


Redmine User Group Berlin

Added by Jan from Planio almost 11 years ago

Hi everyone,

I would like to know if anybody would be interested in having a regular real life meetup / user group for Redmine users and developers in Berlin.

We have to do with Redmine day in and day out and I thought it would be nice to meet people who do, too.

Ideally, we would follow the general user group style organization. That means, we would have one or two talks about Redmine-related topics as well as some general socializing and a club mate and/or beer.

Do you have a special plugin, core patch, use case, or maintenance issue you'd like to talk about? Great! Join in, learn, and help others.

If there's enough interest, I would put together a platform so we can decide on a first meetup date and venue. The Planio offices here in Friedrichshain are available, but I'm open to other suggestions.

Please reply in this thread or *doodle here*, if you're interested. Cheers,


Replies (20)

RE: Redmine User Group Berlin - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) almost 11 years ago

Always wanted to set up a redmine user group here in Heilbronn... Perhaps someday I'll find the time.
Anyway, Berlin is 600km travel one-way so no chance for me...

RE: Redmine User Group Berlin - Added by Holger Just almost 11 years ago

I'll definitely be there.

This could help to bring the developer/plugin community together with users so that we are able to resolve common pitfalls. I'm really interested in finding how people are using Redmine for their projects.

RE: Redmine User Group Berlin - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 11 years ago

I'd pop by if this falls in the times I'm in Berlin :-)

RE: Redmine User Group Berlin - Added by Marco Gutsche almost 11 years ago

Jan Niggemann ( team member) wrote:

Always wanted to set up a redmine user group here in Heilbronn... Perhaps someday I'll find the time.
Anyway, Berlin is 600km travel one-way so no chance for me...

Berlin is too far away for me, too.

But Heilbronn would be nice :). I live near Mannheim.

RE: Redmine User Group Berlin - Added by Jan from Planio almost 11 years ago

Hi Everyone,

it seems we've got some people interested in this thread and on doodle and I know some folks who have contacted me personally, so we should be about 5-10 Redminers. That's not too bad for a first meetup!

Let's meet in early February, what do you think? Here's another doodle for an exact time:

Please let us know which day(s) would work for you. If you know others who would be interested, please share the link. We can host about 20 people at our office so we should be fine for now ;-)

Looking forward to meeting you!


RE: Redmine User Group Berlin - Added by Christian Dähn almost 11 years ago


I would join the meeting, too. A 2h trip to Berlin should be feasable - even if the traffic is ... ehm... not soo nice ;)


RE: Redmine User Group Berlin - Added by Christian Dähn almost 11 years ago

...maybe a colleague of mine joins the meeting, too. But for us only an appointment at Friday afternoon is feasable - due to the journey from Schwerin to Berlin.


RE: Redmine User Group Berlin - Added by Jan from Planio almost 11 years ago

Looks like we have a winner: Since the doodle hasn't been updated for quite some time and most people in it seem to be in favor of February 7th, let's pick this date.

So the first Redmine User Group Berlin meetup will take place:

Friday, February 7th, 2014, 7.30 PM
at Planio GmbH, Rudolfstr. 14, 10245 Berlin (2nd floor)

I am looking forward to this first meetup! Does anyone have a talk/topic they would like to present or discuss?

RE: Redmine User Group Berlin - Added by Christian Dähn over 10 years ago


here my proposal for an agenda:

  • Redmine Theming
    => how to adapt Redmine to get results like ChiliProject ;)
    => resulting in an updated/improved Wiki for themeing Redmine
    => maybe patches / tipps to workaround the limits of Redmines theme capabilities
  • Gantt charts
    => improving the Redmine Gantt view to be editable and/or support drag&drop
    => resulting in a new Wiki page for Gantt (summing up the infos from the issue comments/threads)
  • Must-have Plugins
    => discussion / hints for must-have plugins
    => resulting in a Wiki page or whatever ;)

Just my 2 cents ;)


RE: Redmine User Group Berlin - Added by Christian Dähn over 10 years ago

(just a german discussion regarding the time schedule)


apropos: Können wir evtl. auch etwas früher kommen (ca. 18:00 Uhr)? da wir auch wieder 2h für die Rückfahrt brauchen, wäre es schon arg doll spät (angenommen es geht von 19:30 bis 21:30, zzgl. 2h Fahrt...uff)... wie gesagt, nur wenn es ohne arge Komplikationen möglich ist, für uns 2 Schweriner müsst ihr nicht extra alles umkippen...

Viele Grüße aus Schwerin,

RE: Redmine User Group Berlin - Added by Jan from Planio over 10 years ago

here my proposal for an agenda:

Sounds great and should keep us busy for a while ;-) Holger also has prepared something about Redmine Hosting and how it's done here at Planio and if people are interested, I could show some UI and code considerations regarding #15880.

apropos: Können wir evtl. auch etwas früher kommen (ca. 18:00 Uhr)?

Would be fine for me, but I am not sure if everyone reads this thread on time and I'd say it's a bit of a short notice. So in order to not confuse everyone, let's stick with 7.30PM this time -- unless everybody else agrees with 6.00 PM. If you do, please post something in this thread :-)

Tomorrow, we can discuss about the next meeting, location, time, etc.

RE: Redmine User Group Berlin - Added by Christian Dähn over 10 years ago

Especially Holger's UI considerations (#15880) sound very interesting.

Ok, due to the time problem I and my colleague would be happy, if we can arrive a little bit earlier... so we try arrive between 6:00 and 6:30 pm (depending on Berlin's rush hour traffic).

RE: Redmine User Group Berlin - Added by Jan from Planio over 10 years ago

You are welcome to come early and hang around, no problem.

RE: Redmine User Group Berlin - Added by Jan from Planio over 10 years ago

Since everyone was hungry, some of us spontaneously moved to Cafe Royal (just around the corner) for a Schnitzel. We might run a little late, simply join us here if you arrive early or on time :-)

RE: Redmine User Group Berlin - Added by Gregor Schmidt over 10 years ago

chris k: There's a fork of the todo plugin, which already did most of the heavy lifting for the Redmine upgrade. I have just tried it with the latest Redmine stable and it seems to work fine.

I ran into two issues:

  1. It was not possible to sort todos. The AJAX call caused a server error. I quickly fixed that.
  2. It seems to be impossible to change the plugin's settings. I was not able to fix that yet.

You can find the changes in my fork of the fork.

I hope you did arrive home safely.


RE: Redmine User Group Berlin - Added by Jan from Planio over 10 years ago

Thank you everyone who attended yesterday's first Redmine Usergroup Berlin!

We were 12 people (more than expected for a first meetup!) and some of us sat together and talked up until 11.30pm. That was great fun!

In order to organize the next meetup, I've set up a Redmine at Everyone feel free to register.

Looking forward to the next meetup in March!
