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# Project Tracker Status Subject Updated Category
5457 Redmine Feature New Move files and documets to another project 2024-12-26 17:54 Documents Actions
4939 Redmine Feature New List of tasks filtered as OR and not AND 2024-12-20 11:20 Issues filter Actions
20310 Redmine Feature New Ability to switch date format (from relative into absolute) in issue notes titles 2024-12-20 09:22 Issues Actions
42004 Redmine Defect Needs feedback Problem with upgrading Redmine from 5.1.3 to 6.0.2 2024-12-17 14:01 Actions
41977 Redmine Defect New nested_set move node error 2024-12-17 04:36 Issues Actions
2722 Redmine Feature New New user notification 2024-12-16 18:12 Email notifications Actions
13244 Redmine Feature Reopened Restrict log time for old days 2024-12-16 13:20 Time tracking Actions
41991 Redmine Defect New Project drop down vanishes on parent issue update assignement 2024-12-16 08:36 Issues Actions
41976 Redmine Feature New Ruby 3.4 support 2024-12-16 01:51 Ruby support Actions
41965 Redmine Defect Needs feedback Redmine 5.1.3 and MariaDB 10.6.18 - Queries are slow 2024-12-13 12:15 UI - Responsive Actions
13596 Redmine Feature New Allow time logging only for open issues 2024-12-11 20:58 Time tracking Actions
40588 Redmine Feature Resolved Ability to disable table sort 2024-12-11 20:11 UI Actions
40198 Redmine Patch New Update html-pipeline to 3.0 2024-12-10 22:40 Gems support Actions
41919 Redmine Patch New Add width and height to img src 2024-12-10 09:28 Actions
41947 Redmine Defect Confirmed collapse arrow shows the wrong direction at /workflows/edit 2024-12-10 07:07 Actions
41953 Redmine Defect New Unable to login to account in case if email is entered in upper case 2024-12-09 08:32 Accounts / authentication Actions
41950 Redmine Feature New [UX] Teawk default theme: better distinction for h2 section 2024-12-08 14:36 UI Actions
41949 Redmine Feature New [UX] Teawk default theme: Better distinction for the tracker per UI clarity 2024-12-08 14:28 UI Actions
6154 Redmine Feature Reopened Save issue as draft 2024-12-08 13:57 Issues Actions
24623 Redmine Patch New Implements CRUD permissions and restrictions to issue attachments 2024-12-07 21:54 Attachments Actions
41946 Redmine Defect New /workflows/edit puts used_statuses_only twice at url 2024-12-07 14:59 Actions
10889 Redmine Feature New Add support for the 'tel' URL protocol handler 2024-12-06 08:17 Text formatting Actions
41101 Redmine Defect New Text format custom field is displayed with the full-width layout in the Issue edit screen 2024-12-06 07:11 Custom fields Actions
5130 Redmine Feature New Configurable columns in related tasks section 2024-12-05 10:55 UI Actions
11969 Redmine Feature New Subtask display fields 2024-12-05 10:54 Issues Actions
(51-75/4757) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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