15 years ago

Please get in touch via Maybe we can work something out!

RE: Time-keeping plugin or anything like that? - Added by Jim Mulholland almost 15 years ago

I created a plugin for Redmine 0.9.x to integrate with the Harvest time tracker.

Harvest has a free plan for 1 user, 2 projects, and 4 clients.

RE: Time-keeping plugin or anything like that? - Added by p b almost 15 years ago

Again, too expensive for my 8 projects since all of them are study related and not making money with it. Thanks anyway.

RE: Time-keeping plugin or anything like that? - Added by Kevin Bosman almost 15 years ago

Perhaps GOYELLO's enhancements to Eric Davis' excellent Stuff To Do plugin would be sufficient for your needs?
Note that you may need to make some minor adjustments to get it working on trunk, because I believe GOYELLO are currently running Redmine 0.8.x

Read about the plugin in their blog post here:

RE: Time-keeping plugin or anything like that? - Added by robin van emden almost 15 years ago

Hi! For those interested in using the Goyello version of Eric Davis' Stuff To Do plugin, the patch here applied to app/models/next_issue_filter.rb & changing the plugin's directory name from goyello_stuff_to_do to stuff_to_do_plugin made it work for me in Redmine 0.9.1.
Good luck!
Robin van Emden

RE: Time-keeping plugin or anything like that? - Added by Terence Mill over 14 years ago

I installed the goyellow plugin and like it much.

Never the less i found a bug.
In the user selection of the TodoList Board there are also user listed which are locked by admin.

Something i liked much in the original plugin of eric is, that there was a right to edit others users list e.g. the pm can assign and set priorities for his team members.
Now it is only possible to see others taks list, but can't edit anymore.
