


Repository Problem

Added by Andy L over 16 years ago

I am using the BitNami install of Redmine version 0.7, on Ubuntu Hardy (Beta) Desktop.

For me, subversion integration didn't work with https:

It did work with http:

- Andy

Replies (3)

RE: Repository Problem - Added by Thomas Lecavelier over 16 years ago

Check that the SSL certificate used by your target is fully valide and trusted by your computer.

RE: Repository Problem - Added by Andy L over 16 years ago

I think it is - I use https for day-to-day operations on the same computer...

RE: Repository Problem - Added by Andy L over 16 years ago

I checked again - Thomas Eccard you are right - there is a certificate issue on my SVN server - I will try to get this resolved and test https again...

Thanks, Andy
