


I cant enable STMP and SCM

Added by Lorenzo Castro over 3 years ago

Hi! I am developing a server for my university and it turns out that I am using Redmine, but I am a newbie and I have tried many tutorials and none of them work for me. It turns out that I install RoR and Redmine on my virtual machine (ubuntu 20.04) and I upload to Heroku and the basics works, but I have not been able to configure the STMP and the repository to perform an SCM. Someone could help me? At this time the SCM part is more important of my project.

Replies (14)

RE: I cant enable STMP and SCM - Added by Bernhard Rohloff over 3 years ago

Hi Lorenzo,

welcome to the Redmine community!

I think we need some more information about your current setup and requirements to support you. Information about your installation is always helpful. A good first step is to copy the text under Administration -> Information and post it here so we can have a look on your current situation. Second, we need more information about your problems.
  • Which problems/errors are you fighting, right now?
  • Which SCM would you like to use?

Kind regards,

RE: I cant enable STMP and SCM - Added by Lorenzo Castro over 3 years ago

Hi Bernhard!

In the attached image is the information of what is installed [P1].

Now, when inserting the path of the repository I get the 404 error. And the solution in the forum here does not work for me [P2].

P3 shows the configuration of my repository.

I'm interested in using GIT, but if SVN is easier to implement, I wouldn't bother using SVN.

Thanks for the interest.

RE: I cant enable STMP and SCM - Added by Bernhard Rohloff over 3 years ago

According to your first picture [P1] there are some issues with permissions (e.g. Attachments) already in your setup.
Please make sure your Git repositories are accessible by the user which runs your Redmine process and the git command is available to the user, too.

There's an article about repositories in the wiki, did you follow its instructions?

RE: I cant enable STMP and SCM - Added by Lorenzo Castro over 3 years ago

First of all, excuse me, I did not receive the email notifying that you answered me.

Now, I have followed the steps you mention, but it does not work for me, I think I am doing something wrong.

RE: I cant enable STMP and SCM - Added by Bernhard Rohloff over 3 years ago

Lorenzo Castro wrote:

... I think I am doing something wrong.

Perhaps. May you show us some information about your environment?

  • name of the user which runs the Redmine service
  • Permissions and owner of the folders in your Redmine's root directory

RE: I cant enable STMP and SCM - Added by Lorenzo Castro over 3 years ago

Sorry for the trouble, this is what I have done:

First install Rails with RVM and postgreSQL from [1]. Then install Redmine from the wiki [2].


I had a meeting with my guide teacher, and the solution that I presented with Heroku and GitHub did not seem good, since he wants to store the repository locally. Do you have any idea how to do it? First I need any device to be able to access my localhost, but I try to open my router's port, and it doesn't work.

RE: I cant enable STMP and SCM - Added by Lorenzo Meneghetti over 3 years ago

Hi, I think you have to fix ingredients of your recipe. Redmine support only git repositories hosted on files system on Redmine server. The only prerequisite is that the user that runs redmine site must access the git repository folder. So:
1. drop your repo on git folder
2. enable acces to redmine user
3. make sure the repo relative path you declare on redmine is correct
You should find you repo in redmine.

RE: I cant enable STMP and SCM - Added by Lorenzo Castro about 3 years ago

Thank´s Lorenzo, I have done it!

The only issue is that I have only achieved it locally (localhost). Do you recommend any way to put it online?

RE: I cant enable STMP and SCM - Added by Lorenzo Meneghetti about 3 years ago

Lorenzo Castro wrote:

Thank´s Lorenzo, I have done it!

The only issue is that I have only achieved it locally (localhost). Do you recommend any way to put it online?

Hi, depends on where are your dev working dir and where you push your git commits.
For example, if you have a git repo on github you'll push your commits to github. Then you should feed you redmine local git repo with changesets. To achive this result you should clone the github repo from your local Redmine git folder by mirroring.
It's explained here


RE: I cant enable STMP and SCM - Added by Lorenzo Castro about 3 years ago

It's kind of complicated, my thesis professor wants the entire repository to be local, that it has no connection to github. I think you are thinking about the age of dinosaru. you have to update.

RE: I cant enable STMP and SCM - Added by Lorenzo Meneghetti about 3 years ago

Lorenzo Castro wrote:

It's kind of complicated, my thesis professor wants the entire repository to be local, that it has no connection to github. I think you are thinking about the age of dinosaru. you have to update.

Hi, ok. Good luck!

RE: I cant enable STMP and SCM - Added by Bernhard Rohloff about 3 years ago

Lorenzo Castro wrote:

It's kind of complicated, my thesis professor wants the entire repository to be local, that it has no connection to github. I think you are thinking about the age of dinosaru. you have to update.

I think this is a legit requirement. Github is not everybody's cup of tea. It likey would help if you tell us about what you are planning to accomplish and where in process you are right now. Otherwise it's like looking into the magic crystal ball.

RE: I cant enable STMP and SCM - Added by Lorenzo Castro about 3 years ago

Bernhard Rohloff wrote:

I think this is a legit requirement. Github is not everybody's cup of tea. It likey would help if you tell us about what you are planning to accomplish and where in process you are right now. Otherwise it's like looking into the magic crystal ball.

Basically the title of the thesis is "Study and implementation of a Project Server for academic use". The most important thing about this is version control. Now, at the moment in the virtual machine with Ubuntu 20.04, I have Redmine installed through Rails, and it can be accessed through the IP from anywhere. The big problem is that I do not know how to allow the user through the network to modify his repository folder, to be able to carry out commits for example.

RE: I cant enable STMP and SCM - Added by Bernhard Rohloff about 3 years ago

Repository access is commonly realized by either basic authentication or SSH key. The later one is more secure and in my opinion easier to realize and manage. Redine doesn't have this type of permission system for repository access. It's just a viewer of some type. For your Git repositories you need something different for creation and access control. There are two applications which come to my mind. The first is Gitolite and the second one is Gitea both of them you would have to install besides your Redmine installation.
