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# Project Tracker Status Subject Updated Category
8083 Redmine Defect Closed Stable branch broken 2011-04-06 10:30 SCM Actions
7253 Redmine Defect Closed Test failures in MercurialAdapterTest 2011-02-02 11:04 SCM Actions
4543 Redmine Defect Closed Tests broken with ruby 1.9 2010-02-20 11:41 Ruby support Actions
18500 Redmine Feature Closed Optional linking when copying issues 2023-02-24 12:38 Issues Actions
12167 Redmine Feature Closed Macro for inserting collapsible block of text 2021-07-20 06:31 Text formatting Actions
32343 Redmine Feature Closed Ability to filter roles that are displayed on the permissions report 2019-10-26 08:04 Administration Actions
32300 Redmine Defect Closed Don't use sprockets 4.0.0 in order to avoid Sprockets::Railtie::ManifestNeededError 2019-10-19 10:27 Gems support Actions
31032 Redmine Feature Closed Display details about inheritance when editing a member roles 2019-03-15 11:23 Project settings Actions
26579 Redmine Feature Closed Project settings : remove Wiki tab 2018-06-16 16:34 Project settings Actions
26488 Redmine Feature Closed Project settings : Move issue tracking settings to their own tab 2018-06-16 16:30 Project settings Actions
26253 Redmine Feature Closed Render repository graphs using Chart.js instead of SVG 2017-07-08 18:37 UI Actions
23310 Redmine Feature Closed Improved "jump to project" drop-down 2017-06-25 10:55 UI Actions
25515 Redmine Feature Closed View attachments on the issue list 2017-04-05 02:06 Issues list Actions
25297 Redmine Feature Closed In place editing of "My page" layout 2017-03-09 20:09 My page Actions
24865 Redmine Patch Closed Load associations of query results more efficiently 2017-01-18 14:49 Performance Actions
24787 Redmine Patch Closed Don't preload all filter values when displaying issues/time entries 2017-01-12 21:20 Performance Actions
24722 Redmine Defect Closed Error when trying to reassign spent time when deleting issues from different projects 2017-01-04 21:53 Issues Actions
22758 Redmine Feature Closed Make text formatting of commit messages optional 2016-12-18 09:35 Text formatting Actions
21060 Redmine Feature Closed Custom field format with possible values stored as records 2016-10-24 12:43 Custom fields Actions
23969 Redmine Defect Closed Edit/delete links displayed on issue even if project is closed 2016-10-08 09:05 Issues Actions
23755 Redmine Defect Closed Bulk edit form not show fields based on target tracker and status 2016-09-03 09:56 Issues Actions
23311 Redmine Feature Closed New "Spent time" menu tab when spent time module is enabled on project 2016-08-20 14:18 UI Actions
22756 Redmine Patch Closed Edit versions links on the roadmap 2016-05-06 18:56 UI Actions
21500 Redmine Feature Closed Add the "Hide my email address" option on the registration form 2015-12-13 16:39 Accounts / authentication Actions
21058 Redmine Feature Closed Keep track of valid user sessions 2015-10-24 12:15 Accounts / authentication Actions
21042 Redmine Feature Closed Check "Hide my email address" by default for new users 2015-10-21 21:11 Accounts / authentication Actions
20935 Redmine Feature Closed Set autologin cookie as secure by default when using https 2015-10-07 21:43 Security Actions
20933 Redmine Feature Closed Options for shorter session maximum lifetime 2015-10-07 19:26 Accounts / authentication Actions
20735 Redmine Patch Closed Markdown: Upgrade redcarpet gem to 3.3 (ruby 1.9 and higher) 2015-09-13 16:54 Gems support Actions
19707 Redmine Feature Closed Ability to limit member management to certain roles 2015-06-06 09:34 Permissions and roles Actions
19437 Redmine Feature Closed Upgrade to Rails 4.2.1 2015-03-21 09:36 Rails support Actions
15699 Redmine Feature Closed Description for custom fields 2015-03-06 11:14 Custom fields Actions
7128 Redmine Defect Closed New gantt chart does not render subtasks under parent task 2015-02-12 03:20 Gantt Actions
18801 Redmine Feature Closed Support for accent insensitive search with PostgreSQL 2015-02-08 16:14 Search engine Actions
18947 Redmine Feature Closed Ruby 2.2 support 2015-01-25 10:17 Ruby support Actions
18631 Redmine Feature Closed Better search results pagination 2015-01-10 11:30 Search engine Actions
18192 Redmine Defect Closed LDAP tests not running with Rails 4.1 2014-11-18 17:13 LDAP Actions
17976 Redmine Feature Closed Custom permissions per project for non member and anonymous users 2014-09-28 16:51 Permissions and roles Actions
7412 Redmine Feature Closed Add an issue visibility level to each role 2014-03-25 02:53 Issues permissions Actions
16164 Redmine Feature Closed Bulk edit workflows for multiple trackers/roles 2014-02-28 14:18 Issues workflow Actions
12475 Redmine Feature Closed Lazy loading of translation files for faster startup 2014-01-05 15:47 Code cleanup/refactoring Actions
15704 Redmine Defect Closed Journal for relation should store relation type instead of i18n key 2013-12-15 12:02 Code cleanup/refactoring Actions
12542 Redmine Feature Closed Group events in the activity view 2013-07-17 18:12 Activity view Actions
13943 Redmine Feature Closed Better handling of validation errors when bulk editing issues 2013-07-11 20:55 Issues Actions
13329 Redmine Feature Closed Ruby 2.0 support 2013-06-26 13:55 Ruby support Actions
5306 Redmine Feature Closed Separation of core and Redmine plugins 2013-03-17 16:19 Plugin API Actions
13341 Redmine Feature Closed Mail handler: --no-notification option to disable notifications to the created user 2013-03-11 23:07 Email receiving Actions
12713 Redmine Feature Closed Microsoft SQLServer support 2013-03-04 08:06 Database Actions
12228 Redmine Feature Closed JRuby 1.7.2 support 2013-01-31 21:20 Ruby support Actions
12992 Redmine Feature Closed Make JSONP support optional and disabled by default 2013-01-26 19:38 REST API Actions
(1-50/93) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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