


GMail flags all emails as 'promotions' by default

Added by Chris Dekker about 11 years ago

Not sure if this is something which can be fixed on the Redmine's side, but I noticed that all emails being sent by Redmine will automatically be classified under 'Promotions' (Deals, Offers and other marketing emails). This causes me not te receive notifications and such unless I make labels and filters. Now I could live with this one time modification, but this also means that I need to instruct all my project members who use gmail to do this.

I have made sure all demands to GMail have been met. Valid domain, valid DNS records, valid SPF record, SMTP server not blacklisted, etc.

Hell, even the email from this site, to confirm my new account was dumped in the same folder.

Is this a defect, or am I missing something here? I cant seem to find out the exact REASON Gmail decides to flag it as Promotional mail.

Replies (5)

RE: GMail flags all emails as 'promotions' by default - Added by Samuel F. Baggen almost 11 years ago

Having the same problem too, very annoying :/

RE: GMail flags all emails as 'promotions' by default - Added by Asif Noor over 10 years ago

I too faced the same issue. When i had debugged, i found that in mail function (app/models/mailer.rb), there is a new header 'List-Id' => "<#{Setting.mail_from.to_s.gsub('@', '.')}>" getting added which was not there in the earlier version of redmine. So i had commented and now mails started coming correctly. Based on the list header, Earlier gmail was treating all these notifications as promotions. Once this was removed, it started working correctly.

RE: GMail flags all emails as 'promotions' by default - Added by Samuel F. Baggen over 10 years ago

+1 Asif !

I wonder how much needed is this entry for "gmail rules/policy" VS the impact damage, one thing is a "discussion list" and another different a "promotion", hum!

RE: GMail flags all emails as 'promotions' by default - Added by Tam Huynh over 9 years ago

Thank you Asif. It works!!!
I'm not sure this is correct or not. But i confirm that removing the line will fix the problem.

 'List-Id' => "<#{Setting.mail_from.to_s.gsub('@', '.')}>

Can someone explain what'List-Id' header use for ?
