



Feature #1448


Add tags to issues

Added by Ask Bjørn Hansen over 16 years ago. Updated 4 months ago.

Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


Many of our issues span multiple categories -- or more specifically, we'd like to be able to search and manage them with something more flexible than just categories.

It'd be great if there was a way to add tags to issues.


2010-11-28-195503_1280x787_scrot.png (106 KB) 2010-11-28-195503_1280x787_scrot.png Show tags as cloud Aleksey Zapparov, 2010-11-28 19:59
2010-11-28-195712_1280x787_scrot.png (112 KB) 2010-11-28-195712_1280x787_scrot.png Show tags as list Aleksey Zapparov, 2010-11-28 19:59
2010-11-28-195534_1280x787_scrot.png (111 KB) 2010-11-28-195534_1280x787_scrot.png Configure how tags should look Aleksey Zapparov, 2010-11-28 19:59
2010-11-28-200949_1280x787_scrot.png (106 KB) 2010-11-28-200949_1280x787_scrot.png Issue details page with assigned tags Aleksey Zapparov, 2010-11-28 20:07
2010-11-28-201000_1280x787_scrot.png (82.1 KB) 2010-11-28-201000_1280x787_scrot.png Issue edit with tags input Aleksey Zapparov, 2010-11-28 20:07
0001-Add-tags-to-issues.patch (37.4 KB) 0001-Add-tags-to-issues.patch Marius BĂLTEANU, 2018-08-26 22:33
0002-Add-selectize.js-library-to-handle-the-tags-in-UI.patch (61.1 KB) 0002-Add-selectize.js-library-to-handle-the-tags-in-UI.patch Marius BĂLTEANU, 2018-08-27 11:00
tags-edit.png (7.88 KB) tags-edit.png Bernhard Rohloff, 2018-08-29 09:29
tags-filter.png (6.35 KB) tags-filter.png Bernhard Rohloff, 2018-08-29 09:29
tags-show.png (7.84 KB) tags-show.png Bernhard Rohloff, 2018-08-29 09:29
0003-merge-migrations.patch (9.81 KB) 0003-merge-migrations.patch Marius BĂLTEANU, 2018-09-09 15:31
0001-Adds-tags-to-issues.patch (28.6 KB) 0001-Adds-tags-to-issues.patch Marius BĂLTEANU, 2019-09-13 00:16

Related issues

Related to Redmine - Feature #2897: Tagging in RedmineNew2009-03-04

Related to Redmine - Feature #29663: Select a JavaScript library to handle tagsNewJean-Philippe Lang

Has duplicate Redmine - Feature #9616: replace "issue categories" with labelsClosed2011-11-20

Actions #1

Updated by James Turnbull over 16 years ago

Ask - I just added a Custom Field (long text) and made it search-able. Seems to work reasonably well.

Actions #2

Updated by Jani Tiainen over 16 years ago

It would be better to have global,unified tagging feature so you could select one or more tags to your wiki page, document, forums or issues maybe even changesets.

This kind of tag information could be used to construct more spesific views that can group together all that information.

Actions #3

Updated by Holger Winkelmann over 16 years ago

+1 for tags, is one stopper to migrate our system to redmine

Actions #4

Updated by Stefan Kremer over 16 years ago


Actions #5

Updated by David Petersen over 16 years ago

A true tagging system would be very handy.

Actions #6

Updated by Eric Davis over 16 years ago

+1 I think this would be a great feature. There are several tagging plugins for Rails already that we can use.

Actions #7

Updated by gabriel scolan about 16 years ago


Actions #8

Updated by Daniel N about 16 years ago

+1 Would improve usability...

Actions #9

Updated by Patrick Oppenlander about 16 years ago

+1 like this idea very much!

Actions #10

Updated by Matthew Williams about 16 years ago


Add tagging support for projects as well. Being able to tag a project "opensource" versus "proprietary" along with other tags would be very useful.

Actions #11

Updated by Elliot Winkler about 16 years ago

So anyone have any plans to work on this? Otherwise I'll take a crack at it. It looks like some people want tagging all around the system, but I would probably limit it to tickets for the time being since that's all I really need, and leave it up to other people that want other features (besides I've never hacked around with the Redmine source so this will be my first foray into that ;))

Actions #12

Updated by Paolo Sulprizio about 16 years ago

Tags could substitute category. It's very web 2.0! ;)

Actions #13

Updated by karthikeyan rangaswamy over 15 years ago

How This Custom Field with the searchable option will be used as tag.I want this Tagging functionality in News,Issues,Documents,Forums,Wiki,Messages,Changesets

Custom fields can be created only for Projects,Issues and users as far as i Know

For Tagging Documents under Particular tagging is there any Plugin Avaiable

I want to implement This Tagging functionality in all possible places in Redmine.How can i accomplish this functionality.Please guide me in this issue

Actions #14

Updated by J Cayetano Delgado over 15 years ago


Actions #15

Updated by Sami Isomäki over 15 years ago


Actions #16

Updated by George Crawford over 15 years ago


Actions #17

Updated by Zarooba Rozruba over 15 years ago

I do not mind tags, but they will not be able to replace Categories.

Currently categories have default assignee. This means: create issue, drop it to a category, and issue gets auto assigned. With tags you will not be able to resolve who is auto assigned to issue. And assigning multiple people only makes everyone think that 'the other guy will do it'.

Tags yes, but do not remove Category, unless someone has a solution on auto assign an assignee from tags?

Actions #18

Updated by Mathew C over 15 years ago

This is related to #480 - "Wiki: Support categories tagging and autolisting" and the more general issue #2897 - "Tagging in Redmine".

Personally tagging would be good for the wiki as pages don't always fit into a neat category so being able to add tags is one step better than just relying on the good search facilities in Redmine.

Actions #19

Updated by Eric Harris-Braun about 15 years ago


Actions #20

Updated by Lucas Panjer about 15 years ago


Actions #21

Updated by Randy Syring about 15 years ago


Actions #22

Updated by Babar O'Cap about 15 years ago


Actions #23

Updated by Guilherme Schneider about 15 years ago

I really miss this feature. For my needs, it could replace category in tickets.

Actions #24

Updated by Andreas Hartmann almost 15 years ago

+1 from me too.

Actions #25

Updated by Eduardo Turiño almost 15 years ago


Actions #26

Updated by Pedro Gutierrez over 14 years ago


The possibility of tagging issues is a minimun to identify areas affected by them.
Ok, it is not like the more desirable feature of mapping issues with the configuration items affected but as currently there is no pluging providing an inventory or Configuration Management DataBase I think that tagging is an interesting first step and more than enough for most of us.

I agree that tagging is not a substitute for categories.

Actions #27

Updated by Roman Belyakov over 14 years ago


Actions #28

Updated by Philippe Lafoucrière over 14 years ago

+1 (I'll also check if there's a "vote" feature in redmine :) )

Actions #29

Updated by Evgeny Mukhin over 14 years ago

We don't use redmine yet and I thought that the categories are actually the tags, but further investigation reveals that is not. Sad. It won't take much time to anybody who knows ruby to ad one more enum field like categories and add possibility to search issues by that field.

Actions #30

Updated by Evgeny Mukhin over 14 years ago

Of cause it must be possible to add multiple tags.

Actions #31

Updated by Alexander Usikov over 14 years ago


Actions #32

Updated by minkbear minkbear over 14 years ago


Actions #33

Updated by Philippe Lafoucrière over 14 years ago

is a very active plugin, and easy to setup ;)

Actions #34

Updated by minkbear minkbear over 14 years ago


Actions #35

Updated by Yuki Kita over 14 years ago


Actions #36

Updated by Ivar V over 14 years ago

+1 ... this would a major step towards completely, truly ruling the world.

Actions #37

Updated by Anonymous over 14 years ago

Tags are nice but I find them to get really disorganized due to users putting in either random or excessive amounts of words, which is why I favor admin/manager controlled categories they can select from.

You could always go the way of GMail and allow issues to be assigned multiple categories, instead of creating an entirely separate feature that does more or less the same thing (in my opinion).

Actions #38

Updated by Eric Davis over 14 years ago

  • Status changed from New to 7
  • Assignee set to Eric Davis

I've just completed a prototype with this for a client using acts-as-taggable-on. Once I get their permission, I'm going to try to extract it into a plugin or core patch.

Mike K: Tags can become disorganized but I find that's better than having to define one Category per issue. I'm thinking about adding some permissions for editing tags, so you can restrict who can re-tag an issue (e.g. UserA can add new tags, UserB can only add existing tags).

Actions #39

Updated by Anonymous over 14 years ago

Eric Davis wrote:

permissions for editing tags, so you can restrict who can re-tag an issue (e.g. UserA can add new tags, UserB can only add existing tags).

I like that idea and solves my only concern ;)

Letting privileged users manage (add/edit/delete) the tags via some sort of panel would be needed if you plan to replace categories though, especially for newly created projects so you can define new tags they can use without being forced to add new issues in order to do so.

Actions #40

Updated by Randy Syring over 14 years ago

Eric Davis wrote:

I've just completed a prototype with this for a client using acts-as-taggable-on. Once I get their permission, I'm going to try to extract it into a plugin or core patch.

Mike K: Tags can become disorganized but I find that's better than having to define one Category per issue. I'm thinking about adding some permissions for editing tags, so you can restrict who can re-tag an issue (e.g. UserA can add new tags, UserB can only add existing tags).


Great to hear! The permission model you laid out seems like it will work well too. Might you also want to have a permission which allows the user to assign or unassign tags to the issue? That way, you can have a user (in my case a customer) who can not edit the issue but can tag it with existing tags. That way, they can affect "state" change without really being able to edit the issue. If you did it this way, it seems like the two permissions are:

  • manage tags
  • assign/unassign tags to issues

Will you be able to share tags across projects?

Actions #41

Updated by Eric Davis over 14 years ago

Mike K wrote:

Letting privileged users manage (add/edit/delete) the tags via some sort of panel would be needed if you plan to replace categories though, especially for newly created projects so you can define new tags they can use without being forced to add new issues in order to do so.

I don't want to replace categories yet, just add tags as a more flexible option. Maybe later we can merge categories and tags.

Randy Syring wrote:

Great to hear! The permission model you laid out seems like it will work well too. Might you also want to have a permission which allows the user to assign or unassign tags to the issue? That way, you can have a user (in my case a customer) who can not edit the issue but can tag it with existing tags. That way, they can affect "state" change without really being able to edit the issue.

I was thinking:

  • view tags
  • add new tag - e.g. adding a new tag
  • manage tags on issue - e.g. editing tags on an issue, would only use existing tags

Will you be able to share tags across projects?

Yes, I'd think that would be needed.

Actions #42

Updated by Philippe Lafoucrière over 14 years ago

I know it's a different subject, but I think tags should be employed more widely in redmine. It would be useful for documents as well.

Actions #43

Updated by Aleksey Zapparov over 14 years ago

Eric Davis wrote:

Maybe later we can merge categories and tags.

IMHO it's better to keep both, categories and tags. Or, for example rename "categories" with "components".

Actions #44

Updated by Aleksey Zapparov over 14 years ago

Is there any progress on this issue?
Eric, I would like to offer my help, if you need some hands more :))

Actions #45

Updated by Nicholas Kulikov over 14 years ago


Actions #46

Updated by Benjamin Neau over 14 years ago

Eric, are there any news?

Could this feature make ti v1.0.0?

Actions #47

Updated by Pedro Gutierrez over 14 years ago

Philippe Lafoucrière wrote:

I know it's a different subject, but I think tags should be employed more widely in redmine. It would be useful for documents as well.

I agree,
tags would be great for issues, but they are a must for documents

Actions #48

Updated by Royce Williams about 14 years ago


To clarify tags vs categories:

As patterns in tagging emerge, you can "pave the cow path" by turning some tags into categories (while allowing other tags to remain a cross-referencing and grouping tool).

Tags are a little like people writing in the margins on a well-established paper form. They're a great way to determine how the form can be improved.

Adding tags is an extremely high-leverage activity. It will free up productivity for all Redmine sites and end users.

Actions #49

Updated by Siegfried Vogel almost 14 years ago


Tagging a la Trac would support many use cases!

How will tags be protected from inappropriate deletion by users with insufficient rights?

Actions #50

Updated by Eric Davis almost 14 years ago

  • Assignee deleted (Eric Davis)

I am stepping down from working on Redmine. If someone else is interesting in working on this issue, feel free to reassign it to them.

Eric Davis

Actions #51

Updated by Aleksey Zapparov almost 14 years ago

I have some success on implementing tags on base of acts_as_taggable on steroids <;. Soon I'll push it onto github, so if core team will be interested I'll be very proud to share the patch.

Actions #52

Updated by Aleksey Zapparov almost 14 years ago

My fork is based on top of Eric's git repo and available as a separate branch here:

Right now everything works. The only thing that is left is to make representation more sexy :))

Actions #55

Updated by Andrew Vit almost 14 years ago

What are the different efforts trying to implement this? I see there's also a redmine_tagging plugin: which one is more mature?

Actions #56

Updated by Aleksey Zapparov almost 14 years ago

Hmm... seems like I was to hurry in my wish to implement this. :)) Next time will google harder. I believe redmine_tagging is more mature.

Actions #57

Updated by Aleksey Zapparov almost 14 years ago

Although, probably, redmine_tagging is more mature (I will install it to see what it can and what it can't), I believe that tagging should be core feature (you don't use categorizing issues like a plugin, don't you?) and not pluggable. Anyway I have improved my fork, so now tags are looking more nice (with graceful downgrading), filtering works better and more predictable, settings are more clean. The only thing my fork miss is it's only for issues, but I don't see any problems to extend it to support wiki.

Actions #58

Updated by Fernando Hartmann almost 14 years ago


Actions #59

Updated by Anonymous over 13 years ago


Tagging is a must

Actions #60

Updated by Aleksey Zapparov over 13 years ago

I have finished my redmine_tags plugin, which gives tagging functionality. It's features:

- Isues can have tags
- Tags are entered into the input text box separated by comas (if no JS support), else it have more or less nice input for the tags
- Sidebar int the issues list can show tags of the project as cloud of tags, or list, or it can be disabled.
- You can switch on or off displaying of related (with tag) issues
- All tags are rendered as links to the issues filter page with predefined filter with chosen tag

Actions #61

Updated by Charlie Viaene over 13 years ago


Actions #62

Updated by Dominic Clifton over 13 years ago

I installed redmine_tags and found that the filtering didn't work.

  1. clicking on a tag in the sidebar's tag cloud did not filter the list of issues by tag - all issues were still displayed and the order did not change either.
  2. there was no 'tags' filter available in the filter drop-down control.
  3. there is no support for tagging wiki pages.
  4. unsure of support for searching for tags using the search bar.

I then tried the redmine_tagging plugin and that appears to work correctly. (that is, my users are not confused by it).

The above was on performed on redmine 1.1.2.

Actions #63

Updated by Aleksey Zapparov over 13 years ago


Which version of redmine_tags you were using? Because the problem you are claiming about was solved long time ago :)) Current version have all the features I wanted. The only thing it still lack of is wiki tagging. But there's no easy way to add tags to wiki because of internal structure of wiki in redmine. I'm going to try to solve this with some hacks, but right now I simply have no time to spent it on redmine_tags :))

Sorry, that my work confused your clients. And that's great that redmine_tagging finally solved all your problems. :))

Actions #64

Updated by Alex Last almost 13 years ago

I definitely advocate for replacing categories with tags instead of adding tags. There's no need to have duplicated functionality, which will just confuse users.

Actions #65

Updated by Mischa The Evil almost 13 years ago

Alexey Skor wrote:

I definitely advocate for replacing categories with tags instead of adding tags. There's no need to have duplicated functionality, which will just confuse users.

It's not that simple. See e.g. notes 17, 26, 37 and 43. The issue categories are also used in other parts of Redmine like e.g. the versions view and the issues report. So imho it is questionable if these two are actually providing duplicate functionality.
I personally like the "solution" proposed by Aleksey Zapparov in note 43.

Actions #66

Updated by Kate Mueller almost 13 years ago

+1 Tagging would be incredibly useful within our Wiki.

Actions #67

Updated by Terence Mill almost 13 years ago

The "redmine tags plugin" works fine for that requests.

Actions #68

Updated by hiroyuki SHIRAKAWA almost 13 years ago

Terence Mill wrote:

The "redmine tags plugin" works fine for that requests.

I cannot find "redmine tags plugin".
Do you mean "Tagging plugin"?

Actions #69

Updated by Aleksey Zapparov almost 13 years ago

That list of plugins is little bit outdated. The new one is
I believe Terence Mill was talking about: (on the plugins list it has little bit old version).

Actions #70

Updated by Terence Mill almost 13 years ago

Yes, exactly this plugin i meant.

Actions #71

Updated by Michael Hagmann almost 13 years ago

+1 Tagging would be incredibly useful

Actions #72

Updated by Xed Mada over 12 years ago

+1 I see native tagging as one of the only killer features left in Redmine. The power of folksonomy is quite staggering in systems like these.

Actions #73

Updated by Aleksey Timohin over 12 years ago


Actions #74

Updated by Terence Mill over 12 years ago


Actions #75

Updated by Jeff Pierson over 12 years ago


Actions #76

Updated by Jani Mähönen over 12 years ago


Global tags help linking stuff together.

Actions #77

Updated by Gleb Mazovetskiy over 12 years ago

Agreed. Currently I can't do categorize an issue as both SEO and performance, which is a bummer.

Actions #78

Updated by Assaf Lavie over 12 years ago

+2 ! :)
Really helps when searching doesn't really work (e.g. when people use different terms to describe the same problem).

Actions #79

Updated by Anthony Meugui over 12 years ago

+1 for me too

Actions #80

Updated by Levi Corcoran over 12 years ago

Another +1 .. I'll be testing out plugins for now, as a single category for issues is not sufficient for our needs - but unfortunately none of the tagging plugins seem particularly 'maintained', and this seems like a very valuable addition to the core. Is there any sort of plan or target version for this? I saw reference to tagging support planned for 1.3 here - I'm just not sure if there's any more recent information.

Actions #81

Updated by Hugo Zambotti about 12 years ago


Actions #82

Updated by Alex Bevilacqua about 12 years ago

Another +1 (a voting plugin on these issues would probably help reduce the number of +1 posts :P ... maybe #6945 ...)

Tagging functionality being rolled directly into Redmine would be beneficial for more two (2) reasons:

1) It's extremely useful and would make the core application a lot more flexible
2) It would allow plugin developers a unified way of offering this functionality in their extensions

The second point I think may be more important, because as it stands there are a number of plugins that "reinvent the wheel" in order to offer tagging support. This results in collisions, migration failures and other errors if two or more plugins that require tagging functionality are installed.

If this would be seriously considered, I'd also propose making tagging a function that can be extended to documents, wiki pages, news items ... etc. I'm sure there would need to be some considerations regarding permissions for visibility and filtration so I don't assume this is an easy solution ;)

Actions #84

Updated by Kelvin Chen about 12 years ago


Actions #85

Updated by David Prothero about 12 years ago


Actions #86

Updated by yac yac almost 12 years ago


Actions #87

Updated by Terence Mill almost 12 years ago


However there is a plugin which works on redmine 2.1

Actions #88

Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang almost 12 years ago

  • Status changed from 7 to New

Assigned issue with no assignee back to New status.

Actions #89

Updated by Stefan Kral over 11 years ago

this could also be a reasonable solution for #9306 and #1767

Actions #90

Updated by Matt Urch over 11 years ago


Actions #91

Updated by Mariusz Dalewski over 11 years ago


Actions #92

Updated by Michael Jurisch over 11 years ago


Actions #93

Updated by Maxime Vez about 11 years ago


this would be very usefull, and much mor flexible than categories or hierarchy. please, add it to the roadmap !

Actions #94

Updated by Egidijus Zideckas about 11 years ago

+1 from me too.

Actions #95

Updated by Miodrag Milic about 11 years ago


Actions #96

Updated by Anonymous about 11 years ago


Actions #97

Updated by Anonymous almost 11 years ago


Actions #98

Updated by Maciej Maczynski over 10 years ago

Used tags (or Custom Fields) with Bugzilla for years. And, honestly - this is one and only feature I had in Bugzilla and miss in Redmine.

Actions #99

Updated by mark kalender over 10 years ago

We use and have been very happy with the feature minus a few hicups.

Actions #100

Updated by Deoren Moor over 10 years ago


Actions #101

Updated by Maxime Vez over 10 years ago

Yes, +1 to add this to the roadmap. It would be very useful, and much more flexible than categories.

Actions #102

Updated by Navtej Bisla over 10 years ago

+1 - is it possible to collate all the tags that have been added

Actions #103

Updated by Oleh Lozynskyy almost 10 years ago

+1 or +2 :-)

this one looks also awesome:

Actions #104

Updated by Maxim Tolgobolsky over 9 years ago


Actions #105

Updated by txemi M over 9 years ago


I would love to use such a feature. I mean, many-to-many relation like tags, not a many-to-one relation like categories and versions in redmine. Often I have issues that need to be in more than one group and once you selected category or version you cannot include issue in other group. I would like something more flexible that I can use later for filtering and querying.

I have found these two plugins for this:


Not sure witch one is best, but I do not dare to use them as I use redmine ubuntu package for development team and plugin installation in redmine requires rake commands. It does not seem easy and unrisky. I am afraid I may break something in my redmine installation and I have already had integrity db problems with redmine in past. I would love plugin installation was in redmine as easy as other products (jenkins...)

I would love to use this feature.

Actions #106

Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU over 8 years ago works with latest Redmine versions.

If the Redmine contributors are interested to add the tags functionally to issues and wiki pages, we can provide a patch that integrates the redmine_tags plugin into Redmine core (I'm one of the plugin maintainers).

Actions #107

Updated by Yar n over 8 years ago

Marius BALTEANU, also works with latest redmine.

and yes,
i would be great to support tags "out of the box".

Actions #108

Updated by Alessandro Zucchi over 8 years ago


Actions #109

Updated by Dong Wang about 8 years ago


Actions #110

Updated by Tom Morris about 8 years ago

+1 - it'd be great to have tags available in the default install without having to install plugins

Actions #111

Updated by Florian Riedel almost 8 years ago


Actions #112

Updated by Fabrício Noda over 7 years ago


Actions #113

Updated by Yuuki NARA about 7 years ago

I would like to use multiple tags, including subprojects.
I want to set the color of each tag.

Actions #114

Updated by John Wang over 6 years ago


Out-of-box tags will be a killing feature!

Actions #115

Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU about 6 years ago

I've started work on adding the tag functionality to Redmine based on the plugin (to which I've contributed in the last 2 years).

My plan is to add in a first phase a simple tagging feature to issues and after the functionality is approved/added to the core, to extend it to other entities (e.g. wiki, projects), propose all other features (e.g.: bulk edit tags, colored tags) offered by the mentioned plugin and more.

This first phase consists of two patches:
1. Add tags to issues (the core functionality)
  • add/remove tags
  • show tags on issue page
  • filter issues after tags
  • tags as column in issues list
  • export tags (pdf, csv)

This patch is ready and can be tested using the attached patch. I'm wondering if we should have a permission to manage tags (from my point of view, the edit issue permission is enough) or if something else is missing and it should be in this first phase.

2. Add a JS library to handle the tags in the UI (including autocomplete)
In the attached patch I propose Selectize.js because I know that Jean-Philippe Lang prefers to not add Select2 to the core and tag-it.js library (used by the plugin) is no longer maintained. The patch is not ready, but I would like to confirm first that I can use this library (other proposals are welcome) and if it should be configurable from which projects should the autocomplete propose the tags (From all projects, From project tree, From project hierarchy, From subprojects).

This feature is one of the most awaited features, it is ranked as no 1 in the tickets vote count list(2019/12/22), it has more than 120 watchers (80 from this issue and 45 from #2897), multiple comments and related issues. Also, plugins can benefit if the tagging feature it'll be part of the core. I would love to work on this and deliver it in the next version after Redmine 4.0.0 (which is almost ready).

Actions #116

Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU about 6 years ago

  • File deleted (0002-Add-selectize.js-library-to-handle-the-tags-in-UI.patch)
Actions #118

Updated by Akipii Oga about 6 years ago

This patch is a feature the user has been longing for.
Thank you, Marius BALTEANU!

Actions #119

Updated by Bernhard Rohloff about 6 years ago

I've successfully applied the patch.



As issue attribute

Actions #120

Updated by Yuuki NARA about 6 years ago

I agree with adding tagging functionality to the Redmine core.

However, I am worried whether it will conflict with knowledgebase-plugin which uses the same tag function.

Using redmine_tags-Plugin and Knowledgebase-Plugin at the same time fails with DB migration.
I would like to use the tag function of Redmine-core and Knowledgebase-Plugin at the same time.

= 20130513154700 AddTagsAndTaggings: migrating ===============================
rake aborted!
StandardError: An error has occurred, all later migrations canceled:

A plugin is already using the "tags" or "taggings" tables, and
the structure of the table does not match the structure expected
by redmine_knowledgebase.
Actions #121

Updated by Go MAEDA about 6 years ago

Yuuki NARA wrote:

Using redmine_tags-Plugin and Knowledgebase-Plugin at the same time fails with DB migration.
I would like to use the tag function of Redmine-core and Knowledgebase-Plugin at the same time.

I think such conflicts should be addressed by plugins. There are numerous plugins in the world. It is impossible for us to take them into account.

Actions #122

Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU about 6 years ago

Go MAEDA wrote:

Yuuki NARA wrote:

Using redmine_tags-Plugin and Knowledgebase-Plugin at the same time fails with DB migration.
I would like to use the tag function of Redmine-core and Knowledgebase-Plugin at the same time.

I think such conflicts should be addressed by plugins. There are numerous plugins in the world. It is impossible for us to take them into account.

I agree. What we can do as extra step is to ensure that the migrations work if you had the redmine_tags plugin installed. I'll check this scenario this weekend.

Actions #123

Updated by Yuuki NARA about 6 years ago

Go MAEDA,Marius BALTEANU ,thanks for your comments.

I agree with the following two points.

It is necessary for plugin to fix plugin due to Redmine version upgrade.
It is beneficial to Redmine users to integrate redmine_tags in the Redmine core.

However, many people use Redmine_knowledgebase plugin.

Redmine_knowledgebase has twice as many users as redmine_tags users. (Watchers, stars)
It is not a small number,and it has been used for a long period of 8 years. 69 watchers,365 stars,163 forks,since 2010 27 watchers,158 stars,107 forks,since 2010

I hope that Redmine-core developers, Redmine-plugin developers and Redmine-users will be able to cooperate and efficiently perform the necessary work.

Actions #124

Updated by Alex Bevilacqua about 6 years ago

Yuuki NARA wrote:

Go MAEDA,Marius BALTEANU ,thanks for your comments.

I agree with the following two points.

It is necessary for plugin to fix plugin due to Redmine version upgrade.
It is beneficial to Redmine users to integrate redmine_tags in the Redmine core.

However, many people use Redmine_knowledgebase plugin.

Redmine_knowledgebase has twice as many users as redmine_tags users. (Watchers, stars)
It is not a small number,and it has been used for a long period of 8 years. 69 watchers,365 stars,163 forks,since 2010 27 watchers,158 stars,107 forks,since 2010

I hope that Redmine-core developers, Redmine-plugin developers and Redmine-users will be able to cooperate and efficiently perform the necessary work.

As the original author of the knowledgebase plugin I'm wholeheartedly in support of this (as per the comment at #1448#note-82 :P).

The lack of internal tagging has been a bane on not just my plugin, but many other plugins (including I believe the Redmine CRM plugin, which doesn't have public usage details). I have not been active in the Redmine community for a number of years, but would be happy to help with developing a migration plan for the built in tagging functionality.

I agree the responsibility should ultimately fall on the plugin authors, but a singular migration strategy for anyone that's based their features on acts-as-taggable-on may help get existing plugins updated faster.

Actions #125

Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU about 6 years ago

Indeed, the migrations from my first patch (which are the default ones generated by acts-as-taggable-on gem) do not work if you have the redmine_tags plugin already installed.

I'm attaching a new patch that merges the migrations in less files and adds also checks on create_table/add_index actions in order to fix the migrations.

I made the following tests and everything looks good:
1. Current trunk with redmine_tags installed + all three patches: rake db:migrate ran successfully.
2. Compared the tables generated by

current trunk + first two patches: View tables

current trunk + all three patches: View tables

and are the same.

Also, I've set the migrations version to 4.2 in order to preserve the type of id column to int instead of big int (default behaviour in Rails 5). Maybe we will handle this change to all Redmine tables in another ticket.

Alexander Sieb Bevilacqua, should I open a ticket on GitHub to test the compatibility between these patches and your plugin? Also, if you have a better idea about how we should handle these migrations, please let me know.

Actions #126

Updated by Alex Bevilacqua about 6 years ago

Marius BALTEANU wrote:

Alexander Sieb Bevilacqua, should I open a ticket on GitHub to test the compatibility between these patches and your plugin? Also, if you have a better idea about how we should handle these migrations, please let me know.

I've linked your comment to an existing issue ( I'll see if I can slot in some time to get this tested. Even though I'm no longer an active maintainer, I'd like to see this resolved as it really has been a pain in my ass for the better part of a decade :P

Actions #127

Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU about 6 years ago

Alex Bevilacqua wrote:

I've linked your comment to an existing issue ( I'll see if I can slot in some time to get this tested. Even though I'm no longer an active maintainer, I'd like to see this resolved as it really has been a pain in my ass for the better part of a decade :P

Thanks, I've subscribed to the issue. Hopefully we'll see this integrated soon.

Actions #128

Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU about 6 years ago

  • Related to Feature #29663: Select a JavaScript library to handle tags added
Actions #129

Updated by Dan Untenzu over 5 years ago

I've linked your comment to an existing issue (

Both tickets seems to wait for each other now. Any news about this nice feature?

Actions #130

Updated by Taine Woo over 5 years ago

Dan Untenzu wrote:

I've linked your comment to an existing issue (

Both tickets seems to wait for each other now. Any news about this nice feature?

Yes... i'm waiting for this great feature to become a core feature of Redmine.

Actions #131

Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU about 5 years ago

Updated the patch to apply cleanly on the current trunk.

Actions #132

Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU about 5 years ago

  • Target version set to Candidate for next major release

I would like to discuss this for the next major release, it is one of the most requested feature.

Actions #133

Updated by Rafael B. almost 5 years ago

It would be great to have tags as a core feature of Redmine.

Actions #134

Updated by Mikhail Oleynik almost 5 years ago

Can't wait for this feature in core!

There is a free version of commercial plugin:
But it is so far from being good... For example there is no way to setup per-project tags. There is now way to enable tags usage for just some project. Sometimes it breaks "edit issue" form. And so on.

Actions #135

Updated by Nikaola Piterskii over 4 years ago

Any chance of adding this functionality?

Actions #136

Updated by Phil Brooke over 4 years ago

Is there a patch set which applies against 4.1.1? A simplistic attempt had some hunks fail to apply.

Actions #137

Updated by txemi M over 3 years ago

In case it is useful for anyone; after waiting a lot of years for this in mainstream: I achieved this with Custon field key/value list in a way is quite satifactory for me.
  • It can be defined globally and used in more than once project (categories for instance are defined locally to project)
  • Being key/value list "labels/tags" can be renamed after creation; other custom fields require a lot of work on issues for renaming. You can use any text knowing that you can change it easely.
  • Each issue can have more than one "label/tag" as expected. This is, M:N or many-to-many relations, I think the biggest problem that solves tags/labels, and in redmine no other field has this with the exception of issue-to-issue relations, that is not what we want in many use cases, so this is why tags/labels are missed so much in redmine.
  • It is in mainstream branch so available on any recent redmine installation.
  • You can repeat this several times, having more than one group of labels.
  • You can filter issues easily by active tag.
What you can't do anyway:
  • Use this labels for sorting. (minor issue, it would be nice and it is easy to implement, now yo can use an extra numeric custom field for this).
  • Labels must be defined by administrator by it is not a problem for my use cases.
Actions #138

Updated by Sam XIAO over 3 years ago


Actions #139

Updated by Ben Blanco about 3 years ago

FWIW -- the following plugin is a nice solution while we wait for native tags.

Actions #140

Updated by Adrien Crivelli almost 2 years ago

Marius Ionescu, you've worked hard on this in the past. Do you have any news on this ? or did the whole thing staled ?

Actions #141

Updated by Jaap de Haan over 1 year ago

Ben Blanco wrote in #note-139:

FWIW -- the following plugin is a nice solution while we wait for native tags.

This is right up to the fact that it requires another plugin which integrates so many things that I feel uncomfortable with the security and end up with many incompatibilities with other plugins...

Actions #142

Updated by pasquale [:dedalus] 11 months ago

Marius BĂLTEANU wrote in #note-132:

I would like to discuss this for the next major release, it is one of the most requested feature.

I agree that this is one of the most requested feature. Is it possible in your opinion to foresee a release in version 6.0 or better in 5.1.x?

Actions #143

Updated by tomy shen 7 months ago

Jaap de Haan wrote in #note-141:

Ben Blanco wrote in #note-139:

FWIW -- the following plugin is a nice solution while we wait for native tags.

This is right up to the fact that it requires another plugin which integrates so many things that I feel uncomfortable with the security and end up with many incompatibilities with other plugins...

As you mentioned, some plug-ins of alphanodes and redmineup are incompatible, which is very troublesome. The plug-ins are used as a means of more choices, rather than forcing users to choose sides.

So I'd love to know if the development team is willing to put tags into the core...

Actions #144

Updated by Alexander Abramov 7 months ago

Meanwhile redmine_tags plugin has been updated by me to be compatible with Redmine 5.x along with Redmine 4.x
You can look at my repo
I've finally switched my own Redmine installation from 4.2 to 5.1 branch, so here it is.

Actions #145

Updated by Vincent Robert 7 months ago

Alexander Abramov wrote in #note-144:

Meanwhile redmine_tags plugin has been updated by me to be compatible with Redmine 5.x along with Redmine 4.x

Great job Alexander! Thank you for this plugin, and this update.

Actions #146

Updated by Kouhei Sutou 4 months ago

We're developing fast full text search plugin for Redmine:

If Redmine provides the standard tag system, we can support it. How can we proceed this? What is the current blocker?


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