


Editing the description of an existing issue

Added by Jeremy Tobac over 10 years ago

How do you edit the description of an existing issue? I have redmine 2.3.3 and when I create an issue I can edit almost everything except for the issues description.

I have seen other posts that say click the "move" button near update or some link that says "more properties" but I do not see either of these options present. There is only "Update" "Log time" "Watch" "Copy" "Delete"

Is there a way to edit the description of an existing tracker?


Found it, if you go to the list of issues, right click it, choose edit, you get a different window than you do if you try to edit from inside the issue. This window lets you edit the description of the tracker

Replies (1)

RE: Editing the description of an existing issue - Added by Ivan Cenov over 10 years ago

Press 'Update' link. Then press the pencil next to 'Description' label.
