


Plugins Directory » Custom Workflows plug-in

Author: Karel Pičman
Code repository:
Registered on: 2019-09-13 (almost 5 years ago)
Current version: 2.1.1
Compatible with: Redmine 5.1.x, 5.0.x, 4.2.x, 4.1.x
User ratings:   (8)

This plug-in provides a great functionality for those who is familiar with the Ruby language.
It allows to customize workflow by defining own rules of issues processing. It's possible:

  • To change issue properties if some conditions are met;
  • To create new issues programmatically if the conditions are met (for example you can create an issue in another project if the status of source issue is changed to specific value);
  • To raise custom errors which will display to user, if he does something wrong;
  • To do anything that conforms to your needs;

Supported observable objects are:

  • Issue (before_save, after_save, before_destroy, after_destroy)
  • Group (before_save, after_save, before_destroy, after_destroy)
  • User (before_save, after_save, before_destroy, after_destroy)
  • Project (before_save, after_save, before_destroy, after_destroy)
  • Attachment (before_save, after_save, before_destroy, after_destroy)
  • Wiki Content (before_save, after_save, before_destroy, after_destroy)
  • Group Users (before_add, after_add, before_remove, after_remove)
  • Issue Attachments (before_add, after_add, before_remove, after_remove)
  • Project Attachments / Files (before_add, after_add, before_remove, after_remove)
  • Wiki Page Attachments (before_add, after_add, before_remove, after_remove)
  • Shared code>

<Shared code> - special type for workflows that running before all other workflows and can provide libraries of additional functions or classes.

Follow Wiki for finding answers.

Installation notes

From a ZIP file:

  • Download the latest version of the plugin.
  • Unzip it to /plugins.

From a GIT repository:

  • Clone the repository:
git clone

After download:

  • Run migrations and restart the application:
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:migrate
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate NAME=redmine_custom_workflows
systemctl restart apache2


2.1.1 (2024-05-07)

Compatible with Redmine 5.1.x, 5.0.x, 4.2.x, 4.1.x.

  • Email notifications

IMPORTANT : Parameters of CustomWorkflowMailer.deliver_custom_email method has changed.

before: CustomWorkflowMailer.deliver_custom_email(user, subject, text)

now: CustomWorkflowMailer.deliver_custom_email(user, headers = {})

To achieve the same behaviour you have to modify an existing callig as follows:

CustomWorkflowMailer.deliver_custom_email(user, subject: subject, text_body: text)

2.1.0 (2023-11-15)

Compatible with Redmine 5.1.x, 5.0.x, 4.2.x, 4.1.x.

  • Member as an observable object
  • Redmine 5.1 compatibility

2.0.9 (2023-06-06)

Compatible with Redmine 5.0.x, 4.2.x, 4.1.x.

  • More robust XML import
  • Rubocop tests of plugin's source codes

2.0.8 (2023-02-10)

Compatible with Redmine 5.0.x, 4.2.x, 4.1.x.

  • Better error log messages

2.0.7 (2022-11-09)

Compatible with Redmine 5.0.x, 4.2.x, 4.1.x.

  • Bug fix

2.0.6 (2022-11-01)

Compatible with Redmine 4.2.x, 4.1.x, 4.0.x.

  • Flash messages

2.0.5 (2022-09-20)

Compatible with Redmine 5.0.x, 4.2.x, 4.1.x.

  • GitHub CI

2.0.4 (2022-06-24)

Compatible with Redmine 5.0.x, 4.2.x, 4.1.x.

Maintenance release

2.0.3 (2022-05-26)

Compatible with Redmine 5.0.x, 4.2.x, 4.1.x.

Redmine 4.2 compatibility

2.0.2 (2022-05-18)

Compatible with Redmine 5.0.x, 4.2.x, 4.1.x.

  • Ruby 3.0 compatibility

2.0.1 (2022-05-13)

Compatible with Redmine 5.0.x, 4.2.x, 4.1.x.

  • Ruby 2.7 backward compatibility

2.0.0 (2022-04-28)

Compatible with Redmine 5.0.x, 4.2.x, 4.1.x.

  • Redmine 5.0

1.0.7 (2021-10-20)

Compatible with Redmine 4.2.x, 4.1.x.

  • Spanish localisation

1.0.6 (2021-10-08)

Compatible with Redmine 4.2.x, 4.1.x.

  • Maintenance release

1.0.5 (2021-04-30)

Compatible with Redmine 4.2.x, 4.1.x.

  • SQLite 3 compatibility

1.0.4 (2020-11-25)

Compatible with Redmine 4.1.x.

  • Maintenance release

1.0.3 (2020-06-12)

Compatible with Redmine 4.1.x.

  • Redmine's look&feel

1.0.2 (2020-01-21)

Compatible with Redmine 4.1.x.

1.0.1 (2019-09-13)

Compatible with Redmine 4.0.x.

User ratings

  by Kamil AFACAN 28 days ago

It is wonderful...
Samples would be great within the wiki

  by mingming wang 3 months ago


  by Віктор Вовк about 1 year ago

Відмінний плагін! Бачу є імпорт , але ніде ні слова де можна знайти та імпортувати вже готові ?orkflows

  by 土 东 over 1 year ago

  by Nixys Company over 2 years ago

  by Tibor Racz almost 4 years ago

I purchased several professional plugins for Redmine, but still the custom workflow plugin is the number 1. This is the most powerful plugin, which ensure limitless automation and flexibility for Redmine, opening new possibilites of use. Excellent!

  by luna icy over 4 years ago

so great!

  by Виктор Воеводский over 4 years ago