


Install Redmine on CENTOS 6

Added by Juan Antonio LLLLLLLL over 10 years ago


I've installed Redmine on Centos 6 and it runs on WEBRICK but I don't achieve it runs on Apache... I follow the instructions
but nothing I've resolved.

And I have a question :

Whats is the file ( on redmine/public ) that launchs the application. I'm trying to use fastcgi.

I put a index.html to probe my virtualhost and it's well configured,but how to launch the application???

Sorry for my English.


Replies (11)

RE: Install Redmine on CENTOS 6 - Added by Martin Denizet ( team member) over 10 years ago

Hi Juan,
Are you using Passenger on your Apache?

RE: Install Redmine on CENTOS 6 - Added by Juan Antonio LLLLLLLL over 10 years ago

I've installed passenger but not works. I think my http.conf (Apache) isn't well configured.


RE: Install Redmine on CENTOS 6 - Added by Martin Denizet ( team member) over 10 years ago

Installing Passenger with RVM, Gem, you should have something that looks like that in you Apache configuration:

LoadModule passenger_module /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p451/gems/passenger-4.0.41/buildout/apache2/
<IfModule mod_passenger.c>
PassengerRoot /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p451/gems/passenger-4.0.41
PassengerDefaultRuby /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p451/wrappers/ruby

And in your VirtualHost:
RailsBaseURI /
PassengerAppRoot /opt/redmine/current

I took the information from this article for Debian.


RE: Install Redmine on CENTOS 6 - Added by Juan Antonio LLLLLLLL over 10 years ago

Thanks for reply.

I think this is the problem, because I've installed Passenger too, but in my httpd.conf file doesn't appear the lines you show me.

I will do the things you tell me on Mondays at my work. I will tell you on Mondays.

Thanks a lot!!

RE: Install Redmine on CENTOS 6 - Added by Juan Antonio LLLLLLLL over 10 years ago

I'm very frustated.

I can't run Redmine on Apache....... I've followed the instructions ,but it doesn´t run....

I have a question. What is the file that runs redmine on the public directory???? I have a dispath.fcgi and I've modified this script with the instruccions. Is the file that runs redmine to start?


RE: Install Redmine on CENTOS 6 - Added by Robert Schneider over 10 years ago

Juan Antonio LLLLLLLL wrote:

I think this is the problem, because I've installed Passenger too, but in my httpd.conf file doesn't appear the lines you show me.

They are not automatically inserted. You have to do it manually, afaik.

And did you execute passenger-install-apache2-module?

There are some instructions already. Have you seen them? They could help you:

RE: Install Redmine on CENTOS 6 - Added by Juan Antonio LLLLLLLL over 10 years ago

Hello Robert.

I've installed passenger and I added the lines to my httpd.conf to run passenger but didn't work.

when I write localhost in my browser it shows me the apache wellcome page because in my /redmine/public doesn't exist any .html file, and when I write localhost/redmine , the broswer shows me the http 404 error.

because of that, I ask ¿what are the files that must be in public directory?

I haven't got a dipatch.rb, for example and I read some instruccions and I read about this file, but my directory haven't got it.

Thanks for all

RE: Install Redmine on CENTOS 6 - Added by Robert Schneider over 10 years ago

I don't know how it works. redmine/public doesn't have a file like index.rb (an .html file would be for static content, Redmine is a dynamic application, so of course there is nothing like index.html).

Sorry, I think I'm not able to help you any further. I'm not an expert. But I was just able to install Redmine on Fedora and CentOS with the mentioned instructions (not using fastcgi, I think...).

Consider doing it like explained in the instruction articles. Or use preconfigured VM (bitnami). Or ask your administrator.

RE: Install Redmine on CENTOS 6 - Added by Juan Antonio LLLLLLLL over 10 years ago

I've solved the problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I delete the dispatch.fcgi and the htacces on my public directory to force runs passenger.

Then I read the logs on apache and I found an error to launch passenger. Then I configure SELinux to permissive mode.....and it runs!!!!
