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Ability to specify default git branch for repository browser
Added by Beau Simensen about 14 years ago
Right now it looks like the default branch for the Repository browser is always master. It would be great if we could change this to another branch if we desire. I'm not exactly sure what the default is, but I am considering removing the master branch entirely and I'm not sure what Redmine will do in that case.
Here is how GitHub handles it.
If this is something that people might be interested in I'd be happy to try and figure out how to make this work and submit a patch.
Replies (8)
RE: Ability to specify default git branch for repository browser
Added by Michael Trausch about 14 years ago
I'm working on a module for supporting Bazaar's shared repositories. Functionality that enables this sort of thing at a generic level would, I think, be quite useful.
Or perhaps it is there already and I don't know where it is.
It seems that there are two properties that can be associated with a SCM configuration, :root_url and :url. The only VCS that uses :root_url is CVS, and then :url is the module name.
I'm not sure if these have special meaning of some sort, yet, which is what I am trying to figure out. If not, then it would seem that using :root_url for the repository and :url for a default branch would be a way to do it, but again, no clue if that's something that matters only at the model/adapter levels, or something that would require changes elsewhere.
RE: Ability to specify default git branch for repository browser
Added by Anthony A over 13 years ago
It will be very useful feature. It feature will allow to assign appropriate branches (my_branch1, my_branch_2..)with subprojects (my_subproject1, my_subproject2..) in redmine.
RE: Ability to specify default git branch for repository browser
Added by Anthony A over 13 years ago
Any improvement ?
RE: Ability to specify default git branch for repository browser
Added by Rocco Stanzione about 13 years ago
RE: Ability to specify default git branch for repository browser
Added by Gert van Dijk almost 13 years ago
My setup is for developers only and the repository browser is mainly used for a special 'develop' branch in Git. Would be great if I'm able to set this as the default branch.
RE: Ability to specify default git branch for repository browser
Added by Zoee Silcock over 12 years ago
If you have access to the bare repository you can use symbolic-ref to set the default HEAD branch. Navigate into your bare repository and type in the following:
git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/mybranch
From now on redmine will default to the "mybranch" branch when visiting the Repository tab.
RE: Ability to specify default git branch for repository browser
Added by Griffin Smith almost 12 years ago
yesss please this.
RE: Ability to specify default git branch for repository browser
Added by Dotan Cohen over 11 years ago
I'm not sure how to "vote" for an issue in this system, so I comment to add my support to this issue. I have just migrated our systems from Bugzilla to Redmine for two reasons: speed and Git integration. However, we need different issue trackers for different branches as each client's software is a slightly modified version of the 'canonical' software. Currently Redmine does not support this important feature.