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# Project Tracker Status Subject Updated Category
42233 Redmine Defect Confirmed Float custom values with ',' as decimal separator are not converted to '.' and cause SQL errors when sorting or summing 2025-02-07 07:31 Custom fields Actions
10048 Redmine Defect New Secondary sorting after sorting by parent task 2025-02-06 20:28 Issues Actions
42225 Redmine Feature New Question to ask for creating a link to a copied issue could default to false 2025-02-06 12:15 Issues Actions
42199 Redmine Defect New Stay logged in option prevevents users from logging in on Apache + mod passenger 2025-02-06 09:16 Accounts / authentication Actions
42192 Redmine Defect Confirmed Project settings members tab may raise ArgumentError if orphaned member records exist 2025-02-06 01:52 Project settings Actions
42226 Redmine Defect New Incorrect links in tracker deletion error message for projects where tracker is disabled 2025-02-05 16:10 Administration Actions
13314 Redmine Feature New Show issue description change on the Activity view 2025-02-05 12:46 Issues Actions
16069 Redmine Patch New Allow configuration of API limit instead of hardcoding at 100 2025-02-05 12:23 REST API Actions
35927 Redmine Defect Confirmed Slow loading of /time_entries/new 2025-02-05 08:35 Time tracking Actions
33784 Redmine Feature New Updating Mercurial helper to work with Python3 2025-02-05 02:57 SCM Actions
8850 Redmine Defect New Change PDF column width 2025-02-04 16:59 PDF export Actions
42219 Redmine Feature New Request for Time parameter in Start Date & Due Date 2025-02-04 11:01 Plugin Request Actions
42200 Redmine Defect New InlineAutocompleteSystemTest login test fails randomly 2025-02-03 10:03 Code cleanup/refactoring Actions
40728 Redmine Defect Confirmed Global Spent Time Loading Issue after Redmine Enhancement 2025-02-03 09:22 Performance Actions
42203 Redmine Defect New Time entry details fetch query load issue 2025-02-03 04:56 Time tracking Actions
42202 Redmine Defect New SUM of time entries query load issue 2025-02-03 04:47 Time tracking Actions
4602 Redmine Feature New User specific theme 2025-02-02 14:15 UI Actions
30069 Redmine Feature New Use GitHub Actions as a secondary CI solution to run tests through the existing mirroring 2025-01-31 01:21 Actions
42135 Redmine Patch New Enable GitHub Actions for testing and linting on stable branches 2025-01-30 10:13 Actions
42181 Redmine Defect Confirmed Project jump box uses legacy caret icons 2025-01-30 07:43 UI Actions
41941 Redmine Patch Needs feedback Add support for tel: protocol to custom fields 2025-01-28 12:47 Custom fields Actions
41828 Redmine Defect New In mobile view, delete relation svg icon in 'Related Issues' on an issue page, overflow text 2025-01-28 00:37 UI Actions
41833 Redmine Defect New Previous and Forward icons in administration - setting, still shows the old icon. 2025-01-28 00:37 UI Actions
41935 Redmine Defect Confirmed Custom Fields API does not include "editable" attribute in the response 2025-01-28 00:37 Custom fields Actions
41952 Redmine Defect New Flash notice icons uses the legacy icons 2025-01-28 00:37 UI Actions
41967 Redmine Defect New Replace old icon in the tree view of the repository browser 2025-01-28 00:36 UI Actions
42164 Redmine Defect New 403 adding document when view documents permission is not granted but add document permission is 2025-01-27 04:46 Actions
42165 Redmine Feature New The presence of an attachment within the subject line itself by mentioning the file name or a brief description of what is attached 2025-01-25 07:17 Attachments Actions
42147 Redmine Feature New Add some view action hooks 2025-01-25 05:58 Hook requests Actions
37048 Redmine Defect New generate redmine_plugin is broken for Redmine 5 2025-01-24 13:55 Actions
42145 Redmine Defect Confirmed MiniMagick (> 5) removed cli_path, result crash when supplied imagemagick_convert_command 2025-01-23 02:32 Gantt Actions
42143 Redmine Defect New Add some view action hooks 2025-01-22 18:06 Hook requests Actions
42139 Redmine Feature New [Suggestion] Add a link to re-send the QR code, either display on-site or to the email 2025-01-21 23:01 Accounts / authentication Actions
31531 Redmine Feature New Change quote note icon to quotation marks image 2025-01-15 09:06 UI Actions
30848 Redmine Defect New Error when creating issue with emoji in description 2025-01-14 16:16 Issues Actions
42096 Redmine Defect New ÅÄÖåäö in API body don't work 2025-01-13 21:51 REST API Actions
42093 Redmine Feature New Feature combination request: Multiple delete attachments from issue and edit/blacklist attachments 2025-01-13 12:38 Attachments Actions
42081 Redmine Patch New Copying following tasks 2025-01-08 10:07 Actions
14418 Redmine Feature New Copy inner issues relations along with issues 2025-01-08 10:03 Issues Actions
42082 Redmine Feature New Add ldap sync with group and association to user by ldap server 2025-01-08 09:01 LDAP Actions
42079 Redmine Defect New Setting an Out-of-Range Value for ‘Session Lifetime’ Causes a 500 Internal Server Error and Renders Redmine Unusable 2025-01-08 01:41 Administration Actions
41439 Redmine Defect New Roles to whom you can not assign an issue - problem when user is Author 2025-01-07 16:12 Permissions and roles Actions
20967 Redmine Feature New Activity section doesn't show entries for some Issue changes 2025-01-07 11:23 Activity view Actions
3143 Redmine Feature New Add an 'Add Note' function to issue, to avoid optimistic-lock of issue' update when user just want to add a note 2025-01-01 04:42 Issues Actions
41978 Redmine Feature New Customize the size of text boxes for fields on the Redmine issues editing page 2024-12-31 12:51 Custom fields Actions
31957 Redmine Defect New ActionMailer need to limit how many maximum connections it opens 2024-12-31 10:33 Email notifications Actions
40052 Redmine Defect Confirmed Unpermitted parameters: :utf8, :_method, :authenticity_token, :commit, :custom_field_id 2024-12-30 22:30 Custom fields Actions
42024 Redmine Defect New RepositoryBazaarTest fails 2024-12-29 06:34 Code cleanup/refactoring Actions
40744 Redmine Feature New Refresh history tabs look and feel 2024-12-28 08:42 UI Actions
41954 Redmine Patch New Update extract_fixtures task with configurable output directory 2024-12-27 08:52 Code cleanup/refactoring Actions
(1-50/4760) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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