


How to change default Tracker Fields

Added by Mark Carley almost 16 years ago

There appear to be several default fields that are present on every Tracker type. These are: Status, Priority, Assigned To, Category, Files, Subject, Description, Start Date, Due Date, Estimated Time, % Done. It does not appear that you can restrict edit access to these by Role or by Project. Is there a way to either: 1) Restrict the visibility (and thereby update access) to these fields by Role and by Project? 2) Restrict simply update ability to these fields by Role or by Project? Thank you.

Replies (15)

RE: How to change default Tracker Fields - Added by Peter Volkov over 15 years ago

I'm also interested in this feature. At least probably hide "Target version:" and "Affected version:" will help us a lot since we don't use redmine for software development and as such we don't have versions at all...

RE: How to change default Tracker Fields - Added by Mischa The Evil over 15 years ago

I've went through some digging-in-the-issuelist and found lots of related (also in some more-broad perspective) issues.

I'll soon do some more issue-triage on this matter (using "related issues"-feature) and report-back in this thread to categorize/group the minor-related "issues" to eachother...



RE: How to change default Tracker Fields - Added by Cyrus Lentin almost 15 years ago

+1. Very important to us.

RE: How to change default Tracker Fields - Added by Cyrus Lentin almost 15 years ago

Feature #1296, Feature #3154 and forum topic
all talk of the same requirement. Something needs to be done.

RE: How to change default Tracker Fields - Added by Matthieu Codron almost 15 years ago

I know I may be off topic, but I'm sure you've some information about my request: how about having fields accessible only to certain profiles (for example, the affected to would be RW for deleopers, and hidden for client)?
As I remember, ther hasve been some discussions about it, and I can not find them again!

RE: How to change default Tracker Fields - Added by Overmind Eternal Will over 12 years ago

This feature request will help Redmine to be able to handle different kind of work-flows, and be adopted in different environments, apart from coding.

RE: How to change default Tracker Fields - Added by Ken Orji over 12 years ago

we really would like to have this feature as well

RE: How to change default Tracker Fields - Added by Andrew Ye over 12 years ago

Really need this function!
