


where did simple_ci plugin go?

Added by Marc Mengel over 12 years ago

I've been using simple_ci, which used to be hosted here on; and I wanted to
report adding routes to it to make it work with redmine 1.4.1; but it seems to have
disappeared from the repository(?). In any case, if you're using it, it now needs
a config/routes.rb; I put in:

ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|
  map.connect 'projects/:id/simple_ci/:action', :controller => 'simple_ci'
  map.connect 'projects/:id/simple_ci_settings/:action', :controller => 'simple_ci_settings'

Replies (6)

RE: where did simple_ci plugin go? - Added by Mischa The Evil over 12 years ago

The Embedded plugin and the Simple-CI plugin were both removed from the Redmine core repository in r9562.

Has anyone put them up anywhere else? - Added by Marc Mengel over 12 years ago

If not, I might put them up at GitHub...

RE: where did simple_ci plugin go? - Added by Rafi Greenberg over 12 years ago

We need this plugin. Could you please post a version compatible with Redmine 2.0.x?


RE: where did simple_ci plugin go? - Added by Rafi Greenberg over 12 years ago

Can someone help out with the Embedded plugin?

Pushed to github... - Added by Marc Mengel over 12 years ago

I've put up on github the versions I have working with 1.4.1

If anyone can test these under Redmine 2.0, that would be great... Rafi?

RE: where did simple_ci plugin go? - Added by Rafi Greenberg over 12 years ago

No luck on 2.0.x, unfortunately.
Thanks for you help, though.
