


Upgrading redmine server fails

Added by Peter Kövesdi 24 days ago

I have a working redmine instance on Debian 12:

root@redmine redmine# RAILS_ENV=production bin/about 

sh: 1: svn: not found
sh: 1: hg: not found
sh: 1: cvs: not found
sh: 1: bzr: not found
  Redmine version                5.0.4.stable
  Ruby version                   3.1.2-p20 (2022-04-12) [x86_64-linux-gnu]
  Rails version        
  Environment                    production
  Database adapter               PostgreSQL
  Mailer queue                   ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::AsyncAdapter
  Mailer delivery                sendmail
Redmine settings:
  Redmine theme                  Purplemine2-master (includes JavaScript)
  Git                            2.39.2
  Xitolite                       2.39.2
Redmine plugins:
  additional_tags                3.1.0-main
  additionals                    3.1.0-main
  custom_field_sql               2.6
  easy_gantt                     2.0
  redmine_custom_workflows       2.0.9
  redmine_git_hosting            6.0.1
  redmine_issue_dynamic_edit     0.9.1
  redmine_issues_tree            0.0.15
  redmine_latex_mathjax          0.3.0
  redmine_more_previews          5.0.8
  redmine_paste_as_wiki_tables   0.1.1
  redmine_wiki_lists             0.0.11
  view_customize                 3.4.1

Now apt shows me some pending upgrades:

root@redmine redmine# apt list --upgradable
Auflistung… Fertig
libpq5/stable-security 15.6-0+deb12u1 amd64 [aktualisierbar von: 15.5-0+deb12u1]
libruby3.1/stable-security 3.1.2-7+deb12u1 amd64 [aktualisierbar von: 3.1.2-7]
postgresql-15/stable-security 15.6-0+deb12u1 amd64 [aktualisierbar von: 15.5-0+deb12u1]
postgresql-client-15/stable-security 15.6-0+deb12u1 amd64 [aktualisierbar von: 15.5-0+deb12u1]
ruby-sanitize/stable-security 6.0.0-1.1+deb12u1 all [aktualisierbar von: 6.0.0-1.1]
ruby3.1-dev/stable-security 3.1.2-7+deb12u1 amd64 [aktualisierbar von: 3.1.2-7]
ruby3.1-doc/stable-security 3.1.2-7+deb12u1 all [aktualisierbar von: 3.1.2-7]
ruby3.1/stable-security 3.1.2-7+deb12u1 amd64 [aktualisierbar von: 3.1.2-7]

But when ever I try to upgrade one of these, I get a message from bundlerthat I shouldn't run it as root and I end up with a not working redmine: "We're sorry, but something went wrong.". But I can't run apt upgrade without root.
How can I track this error down or how can I update my system without destroying redmine?

Replies (3)

RE: Upgrading redmine server fails - Added by Peter Kövesdi 24 days ago

Ok, I got one step further by going into the redmine folder and running `bundle update`, which failed until I ran `sudo apt-get install libpq-dev`. After that, my redmine still works and the list of pending upgrades looks like this:

root@redmine ~# apt list --upgradable
Auflistung… Fertig
libruby3.1/stable-security 3.1.2-7+deb12u1 amd64 [aktualisierbar von: 3.1.2-7]
ruby-sanitize/stable-security 6.0.0-1.1+deb12u1 all [aktualisierbar von: 6.0.0-1.1]
ruby3.1-dev/stable-security 3.1.2-7+deb12u1 amd64 [aktualisierbar von: 3.1.2-7]
ruby3.1-doc/stable-security 3.1.2-7+deb12u1 all [aktualisierbar von: 3.1.2-7]
ruby3.1/stable-security 3.1.2-7+deb12u1 amd64 [aktualisierbar von: 3.1.2-7]

RE: Upgrading redmine server fails - Added by David redminePRO 24 days ago

Hello Peter, apt is the Ubuntu package manager and you need to use root privileges to run any apt commands.

For bundler , this is application-related and you need to switch to the local user to update the redmine application related packages, it is not recommended to use root for user for hosting any application.

David -

RE: Upgrading redmine server fails - Added by Peter Kövesdi 24 days ago

Hey, thanks for Your help!

Yes, I know, that's why I wrote "But I can't run apt upgrade without root.". And I don't run bundler myself directly, apt runs it. So, how can I solve it? As said, I cannot run apt wihtout root, and apt runs bundler, seemingly as root.
