


TaskConnector: redmine -> Microsoft project connector

Added by Alex Last about 14 years ago

I created a desktop application (based on Eclipse platform) to load data from Redmine (using REST API) and save it to a Microsoft Project file.
The current version is mostly a prototype with many limitations, but I'll keep working on it. Here's the download link (the app is open-source and free):

(The app requires Java Runtime to run)

The project page has more info and the screenshot:

The application supports 2 connectors at this moment:
1) Redmine (read-only)
2) Microsoft project( write-only)

I'm going to add more connectors to it (like Jira and Bugzilla) and also improve the Redmine connector to enable bi-directional synchronization between Redmine and MS Project. Feel free to look at the plans and submit your suggestions here:

Replies (6)

RE: TaskConnector: redmine -> Microsoft project connector - Added by Alex Last about 14 years ago

Build 4 of "Task Connector" application is released. It supports 2-way synchronization between Redmine and MS project (MPX) files. You can get it from the same "Downloads" page:

RE: TaskConnector: redmine -> Microsoft project connector - Added by Alex Last almost 14 years ago

Build 5 is released. main change: it works with Microsoft Project XML files (aka "MSPDI" format) instead of deprecated MPX.
(note: I renamed the app from "Task Connector" to "Task Converter")

RE: TaskConnector: redmine -> Microsoft project connector - Added by Alex Last almost 14 years ago

Build 8 is released.


Build 8. November 6, 2010
   Issue 60 : show confirmation dialog before making actual changes (create/update tasks)
Build 7. October 29, 2010
   Replaced "Properties" view with "Console". It will be used to report status, etc.
   UI cleanup, code cleanup, minor bugfixes.
Build 6. October 26, 2010
   Issue 55 : Added support for checkboxes: only the selected tasks are exported.

RE: TaskConnector: redmine -> Microsoft project connector - Added by Alex Last over 13 years ago

The project has moved to website.
There are trial and paid versions; support is provided by email.
The project is evolving quickly and a new version is generally released every two weeks.

The current list of supported connectors:
  • Redmine (read/write)
  • Microsoft Project XML files (read/write)
  • Atlassian Jira (read/write, no subtasking support yet. experimental version)
Main focus for the next several releases:
  • Improve usability
  • Support Microsoft Project MPP files (read only)
  • Support "update" instead of "recreate" for Microsoft Project XML files.

The next release is planned for December 23, 2010.

RE: TaskConnector: redmine -> Microsoft project connector - Added by Chan Li over 3 years ago

Now there is a MS Project VSTO add-in for redmine: Beside filtering/adding/updating/deleting tasks/issues, It can merge new/updated isssues to tasks.

RE: TaskConnector: redmine -> Microsoft project connector - Added by cyril Thibout over 3 years ago

Hi does work with Office365 cloud based MS project ?
which version of MS project does it require please?

