


Multiple Assignee for one issue

Added by Ace Cow almost 3 years ago

Helo i am trying to find a way how to assign multiple Assignee to one issue.
So in issues->attibutes file i am making

<% if @issue.safe_attribute? 'assigned_to_id' >
= :assigned_to_id, principals_options_for_select(@issue.assignable_users, @issue.assigned_to),
:include_blank => false, :multiple => true, :required => @issue.required_attribute?('assigned_to_id') ></p>
end %>

in code i am adding :multiple => true, but saddly nothing changes and if i change in css that assigne i could check multiple users it still only takes one id not more anyone know how to fix it?

  Redmine version                4.1.2.stable
  Ruby version                   2.7.3-p183 (2021-04-05) [amd64-freebsd13]
  Rails version                  5.2.6
  Environment                    production
  Database adapter               Mysql2
  Mailer queue                   ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::AsyncAdapter
  Mailer delivery                smtp
Redmine plugins:
  mega_calendar                  1.7.4

Replies (8)

RE: Multiple Assignee for one issue - Added by Lorenzo Meneghetti almost 3 years ago

Hi, unfortunately you cannot with vanilla Redmine. But this is also a breaking strategy respect to issue assignee design.
You should write your own plugin to track alternate assignees or rely on groups as assignee.
You can also put user format custom fields on issues.


RE: Multiple Assignee for one issue - Added by thomas mjelva almost 3 years ago

we use this plugin:

it lets you create custum field where you can add users, even multiple (hold CTRL)

RE: Multiple Assignee for one issue - Added by Ace Cow almost 3 years ago

But can this pluging be connected to the mega calendar plugin filter?

RE: Multiple Assignee for one issue - Added by David Doležal almost 3 years ago

You didn't write why do you need this solution, but first what came in my head is group as assignee. Will it be solution for you?

RE: Multiple Assignee for one issue - Added by Ace Cow almost 3 years ago

thomas mjelva wrote:

we use this plugin:

it lets you create custum field where you can add users, even multiple (hold CTRL)

But this plugin is only for Redmine 3.4.5 only currently.

what about Redmine version 4.1.2.stable

i am looking were is posibility to change in code that :multiple => true, would work but saddly it dosent allow to do that
and this plugin is for adding custom field and from it marking multiple fields .

But still is there any posible solutions to make solutions for default fields to make them multiple for example default field 'assigned_to_id'?

RE: Multiple Assignee for one issue - Added by Ace Cow almost 3 years ago

David Doležal wrote:

You didn't write why do you need this solution, but first what came in my head is group as assignee. Will it be solution for you?

well i need to filter out two things if you assigned to issue or are you the author of the issue then show the issues. And i would like to make for one issue that the author could assign more than one person.

RE: Multiple Assignee for one issue - Added by David Doležal over 2 years ago

Ace Cow wrote:

But still is there any posible solutions to make solutions for default fields to make them multiple for example default field 'assigned_to_id'?

I think - yes. Via group.

Ace Cow wrote:

well i need to filter out two things if you assigned to issue or are you the author of the issue then show the issues. And i would like to make for one issue that the author could assign more than one person.

I think, in basic Redmine author can't set more user as assignee at one moment. Exception is when author set group as assignee... But group has own ID (as user), so I think you can make "if" for it.
