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# Project Tracker Status Subject Updated Category
33287 Redmine Defect Needs feedback Issue File Column Attachment Link Error 2020-08-16 22:41 Actions
32420 Redmine Defect Needs feedback Issue redirect after login not working 2022-12-13 14:39 Actions
27126 Redmine Defect Needs feedback Breadcrumbs and Drop-down List corrupted 2017-12-01 13:30 Actions
27067 Redmine Defect Needs feedback Missed task for redmine:plugins:test 2017-09-25 05:44 Actions
26508 Redmine Defect Needs feedback excel have wrong column name at custom field 2017-08-23 09:43 Actions
25222 Redmine Defect Needs feedback 404 error when visiting project's repository tab without a main repository 2017-02-28 21:09 Actions
20153 Redmine Defect Needs feedback Ajax indicator ajaxComplete/ajaxStop do not fire at (document).ready 2015-07-22 01:59 Actions
19174 Redmine Defect Needs feedback db migrate error from old version to 2.6 2015-03-26 11:41 Actions
16299 Redmine Defect Needs feedback Custom Issue field is not saved while issue is created 2015-07-01 19:55 Actions
40528 Redmine Defect Confirmed Hangs when requesting after code changes in development mode 2024-04-07 06:09 Actions
35062 Redmine Defect Confirmed Back URLs with <t+ operator break 2022-01-18 20:10 Actions
10532 Redmine Defect Resolved migrate_from_mantis script fails with missing table name 2014-04-19 10:17 Actions
25561 Redmine Feature Reopened Issues are not tasks: please split them 2017-04-10 13:16 Actions
23131 Redmine Feature Reopened Plugin load order defined by inter-plugin dependencies 2023-12-15 07:57 Actions
6645 Redmine Feature Reopened atomic 'grab' button 2010-11-02 15:12 Actions
2487 Redmine Feature Reopened Software Reliability Growth Curve 2016-09-13 17:11 Actions
1628 Redmine Defect Reopened redmine sends http on forms on https server 2010-12-19 04:58 Actions
(4751-4767/4767) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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