


New plugin: Redmine Pastebin!

Added by Alex Shulgin over 13 years ago

Yes, at last you can drop these crippled wiki-based pastebin-like 'solutions' and use a real one!

Join the fest with us at:


Replies (12)

RE: New plugin: Redmine Pastebin! - Added by Etienne Massip over 13 years ago

Nice ! =)

Could you add it to the Plugin Directory ?

RE: New plugin: Redmine Pastebin! - Added by Toni Mueller over 13 years ago


Now I only miss a way to say something like "pastie:3" in the tickets to reference a pastebin entry, and a way to extend access control to the pasties, eg. "people who can see the ticket, can also see the pastebin entry", or "public". ;)

RE: New plugin: Redmine Pastebin! - Added by Alex Shulgin over 13 years ago

The project repository was moved here:

Please follow that new repo for further versions.

RE: New plugin: Redmine Pastebin! - Added by Ivan Cenov over 13 years ago

Here is the Bulgarian translation.

bg.yml (155 Bytes) bg.yml

RE: New plugin: Redmine Pastebin! - Added by Alex Shulgin over 13 years ago

Ivan Cenov wrote:

Here is the Bulgarian translation.

Thanks. Do you want your email to be put in the translation file for reference?

RE: New plugin: Redmine Pastebin! - Added by Ivan Cenov over 13 years ago

Alex Shulgin wrote:

Thanks. Do you want your email to be put in the translation file for reference?


RE: New plugin: Redmine Pastebin! - Added by Jonas De Meulenaere over 13 years ago

Please add more information to your Plugin at the Plugins Directory (what is a pastebin or refer to WikiPedia, how to use, screenshot,...)

RE: New plugin: Redmine Pastebin! - Added by Ivan Cenov over 13 years ago

Tested on Redmine 1.2.0.devel.5885 (MySQL) - version 0.0.1 works.

RE: New plugin: Redmine Pastebin! - Added by Ben E over 13 years ago

Very cool plugin, love it.
The only thing I changed was removing the All Pastes option from the admin menus on welcome page, personal pages, project overview pages
In init.rb line 52|55 =>
@ menu :application_menu, :pastes, { :controller => 'pastes', :action => 'index' },
:caption => :label_paste_all,
:if =>{ User.current.admin? }@

Omit it to remove it entirely, or add exceptions as desired.

RE: New plugin: Redmine Pastebin! - Added by Terence Mill about 13 years ago

Made a bug fix which only shows 404 isntead of internal error when nion admin acccesses /pastes URL


We don't like that "New Paste" is now part of the project menue. Its already enough tabls in our projects menue - eg new issue is to be request not part or projects menu also.
So we removed the entry from tne menue and put "Redmine alike" a "new Paste" link on the upper right of the "Pastes" view tab, which is also patz of the project menue (again: one tab is enough per modul)

We just found a heavy bug, which causes lines not doing a line break. You need to insert an overflow markup in the erb to make code lines break at the end of the div on the left side.

Would be nice if you open "issues" on github, the module is deactivated. We would pull changes, but its read only.

RE: New plugin: Redmine Pastebin! - Added by Alex Shulgin about 13 years ago

Terence Mill wrote:

Would be nice if you open "issues" on github, the module is deactivated. We would pull changes, but its read only.

Thanks for reporting. I've enabled issue tracking for Please submit your issue and/or pull request.


RE: New plugin: Redmine Pastebin! - Added by Terence Mill about 13 years ago

Created Fork on

Terence Mill wrote:

Made a bug fix which only shows 404 isntead of internal error when nion admin acccesses /pastes URL


We don't like that "New Paste" is now part of the project menue. Its already enough tabls in our projects menue - eg new issue is to be request not part or projects menu also.
So we removed the entry from tne menue and put "Redmine alike" a "new Paste" link on the upper right of the "Pastes" view tab, which is also patz of the project menue (again: one tab is enough per modul)

We just found a heavy bug, which causes lines not doing a line break. You need to insert an overflow markup in the erb to make code lines break at the end of the div on the left side.

Would be nice if you open "issues" on github, the module is deactivated. We would pull changes, but its read only.
