


Getting rid of issue fields

Added by Anonymous over 12 years ago

Is there a plugin or a way to remove some of the issue tracker fields? I found a way to add custom fields, but not remove fields already in the issue tracker. I don't need due date, estimated time, % done, target version or assignee. (I would be fine with just visually hiding them instead of removing them all-together).

Replies (11)

RE: Getting rid of issue fields - Added by Anonymous about 12 years ago


RE: Getting rid of issue fields - Added by Ivan Cenov about 12 years ago

I took a look at app/views/issues/show.html.erb. It seems that they are hardcoded.

RE: Getting rid of issue fields - Added by William Roush about 12 years ago

You could just write your own CSS template to hide them I believe and use that as a theme...

It's kind of a dirty hack way to do it, but prevents you from breaking forward compatability.

RE: Getting rid of issue fields - Added by Anonymous about 12 years ago

I was thinking about doing css to hide the fields, however, only the input fields have id's, the labels do not. It would be nice if each of the pair had a class.

RE: Getting rid of issue fields - Added by William Roush about 12 years ago

Oh bummer, you can use Javascript in a theme too I believe, and just crawl one level up on the DOM and hide the entire p element...

RE: Getting rid of issue fields - Added by William Roush about 12 years ago

john lee wrote:

this is a bad piece of coding

It's either that or basically fork Redmine. :\ I'd take some poor Javascript template hack over having to merge all updates to Redmine.

RE: Getting rid of issue fields - Added by Anonymous about 12 years ago

It's still the nicest (looking) issue tracker I've seen

RE: Getting rid of issue fields - Added by Etienne Massip about 12 years ago

For clarity sake: I removed the original comment not because it was unfairly rude against Redmine code but because its author was spamming the forum with commercial links and I don't think he was actually interested by the current discussion!

There is no censorship in action down here =)

RE: Getting rid of issue fields - Added by @ go2null about 12 years ago

Fixed in Feature #8050 (hiding on a per Role basis).

If anyone has a (JavaScript) hack that they can share in the meanwhile, that would be great.

RE: Getting rid of issue fields - Added by Jos Groot Lipman about 12 years ago

James R wrote:

Fixed in Feature #8050 (hiding on a per Role basis).

No it is not fixed there. With #8050 fields can only be made readonly or required, not invisible.

RE: Getting rid of issue fields - Added by @ go2null about 12 years ago

Joachim Schulze Groot - thanks. I've added my +1 for Hidden to #3521 :-)
