


Bundle ? oO

Added by Richard M over 11 years ago


I have installed latest redmine version, and I want install this plugin :

When I use :
bundle exec rake redmine:plugins NAME=redmine_issue_checklist RAILS_ENV=production

Error :
Could not locat GemFile.


How I can fixe this problem ?

I had install bundle normally. Maybe I had make a misstake. ^^'
How I can see if bundle is correctly installed ?

Thanks !

Replies (7)

RE: Bundle ? oO - Added by Ivan Cenov over 11 years ago

Did you downloaded and copied the plugin in /path/to/redmine/plugins directory ?

RE: Bundle ? oO - Added by Richard M over 11 years ago

I copied it in :

RE: Bundle ? oO - Added by Pavel Potcheptsov over 11 years ago

Richard M wrote:

I copied it in :

but location in the latest redmine just /redmine/plugin

RE: Bundle ? oO - Added by Mischa The Evil over 11 years ago


Ivan and Pavel are right. It is clearly documented at

  1. Unzip it into ../plugins/. This would result in a directory-path like:
  2. Migrate database and copy assets by following command:
    bundle exec rake redmine:plugins NAME=redmine_issue_checklist RAILS_ENV=production
  3. ...

In the above ../ is a replacement of your /usr/local/share/redmine. This should also be the active directory (see output of pwd) when you invoke the plugin migration task IIRC.

RE: Bundle ? oO - Added by Richard M over 11 years ago

Hi ! Thanks ! :)

But, I haven't "path" or "redmine". :s

When I use "ls" :
bin dev home lib32 lost+found mnt proc sbin srv tmp var
boot etc lib lib64 media opt root selinux sys usr

What do I do ?

RE: Bundle ? oO - Added by Ivan Cenov over 11 years ago

It seems you are in the root directory of your linux file system. Instead, you have to go to the root folder (directory) of where you did unzip / checkout Redmine files. Then you do execute above commands.

P.S. Did you try starting Redmine before installing plugins? Did it start successfully?

RE: Bundle ? oO - Added by Richard M over 11 years ago

Oh, ok !

It's not me who installed Redmine, so I don't know where files was unziped. :/
How I can know it ?
It's where my redmine is running ?
