


How operating system dependant is Redmine performance?

Added by Lukasz Kaniewski over 7 years ago


We're currently using Redmine 2.5.2-2 with Ruby 2.0.0p481, Rails 4.1.5 and MySQL 5.5.39.
Ruby-aware servers used are Thin and OS is Windows without cygwin.
We have decided to check if we can improve performance even more and are wondering if having it running on Windows does impact it and would it be worth it to migrate to Linux or would that be a waste of time.

Does anyone know if Redmine 2.5.2 is known for having worse performance on Windows than on Unix/Linux?


Replies (2)

RE: How operating system dependant is Redmine performance? - Added by Deoren Moor over 7 years ago

Others can speak to this much better than I, but from what I have heard, newer versions of the Ruby interpreter perform better than older versions. It may be worth the research to determine if Ruby performs better on one platform over another. Newer versions of Redmine are also supposed to perform better.

I'm partial to Linux over Windows, so anything I say there will be biased. I found that moving from Apache Prefork/MPM & Phusion Passenger to nginx + Phusion Passenger and then increasing the number of virtual cores made a huge difference in performance.

RE: How operating system dependant is Redmine performance? - Added by dj jones over 7 years ago

Hi Lukasz

We have decided to check if we can improve performance even more ...

Can you tell us - how many users you have in total, what is the max number active in your 'peak hours'.
Do have any automated cron-jobs that load the system?
Do you have any other systems that pull/push data to Redmine?

In terms of setting goals for this work - which of your user types would benefit from performance - are there specific things that specific user types complain about?

Overall, like Deoren said - a move to Linux would be the default recommendation from many people! Does your organisation lack Linux skills? Have you tried a back-up and restore to redmine on Linux - or played with Bitnami versions on Linux?
