


Doodle Plugin

Added by Felix Schäfer almost 15 years ago

I'm not sure how many people will need this, but I've put together a little Doodle Plugin, which is a per-project module (like the wiki or the forums). The point is that basic functionality works, but there are still some design decisions to be made (e.g.: should you be able to completely delete your votes to a doodle, or just be able to set all your answers to "no"), and I'd need a little help with the css, so if anyone is interested, follow the discussion here and give me some feedback :-)

Anyway, I'll try to clean up the code tonight and post a link to the subversion repo here, and we'll see where it goes from there. The project is hosted in a redmine, but not a public enough one that we could discuss anything there, so we'll have to stick to this thread for the time being.

Replies (87)

RE: Doodle Plugin - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 15 years ago

Whyever the second paragraph got quoted or boxed, or whatever it is O_o

RE: Doodle Plugin - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 15 years ago

So here is the project:, the Repo is under I'll let you all luxury of exploring the plugin for yourselves, please report any caveat or improvement proposals here.

RE: Doodle Plugin - Added by Anonymous over 14 years ago

Hey Felix,

how is this coming along? I wanted to implement something like this myself, great to see someone was faster :-) Is it correct that the test redmine can only be accessed for people from your Fachschaft? I tried to get it to work on my redmine, but It adds a tab with the lable "label_doodle_plural", so it somehow does not seem to find the translation. Once I click on that tab I get an "Internal Error".
I am using Redmine Version 0.8.7.stable and for you plugin it says version "trunk".

How exactly am I supposed to install the plugin? I tried to things:
1) svn checkout from your repository
2a) moved the whole folder (including trunk, tags...) to the vendor/plugin folder
b) moved only the contents of the trunk folder into a folder names "redmine_doodle" in the vendor plugin folder
3) run rake task "rake db:migrate_plugins RAILS_ENV=production" (adding some tables)
4) restarting my mongrel_cluster

Both approaches don't seem to work - where am I going wrong?


RE: Doodle Plugin - Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago

Hi Ole,

Well, it's been a tough december, and I haven't had time to get further with this, so it's basically still more a PoC than a usable plugin. Concerning the test redmine, I'm not even sure what version of redmine and of the plugin is on there, so just consider it as nonexistent until notified otherwise (i.e. until I have time to update it), the project itself is hosted on our student's union (Fachschaft) redmine, and I'm afraid we have a policy of only giving University members an account. I don't have access to a "free" (as in everyone can register) redmine at the moment, and I'm not willing (nor do I have the time sigh) to put one up for this project, so I could only offer to put it up on github or similar of anyone wants to help with the development.

Regarding the plugin itself: I developed it on trunk in late november (I think), so I suppose it will only work on a recent-ish trunk or 0.9-stable (I didn't try, so I can't say for sure), and I'm afraid you won't have any luck on 0.8.7 other than reporting the bugs or posting patches. The normal installation path would be to take the trunk directory or the latest tag, put it in vendor/plugins/redmine_doodles, and go on with the installation of any other plugin. Regarding the translations: yeah, I focused on getting german working because there was big pressure to get it on our redmine, anything else is not (fully) translated right now.

To sum it up: Translations a virtually non-existant, I don't think you will have any luck on 0.8.7, and the project is read-only for the public, if anyone wants to help, we can switch to github/something else.

Oh, and happy new year ;-)

RE: Doodle Plugin - Added by Anonymous over 14 years ago

Okay, I am myself going back to university today, so I am not sure how much time I will have looking into this, but I will let you know if I do. I guess I wait for 0.9 to be officially released and then try my luck again.


RE: Doodle Plugin - Added by Daniel S about 14 years ago

Is there any chance this plugin could move to github? This would allow people to participate more in the development.

BTW, the Doodle plugin is affected by defect #3935.

RE: Doodle Plugin - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

Daniel S wrote:

Is there any chance this plugin could move to github? This would allow people to participate more in the development.

I'll look into cloning it there so people can send me pull requests, I'm not going to fully switch to github though, sorry. Best thing I can offer you now is an account in the redmine it resides in.

BTW, the Doodle plugin is affected by defect #3935.

I'll have a look into it, thanks for the report :-)

RE: Doodle Plugin - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

Oh, I just noticed the old links are still here, have a look at the plugin list for the current links.

RE: Doodle Plugin - Added by Daniel S about 14 years ago

Thanks, already using the current link. I was thinking of extending the plugin to support the yellow/maybe state for answers, but not actually sure I'll have time. At least if it were on github it would be easier to get started, and possibly others would jump in as well :-)

RE: Doodle Plugin - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

Well, I already have a ticket for the maybe thing, my biggest problem though is how to count them: half a vote, a full vote, not quite a full vote? The code part shouldn't be too hard, that summing decision and the interface will be a bit tougher.

(btw, I've made a note to mirror it to github, should be done by wednesday or thursday evening.)

RE: Doodle Plugin - Added by Daniel S about 14 years ago

Great. As for the maybe: Doodle itself just displays three lines at the bottom - one with the "yes" count, one with the "maybe" count and the last one with the "no" count. Then you can highlight the option(s) were the most people said "yes" (first criteria) and the most said maybe (2nd).

For the interface, it would also be possible to take a glance at Doodle were they have three radio boxes (vertical) with red/yellow/green background. Takes a bit more spaces. A combo-box would be smaller but less user-friendly. Or when using JavaScript, a fancy solution could be to toggle through the possible states.

RE: Doodle Plugin - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

I don't like the "3-results" solution much, I think I'd rather have something like 3(+2) to show 3 "yes" and 2 "maybe". Having the "absolute winner" and the "winner maybes included" is a good idea though, the second one could be highlighted with a yellow border the same as the current "absolute winner" is with a green border.

I also just had a little chat on #redmine with Holger Just/meineerde, and I think I'll go with a small "yes-maybe-no" select list, each option over the other, and have the background of the cell change colors accordingly as is already the case with green/red for yes/no.

I'll play around a little with that. How good is your css? :-)

RE: Doodle Plugin - Added by Daniel S about 14 years ago

Not good at all, I'm afraid.

RE: Doodle Plugin - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

Okay, the mirror is up on github: , feel free to fork away.

(haven't tested if a push to the original will update the mirror too as it should, but I suppose I'll find out soon enough…)

RE: Doodle Plugin - Added by Daniel S about 14 years ago

Great, thank you.

BTW, you may want to rename the git repository to redmine_doodles as this will allow to simply check the plugin out using "script/install plugin" without the need to rename the directory afterwards.

RE: Doodle Plugin - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

Version 0.5 released with doodle "metadata" edition and a list of users who should and are invited to answer.

RE: Doodle Plugin - Added by Marco Gutsche almost 14 years ago

Hello Felix,

I've read that your plugin propably runs in redmine 0.9.x. I've tried and get the error "undefnied method 'recipients'".
Have heard from somebody running this plugin on redmine 0.9.x successfully?

Thank a lot.

RE: Doodle Plugin - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

Mmh, that method should be available in 0.9… Could you provide the whole stack trace or log excerpt?

RE: Doodle Plugin - Added by Marco Gutsche almost 14 years ago

Felix Schäfer wrote:

Mmh, that method should be available in 0.9… Could you provide the whole stack trace or log excerpt?

A full trace as attachment

doodle_error.txt (8.57 KB) doodle_error.txt full trace

RE: Doodle Plugin - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

Marco Gutsche wrote:

Felix Schäfer wrote:

Mmh, that method should be available in 0.9… Could you provide the whole stack trace or log excerpt?

A full trace as attachment

Ok, there was a change in acts_as_event that I use that probably wasn't there before 1.0 (maybe it was in 0.9.2 already, but I couldn't find a mention of the commit getting merge to 0.9). You could try adding the following method to the doodle class in app/models/doodles.rb (before the private keyword!):

       def recipients
          notified = project.notified_users
          notified.reject! {|user| !visible?(user)}

Or you could turn off mails being sent for doodles in the global preferences, that should avoid calling that portion of the code at all.

RE: Doodle Plugin - Added by Marco Gutsche almost 14 years ago

Thanks a lot for the fast repsonse and the solution, now it works on redmine 0.9.4.

RE: Doodle Plugin - Added by Jean-Baptiste Barth almost 14 years ago

Felix: I let you cherry-pick this one for Postgresql compatibility. Sorry I cannot send you a correct pull request, it only proposes me to select both this commit and the previous one you already integrated for french translation... Thanks.

RE: Doodle Plugin - Added by Terence Mill almost 14 years ago

The git repository for ddole ist now closed, i can't access without login!

RE: Doodle Plugin - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 14 years ago

Terence Mill wrote:

The git repository for ddole ist now closed, i can't access without login!

I tried on several machines and cloning works without authentication, I only had some errors with git puking over a segfault of a too old openssl version. Make sure your git, curl and openssl are "current" enough. You might want to try too.

RE: Doodle Plugin - Added by Terence Mill almost 14 years ago

That is what i have done..

git clone
Initialized empty Git repository in /usr/local/lib/redmine-trunk/vendor/plugins/redmine-doodles/.git/
error: gnutls_handshake() failed: A TLS warning alert has been received.
warning: remote HEAD refers to nonexistent ref, unable to checkout.

I am using "" now, which works straight ahead..
