


Effective Time Logging

Added by David B over 14 years ago

Not sure about everyone else, but I look over a team of web developers and we use redmine to manage our projects and log our time daily on what we have spent. We jump back and forth between things during the day and at the moment, the more effective way we have found to log our daily workload time is to write the start/end date on paper then at the end of the day log it all into redmine.

I was wondering if anyone else has found better ways of logging daily work load on redmine in a quicker/more effective way where there is minimal error and less time to log.

Replies (26)

RE: Effective Time Logging - Added by David B over 14 years ago

I've had a look at that, haven't tried it yet but might do. Has anyone used it and does it work well for them and with newest stable version of redmine?

RE: Effective Time Logging - Added by Steve Weet over 14 years ago

I'm testing it out at the moment. Seems pretty good to me. (I just need to train myself to use it more. I am the worlds worst at filling in timesheets)

RE: Effective Time Logging - Added by David B over 14 years ago

None of my team has ever logged time so we are trying to start getting in the habit of doing it so we know where our time is going. Is it easy to jump between projects and issues to log time?

RE: Effective Time Logging - Added by Steve Weet over 14 years ago

You always log time against an issue. The basic workflow is.

  • Find the issue you are going to work on
  • Click the Start Timer link at the top of the page (Next to login details)
  • Work on the issue
  • Click the Stop timer link when done and enter a description of the work done.

Give it a try and see how you get on. You can always uninstall it if it's not for you

RE: Effective Time Logging - Added by David B over 14 years ago

oh, I thought there would be some sort of popup that allowed easier use of it.

RE: Effective Time Logging - Added by mythos mint over 14 years ago

If you know the issue numbers you can log time pretty easy. There is a log time button in the Overview->Details->Spent time page.

Also you can just link to the page

More info in the manual here RedmineTimeTracking

And if you're talking about automatic time tracking, that's a hard issue. I personally like but it doesn't log everything and there is still some manual work involved

RE: Effective Time Logging - Added by stefan koks over 14 years ago

I've tested it for some weeks now in the newest version of Redmine and I'm very happy with it (the timetracker plugin).

So far i 'missed' only 2 functionalities (maybe --i suddenly realize-- because i didn't read all documentation):

-pause the timer

-on click 'start timer' I would like to enter some text on what I'm gonna do

Interesting for someone who wants to "big brother" his team:
as administrator you can see the (clickable) list of all running timetrackers (user/issue/startdate/spent time)!

RE: Effective Time Logging - Added by Codinfo Worker about 14 years ago

2 stefan koks

as administrator you can see the (clickable) list of all running timetrackers (user/issue/startdate/spent time)!

Please, tell me how can i see list all of running timetrackers under administator?

2 all
This is very good plugin, but it's haven't capability of start/stop timer straight in list of issues (using right-button menu).
So, if you want to have it,

  1. Add to file .lib/time_tracker_hooks.rb
    render_on :view_issues_context_menu_start, :partial => 'time_trackers/update_context'
  2. Make file ./views/time_trackers/_update_context.rhtml with code:
    <% time_tracker = time_tracker_for(User.current) %>
    <% if !time_tracker.nil? %>
        <%= link_to l(:stop_time_tracker), { :controller => 'time_trackers', :action => 'stop' },
         { :class => 'icon icon-tracker-add' } %>
    <% elsif !@project.nil? and User.current.allowed_to?(:log_time, @project) %>
        <% if !@issue.nil? %>
            <%= link_to_remote l(:start_time_tracker) + ' #' +,
                :url => { :controller => 'time_trackers', :action => 'start', :issue_id => },
                :html => { :class => 'icon icon-time-add' },
                :update => 'time-tracker-menu'
        <% else %>
        <% end %>
    <% end %>

RE: Effective Time Logging - Added by stefan koks about 14 years ago

Thank you for your code!

When logged in as admin and you have the timetracker plugin installed you see the following items in the upper menu:

  • Home
  • My page
  • Projects
  • Time trackers
  • Administration
  • Help

When you click the time trackers link you'll see the list.

RE: Effective Time Logging - Added by Codinfo Worker about 14 years ago


There is no item Time trackers in our menu.
Tomorrow i'll analyze this.

Thank you!

RE: Effective Time Logging - Added by stefan koks about 14 years ago

I'm using Redmine 0.9.5, I haven't tested the time-tracker plugin in version 1.0 or 1.01.

RE: Effective Time Logging - Added by Codinfo Worker about 14 years ago

I use a version of Redmine 1.01 and time-tracker plugin v2.0. No additional menu "Time trackers" does not appear. Judging by the code of the plugin, there is no information on this menu. Maybe you somehow changed the plugin itself?

RE: Effective Time Logging - Added by stefan koks about 14 years ago

No i didn't change the code (i'm not a ruby programmer). I hope I can try to test the latest Redmine version this evening, maybe I can reproduce the problem.

I did check the settings for this plugin but nothing seems to be related. Sorry for re-asking the question, but are you really logged in as an administrator into Redmine?

RE: Effective Time Logging - Added by Codinfo Worker about 14 years ago

As you can see in the picture above there is a menu item "Administration", so I went under the administrator account. Also in the picture can be seen that the plug is no opportunity for customization. Can you send us the code of the plugin you use?

RE: Effective Time Logging - Added by stefan koks about 14 years ago

Ok, it looks different in my system. I seem to have a development version of the plugin, with a configuration option.

RE: Effective Time Logging - Added by Codinfo Worker about 14 years ago

Thank you for your help.
It turns out that you have "development" version, and in the menu "downloads" on page available to download for the old version 2.0

RE: Effective Time Logging - Added by stefan koks about 14 years ago

You're welcome. I apologize for the confusion, I should have checked my version earlier.

RE: Effective Time Logging - Added by stefan koks about 14 years ago

Codinfo: your code also works fine in my development version, thanx :-) Only a minor issue with the layout, see the attached image.

RE: Effective Time Logging - Added by Codinfo Worker about 14 years ago

Sorry, I just forgot that the code in the file ./views/time_trackers/_update_context.rhtml must be in the tag <li> </li>

<% time_tracker = time_tracker_for(User.current) %>
<% if !time_tracker.nil? %>
    <%= link_to l(:stop_time_tracker), { :controller => 'time_trackers', :action => 'stop' },
     { :class => 'icon icon-tracker-add' } %>
<% elsif !@project.nil? and User.current.allowed_to?(:log_time, @project) %>
    <% if !@issue.nil? %>
        <%= link_to_remote l(:start_time_tracker) + ' #' +,
            :url => { :controller => 'time_trackers', :action => 'start', :issue_id => },
            :html => { :class => 'icon icon-time-add' },
            :update => 'time-tracker-menu'
    <% else %>
    <% end %>
<% end %>

RE: Effective Time Logging - Added by Codinfo Worker about 14 years ago

Found a serious vulnerability. Anyone opening page <redmine_root>/time_trackers can get access to the management of timers. To remedy to the file ./app/views/time_trackers/index.rhtml add 2 lines:
1. First - <% if User.current.admin? >
2. Last - <

RE: Effective Time Logging - Added by stefan koks about 14 years ago

Hey CodInfo, I added some %-signs otherwise I got an errormessage:

1. First - <% if User.current.admin? %>
2. Last - <% end %>

RE: Effective Time Logging - Added by Peter Volkov about 11 years ago

So, three years later the plugin is not compatible with recent redmine versions. Are there any alternatives?

RE: Effective Time Logging - Added by Анна Лосева almost 11 years ago

hi guys, i dont now, how much it would be useful for you, but we have plugin for time tracking in redmine) if it help in your work, it will be awesome:
